Whats The Point?


Apr 26, 2014
What's the point of having an open forum if only certain opinions are allowed & others are quickly deleted? Do we live in a censored state? I don't get it. I've seen shit being slung with no problem, & other shit being immediately deleted. This forum is going to end up being a farce if this censorship continues. Mods, just because you don't agree with a post, it doesn't mean it is invalid & should be deleted.
I saw that comment. You know the rules here !!!!

Please Grandsolo, less pro City comments, it is wrong.

You surely understand by now (having recieved "the education" here) that CFG purely bought NYCFC to compete with and ridicule MCFC.

Shhhhhh, dont upset the luvvies in Red.....
I've told you before and I'll tell you again. If you want to continue to push your agenda and views on others and hijack their threads and go against our TOS your posts will be deleted. I'm a MCFC fan myself but that's not why I made this forum. It's what brought me here but it's not what keeps me interested in the club. If you can't get past the fact that not everyone likes MCFC and that we here HAVE to serve NYCFC and all fans then go to another site. ALL you want to talk about is MCFC. You're on the wrong forum dude
You're not the only one who had their reply deleted. The thread went off topic and the OP even asked to have it closed. Come on dude. Quit playing victim and post where applicable.
The fact that we try to maintain structure and civility here has nothing to do with you being censored. Post in the appropriate threads and sections and stay within our TOS and you'll be left alone like 99% of the people that post here.
I have google analytics and I get information on inbound links. Some of them from Blue Moon and the stuff some of you guys post on there about us gets laughed at by the supporters there. Most of them don't give a shit and realize we are our own club and the ones that do care don't care enough to come here and push their MCFC bible on the supporters here. They grasp that this is a different country and a different supporters culture and leave it at that. So are you here because you get laughed at there or are you here because you're trying to contribute to the growth of our club and our forums?
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grandsolo grandsolo, just to reiterate what Dan said, you're missing the point. We're not moderating people's opinions, we're moderating the language they choose to use. If you want to hate other clubs then fine, go for it, but if you actively throw insults around aimed at foreign teams, where many of our members may well support that team, we have to step in because this is what causes the arguments which have been so disruptive to this forum in the past and which have threatened to tear the community in two. If we see people openly haranguing MCFC in the language which was used in the posts deleted earlier, we will delete that stuff too, but the thing is it hasn't really happened. Sure, people have argued for MCFC's influence to be clamped down on in the supporter culture of NYCFC, but I haven't actively seen anyone saying anything like "Manchester City is a piece of sh*t club", which is the kind of things (except aimed at United) which we were deleting from the other thread earlier today.

By all means let other users know that you don't like certain other clubs, but do it civilly and don't resort to insulting language or the thread will turn into a flamewar and we will be forced to step in.
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You're not the only one who had their reply deleted. The thread went off topic and the OP even asked to have it closed. Come on dude. Quit playing victim and post where applicable.
The fact that we try to maintain structure and civility here has nothing to do with you being censored. Post in the appropriate threads and sections and stay within our TOS and you'll be left alone like 99% of the people that post here.
I have google analytics and I get information on inbound links. Some of them from Blue Moon and the stuff some of you guys post on there about us gets laughed at by the supporters there. Most of them don't give a shit and realize we are our own club and the ones that do care don't care enough to come here and push their MCFC bible on the supporters here. They grasp that this is a different country and a different supporters culture and leave it at that. So are you here because you get laughed at there or are you here because you're trying to contribute to the growth of our club and our forums?

Cant speak for Grandsolo Dan but I can for myself.
Yes it was probably me that started the interest from Bluemoon, yes it was me that really struggled with the concept of some of the anti MCFC bile that (at that time) some people spouted.

After hanging around the forum I got my head around what you / CFG were trying to achieve.

I even got to accepting that United fans were going to follow NYCFC, and saw long term advantages in that.

I pointed out that the OP had suggested a song that was a United song and asked that the community did not accept that.
Many posters on the forum have said that New York should not take the lead from anyone (fair enough) so I asked that the lead was not taken from them.
I do not believe that is pushing the MCFC bible as you put it.
I will continue to contribute to your forum. I will try to watch NYCFC both live a couple of times a season, and on TV when possible. I will support NYCFC as many of your supporters do EPL sides. The local club comes first the other follows. The local club is owned by the Group (one way or another) as are the others including NYCFC, so there is an attachment.
I will also continue to point out when (I believe) a suggestion is wrong for the club or group.
In this case I posted a perfectly polite reply which (eventually) was met with

"Honestly, domestic league championships have been mostly won by a shit midtable team from outside of Manchester. We should distance ourselves from that and avoid winning MLS Cup at all costs.
While we are at it, since that team plays soccer, I think NYCFC should play a different sport, maybe cricket or something."

and (from the OP) @Buckley

i think that a bunch of you forget this is a NEW YORK club and that we don't fucking live in england"

Now I did not rise to that either (must be mellowing in my old age)

But there are obvious answers that I could give. But I didn't and out of respect for the majority New Yorkers.

But in this instance, if you read the thread again, I think you will find the aggressors were actually not us MCFC fans but actually one or two others who refuse to compromise.

I know I have compromised my view....... but never in relation to the scum

As for my answers in this thread, it is sarcastic humor, sometimes known as black or gallows humor over here, which I shared with grandsolo grandsolo It is not a complete dig at everyone on the site.
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I have no problem with how you approached it but you have to realize that members here and fans of NYCFC in general are sick and tired of the MCFC agenda.
To each their own, that's the best way to approach the situation.
We cleaned up as much as we could and it continued to steam roll and we locked the thread. We represent the club here and we can't allow a flame war to develop in every thread.
There are plenty of MCFC threads in here (football discussion) that aren't met with any malice and the same goes for other teams. That's because they're appropriately placed and don't ask for trouble. Even your MCFC jersey thread was a pleasant discussion thread because it was made with good intent.
So no we don't have bias towards other clubs. Just moderate as need be according to our TOS.
I really don't want the agenda argument again, there is not one.
I believe I have contributed positively, and not every post is Man City related.
The fact that my views will naturally have a City bias will not change, though I have been careful to temper them.

I do not think that pointing out to someone who may or may not be aware that a "song" goes against what I believe in is not a City agenda. Plenty of people put the View that you want to be Unique and not take anyones lead anyway.

I will often relate replies to the CFG, because no matter how community based MCFC or NYCFC are the fact is it is CFG owned and the business will be ran in a "best for the group" manner. Again this is not a pro City agenda, this is a fact of life that is as new to me as it is to you guys.

Hating Manchester United is no more a pro City agenda (though its roots are admittedly there) than hating Cosmos or Red Bulls is a Pro NYCFC agenda.

It is far from my mission to stop United related things happening in New York but I will voice against them in a positive argument. As you guys do not want City inflicted upon you, I (and most existing City fans) will accept that but draw the line at any United influence creeping into the group. The last thing we want is to give them ammo to throw back at us, we had that shit for 35 + years.
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grandsolo grandsolo, just to reiterate what Dan said, you're missing the point. We're not moderating people's opinions, we're moderating the language they choose to use. If you want to hate other clubs then fine, go for it, but if you actively throw insults around aimed at foreign teams, where many of our members may well support that team, we have to step in because this is what causes the arguments which have been so disruptive to this forum in the past and which have threatened to tear the community in two. If we see people openly haranguing MCFC in the language which was used in the posts deleted earlier, we will delete that stuff too, but the thing is it hasn't really happened. Sure, people have argued for MCFC's influence to be clamped down on in the supporter culture of NYCFC, but I haven't actively seen anyone saying anything like "Manchester City is a piece of sh*t club", which is the kind of things (except aimed at United) which we were deleting from the other thread earlier today.

By all means let other users know that you don't like certain other clubs, but do it civilly and don't resort to insulting language or the thread will turn into a flamewar and we will be forced to step in.

But the following language is deemed acceptable:
i think that a bunch of you forget this is a NEW YORK club and that we don't fucking live in england"
But the following language is deemed acceptable:
i think that a bunch of you forget this is a NEW YORK club and that we don't fucking live in england"

Yes it is, because it doesn't actively demean any other club. Swearing is not the same as insulting. We are perfectly happy to allow users to swear on the forum. What we are not happy to let them do is write inflammatory comments about other teams.
Yes it is, because it doesn't actively demean any other club. Swearing is not the same as insulting. We are perfectly happy to allow users to swear on the forum. What we are not happy to let them do is write inflammatory comments about other teams.

I don't think we should care what a team in another league thinks, I believe this song is a good idea = Not inflamatory
WHO GIVES A FUCK etc is inflamatory.
If the boot was on the other foot the reprimand would have been swift.

Are you trying to tell me the next time a New Yorker disagrees with an MCFC point of view the reply can start WHO GIVES A FUCK.... OK point noted...... (And I am not looking to fight, I merely point this out in response to your argument as on this occasion I genuinely do not accept Grandsolo was the aggressor.
I don't think we should care what a team in another league thinks, I believe this song is a good idea = Not inflamatory
WHO GIVES A FUCK etc is inflamatory.
If the boot was on the other foot the reprimand would have been swift.

Are you trying to tell me the next time a New Yorker disagrees with an MCFC point of view the reply can start WHO GIVES A FUCK.... OK point noted...... (And I am not looking to fight, I merely point this out in response to your argument as on this occasion I genuinely do not accept Grandsolo was the aggressor.
If you remove any instances of FUCK in Buckley's statement it doesn't change the meaning. He's using colorful language as emphasis. Grandsolo flatout belittled an entire subset of people.

Fuck this. This shit sucks. My Ass hurts. They are all fine.

Fuck you. You piece of shit. Kiss my ass rag. Not fine.
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I don't think we should care what a team in another league thinks, I believe this song is a good idea = Not inflamatory
WHO GIVES A FUCK etc is inflamatory.
If the boot was on the other foot the reprimand would have been swift.

Are you trying to tell me the next time a New Yorker disagrees with an MCFC point of view the reply can start WHO GIVES A FUCK.... OK point noted......

As einwindir says, it's not the fact that swear words were used or that the tone was aggressive. Neither was it the team involved that we objected to. What Buckley was saying - in a tone I interpreted more as frustration than anything else, incidentally - was that he didn't see why a song being connected to another club should stop us from using it. If he wants to say that, then fine. If you want to object, fine. If either of you want to use swear words to emphasise your point, fine. Just don't resort to actually slagging off any of the teams involved when you do so (or other users, for that matter) as that is what starts flamewars on the forum.

(And I am not looking to fight, I merely point this out in response to your argument as on this occasion I genuinely do not accept Grandsolo was the aggressor.

You're right. Tensions had been building in that thread before grandsolo posted. He was not the "aggressor". However, previous posts had not broken any of our forum guidelines, whereas GS' replies did. Perhaps if we'd seen the thread erupting earlier there could've been a post warning all parties, not just GS, to calm it down but we didn't have that luxury.
grandsolo grandsolo, just to reiterate what Dan said, you're missing the point. We're not moderating people's opinions, we're moderating the language they choose to use. If you want to hate other clubs then fine, go for it, but if you actively throw insults around aimed at foreign teams, where many of our members may well support that team, we have to step in because this is what causes the arguments which have been so disruptive to this forum in the past and which have threatened to tear the community in two. If we see people openly haranguing MCFC in the language which was used in the posts deleted earlier, we will delete that stuff too, but the thing is it hasn't really happened. Sure, people have argued for MCFC's influence to be clamped down on in the supporter culture of NYCFC, but I haven't actively seen anyone saying anything like "Manchester City is a piece of sh*t club", which is the kind of things (except aimed at United) which we were deleting from the other thread earlier today.

By all means let other users know that you don't like certain other clubs, but do it civilly and don't resort to insulting language or the thread will turn into a flamewar and we will be forced to step in.

Having been born in a Banana Republic, I am for free speech. My family emigrated when I was a child, yet I still remember the fear when ever there was a Coupe De' Etat, we all lived in fear. Parents were afraid to send their children to school and no lights turned on, at nightfall only a candle. You never knew if your father would be dragged out of bed in the middle of the night to be beaten up because of some supposedly comment against the government. This is still happening in many parts of the world, this is why I love the United States. We can speak our mind , however I also believe we can agree to disagree with out the use of foul language. Lets all be classy especially in our football Club with such a fancy name New York City Football Club! VIVA FREEDOM OF SPEECH!