2022 Schedule Thread

The best bagels is local. Find yourself a good bagel place in your neighborhood and don’t worry about some “better” shit across the city.
Agree with this. Also, when ordering, ask what's hot. Fresh out of the oven bagel > bagel with your fave toppings. (Unless it's blueberry or some shit like that. Abominations.)
The best bagels is local. Find yourself a good bagel place in your neighborhood and don’t worry about some “better” shit across the city.
Even how local matters. I absolutely love the bagel spot closest to me, Bagel Bob’s (what a fantastic name for a bagel shop) and will almost always go there even though there’s a place I like better that’s a 10-15 minute walk away.
Please leave.
The only bagel… there was when(where) I was growing up. Literally.
Ya’ll know I’m joking right.
My first real bagel was H&H on the upper west side in the second half of the 90’s. Late at night, fresh out of the oven. I thought I had visited Mecca. (That’s kind of a weird analogy)
I would buy a dozen and take back to PA on holidays. And yes, it made me realize that the “bagels” (lenders) I grew up with were in a sense a crime against the sacred realm of the bagel.
Soooo attendance will be like 500? And most will be LAG or LAFC fans?