Authentic Jersey

Everyone make sure you check every number since they repeated some pics. Saw some photos on up to 4 different numbers. I made it onto 2.
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I found myself in the 3, 5 times! And once in the 4. I'm assuming they didn't get enough mug-shots??
Everyone make sure you check every number since they repeated some pics. Saw some photos on up to 4 different numbers. I made it onto 2.
Link to check? I didn't see anything in the email.
Man. I wish I would have followed through with sending my pic in. I kind of want this...

I think NYCFC did a bad job of pestering folks enough to go through with it. Had I done it, I almost certainly would be rationalizing my third jersey purchase right now
Finally found myself on the 3, somewhere other than where I think I signed up for. Still seems weird they didn't tag the photos so you could search for yourself.
Can't remember if I sent my pic in. Have no desire to have it on a number. But I think it would make an interesting premise for a novel if I found my brother's/wife's/insert relation here picture who had been dead for three years.
Got a long sleeve Pirlo with the custom numbers. The day it's retired, it's perfect for a frame. Gorgeous.
N0t sure if this is news but I just called Upper 90 and they said they're not getting any more authentics, nor is anyone else this year according to them.
I think the second shipment of Authentics was sent out in mid-late July. Better jump on it ASAP. has a bunch.