Away - 3/31 San Jose

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Why are we the babies, Rox? That's basically along the lines of Man City Lite.

Nobody is obligated to use the term. I like it and will use it for myself.

Additionally, there's nothing wrong with being a baby. We are in fact babies. MCFC is in fact our "big brother". MCFC is in fact MUCH better than we are. Babies grow up. :baby::boy::man:
Nobody is obligated to use the term. I like it and will use it for myself.

Additionally, there's nothing wrong with being a baby. We are in fact babies. MCFC is in fact our "big brother". MCFC is in fact MUCH better than we are. Babies grow up. :baby::boy::man:

I refer to Man City and the rest of CFG clubs as sister clubs, like planes and ships which are referred to as female.
Sweat was sick. I don't know if he traveled. But it's possible he had strep throat and this is a NOTHING burger
Avaya Stadium

Referee: Armando Villarreal
AR1: Ian Anderson
AR2: Brian Poeschel
4th: Alejandro Mariscal
VAR: Younes Marrakchi
Wow. You know PV has a plan for how to deal with double injuries at LB, but the question is how sound it really is. Maybe we shift a RB over to LB. Maybe a mid like Awuah or a CB can move there. Maybe its a total formation change (seems less likely). Hopefully, we don't have to find out.

This is why a guy like RJ Allen can be valuable despite his limitations. He versatility was useful in these circumstances.

Awuah is also a LB, was noted as a mid and a LB when drafted and has played both in preseason.
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