Foreign Dp's For Nycfc

It's actually quite fascinating how much royal oil money has flowed out of the gulf for that exact purpose. Everyone with a brain saw just what happened to the Shah and then promptly begain buying insurance, aka properties and assets, in the west in case something happens.

A Saudi just bought the $80M+ penthouse at 432 Park Avenue, designed after a garbage can
They actually don't give two shits about our operating losses for rather longer than that. A strong part of the reason we exist, with the current ownership group, is to help Manchester City avoid financial fair play rules.

While I'm basically taking a wild ass guess, I would wager that a fair proportion of ManCity's scouts are technically employed by the NYCFC corporate structure. I'd imagine some analysts/accountants ectera are actually paid by us. Basically take anyone that can be reasonably paid by us and still contribute to work in the uk and give them a nice lateral move in the corporate ladder.

I can see $2mm to $3mm worth of operating expenses, that could be shuffled off, that even a forensic accountant couldn't screw you over on, as long as everyone sticks to the party line.

But this is really just icing on the fact that CFG just grabbed themselves a relegation proof team in the fastest growing league in the world, a league that also happens to have the highest overall potential in the world.

We are a long term strategic investment.

Additionally we are a sellable asset on the off chance that the crazies take over the UAE. Think Roman Abromovitch and Chelsea, half the reason Abromovitch owns Chelsea is to buy protection from interesting Russian politics. And if that fails, then Abromovitch has a sellable asset that lets him stay a billionaire after fleeing Russia.

It's actually quite fascinating how much royal oil money has flowed out of the gulf for that exact purpose. Everyone with a brain saw just what happened to the Shah and then promptly begain buying insurance, aka properties and assets, in the west in case something happens.
But couldn't all of those job descriptions also be contained under the official CFG umbrella and not either MCFC or NYCFC?
But couldn't all of those job descriptions also be contained under the official CFG umbrella and not either MCFC or NYCFC?

Not an expert on financial fair play rules, but I can easily see that kind of corporate structure/loophole being considered and closed before the rules were finalized.

The point of FFP was to make sure clubs wouldn't go bankrupt, allowing clubs to hide millions in spending though a really simple corporate structuring does not sound like it's in the spirit the rules were written in. Now if you own a club in a league without FFP, and have all your scouts working for that club in a non UEFA league, FFP can't count. Trying to punish one subsidiary over the actions of a different subsidiary in a different country is a legal mess/shitshow. UEFA might loose that court battle and be very much weakened because of it.
Not an expert on financial fair play rules, but I can easily see that kind of corporate structure/loophole being considered and closed before the rules were finalized.

The point of FFP was to make sure clubs wouldn't go bankrupt, allowing clubs to hide millions in spending though a really simple corporate structuring does not sound like it's in the spirit the rules were written in. Now if you own a club in a league without FFP, and have all your scouts working for that club in a non UEFA league, FFP can't count. Trying to punish one subsidiary over the actions of a different subsidiary in a different country is a legal mess/shitshow. UEFA might loose that court battle and be very much weakened because of it.

I'm relatively open to the idea that CFG might be being used creatively, but I honestly don't think this in particular is the case. Aside from anything, UEFA inserted a cover-all clause in FFP saying that if they don't think that the accounts look right - mainly if they think that a sponsorship or transfer fee was arranged too high in order to pad a team's bank account, but technically for any reason they so choose - they can simply alter the accounts to suit their own version of the events. Alternatively, if they think that a totally unfair income stream is in place, they can accuse the club of fiddling the books and simply order them to write it out of the accounts full stop.

This is what happened originally when CFG tried to arrange for NYCFC to pay a fee to MCFC for scouting services. Considering this stuff has already happened, I'm not sure UEFA would fall for a whole load of staff simply disappearing off the account books and turning up under another club's name. I'm pretty sure they would have a system in place to ensure that all staff who do a job at the club are recorded in the accounts at their full salaries, and if they don't think it's happening I'm sure they wouldn't bat an eyelid at simply amending the accounts to show what they think the salaries should be. I can't see that UEFA would treat it any differently if they found MCFC were employing staff under NYCFC's name than if, say, Inter Milan were to suddenly reveal that all of their staff are actually temps working for La Tempa Footballissima and Inter are paying a grandiose €1 per staff member a month as a fee, say, and I'm sure that the second example would've been one of the first ideas many clubs had for evading the rules. Either way is cooking the books to hide costs.

As for a possible legal battle - well, there was a court case over whether FFP is anti-competitive under EU law a year ago (it got thrown out by the EU Supreme Court) but I don't think you can challenge UEFA in court over their particular application of the rules. Apart from anything, if you do then you spend several years in court only to have one line of a rule book crossed out, and then two days later a slightly different rule with the same gist gets written back in, which it will take a further three years to challenge again. In practice, you challenge either the full application of the rules (and for that, you need a much stronger case) or you don't challenge at all. It's worth noting that MCFC have taken legal advice on FFP a few times now, but have never felt confident enough to actually take action...
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Not an expert on financial fair play rules, but I can easily see that kind of corporate structure/loophole being considered and closed before the rules were finalized.

The point of FFP was to make sure clubs wouldn't go bankrupt, allowing clubs to hide millions in spending though a really simple corporate structuring does not sound like it's in the spirit the rules were written in. Now if you own a club in a league without FFP, and have all your scouts working for that club in a non UEFA league, FFP can't count. Trying to punish one subsidiary over the actions of a different subsidiary in a different country is a legal mess/shitshow. UEFA might loose that court battle and be very much weakened because of it.

The whole point of FFP was to stop Manchester City. Anyone who denies that is a liar!! It is no surprise that now we can't be omitted from the UCL that they have now changed the rules to suit the UEFA cartel like Milan, Inter etc

UEFA are more corrupt than FIFA!!