They actually don't give two shits about our operating losses for rather longer than that. A strong part of the reason we exist, with the current ownership group, is to help Manchester City avoid financial fair play rules.
While I'm basically taking a wild ass guess, I would wager that a fair proportion of ManCity's scouts are technically employed by the NYCFC corporate structure. I'd imagine some analysts/accountants ectera are actually paid by us. Basically take anyone that can be reasonably paid by us and still contribute to work in the uk and give them a nice lateral move in the corporate ladder.
I can see $2mm to $3mm worth of operating expenses, that could be shuffled off, that even a forensic accountant couldn't screw you over on, as long as everyone sticks to the party line.
But this is really just icing on the fact that CFG just grabbed themselves a relegation proof team in the fastest growing league in the world, a league that also happens to have the highest overall potential in the world.
We are a long term strategic investment.
Additionally we are a sellable asset on the off chance that the crazies take over the UAE. Think Roman Abromovitch and Chelsea, half the reason Abromovitch owns Chelsea is to buy protection from interesting Russian politics. And if that fails, then Abromovitch has a sellable asset that lets him stay a billionaire after fleeing Russia.
It's actually quite fascinating how much royal oil money has flowed out of the gulf for that exact purpose. Everyone with a brain saw just what happened to the Shah and then promptly begain buying insurance, aka properties and assets, in the west in case something happens.