Frank Lampard Loan Extension

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Forza Roma
Have you really got nothing Better to do, than come on a NYCFC forum, and spout shit about a crappy team that is not in any way part of this discussion..... Tell me what Roma has to do with Frank Lampards Loan Extension and I will say you are correct to post here.... Before you start on your bile in regard to MCFC, remember NYCFC, CITY and Lampard are related.... Roma merely play the same sport

Don't worry. City's time in CL is done after next week.

Whether it is or isnt it wont affect the timing of Lampards actual date to NYCFC

We feel the same as you. I can't wait until the day MCFC decides to divest themselves of New York City FC. Then, and only then it seems, will NYC have a team of their own. Becuase right now, the club, and people like you, make this feel like Manchester City West.

Have you finished your foot stamping temper tantrum yet.
You sound like a kid who is not going to get his own way....
Where are those pacifiers !!!!

Always soft drink firms, or Cosmos to support, you do not have to follow anyone you dont want to you know
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I think it is wrong to derail this thread with a MCFC Everton debate.... Didn't you start one somewhere else where you can continue to sling your mud at anything Man City related.... perhaps we should play on there

I didn't start the other thread, and I definitely haven't been nearly as vehement in the mud slinging department as some, but you're right no point in derailing the tread over some shockingly bad refereeing.
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@Ahab_Flanders is right. Just because Man City, much like Liverpool, only survives thanks to silly Penalty calls, doesn't give us a reason to hijack this thread.

Let's get back to the real issue here. Man City fans think NYCFC isn't it's equal in this relationship.
@Ahab_Flanders is right. Just because Man City, much like Liverpool, only survives thanks to silly Penalty calls, doesn't give us a reason to hijack this thread.

Let's get back to the real issue here. Man City fans think NYCFC isn't it's equal in this relationship.

No this is a Frank Lampard Loan Extension thread, please start one on the topic you suggest and we will argue that point seperately.... and it is a point that I will relish debating with you
For crying out loud. I go away for one day and I come back to find the forum is burning down. We've had this argument a lot of times and you all know exactly how this works, and you all know full well that it's a contentious issue where very few of us agree. This is an argument that inflames opinions and messes up the fragile peace that reigns here, and it's an argument where all of the good points have been exhausted a long time ago.

Now, I'm well aware that, unlike other places this argument has broken out, MCFC does have relevance to this topic and I'm not going to stop people from bringing it up here. All discussion of which club is more important in CFG has got to stop, though, and if it gets brought up again in this thread, I'm just going to delete the post that it's in, regardless of the other content removed, because I have better things to do than this every week. Come to think of it, if this argument starts springing up in other threads you can expect it to happen there, too.

Posts along the lines of "I hope Roma win on Wednesday" have to stop too. That's just baiting City fans for a response and it's helping nothing.

Now, I don't like arbitrarily banning people or hauling people up on warnings when I don't think it's needed. You've all been good posters in the past and have managed to get along on other issues, so I'm going to assume this is just a blip. I'm not going to bother naming names because you're all grown up enough to know whether you're at fault or not, and to what extent you let yourselves get dragged into this, and just like you're all aware of it, I'm aware of who was too. Just take a few days from this issue to cool off and let's pick up from where we were a few days ago. In the meantime, I'm locking this thread until I get home from work tomorrow just to help out with that one, and if the argument breaks out again immediately then it's going to be locked for much longer, just so you are all aware.

Oh, and please start condensing your replies to a single post at a time please. If you want to reply to multiple messages then press "reply" on each one and it will queue them all up in a single post, and then you can put a reply after each quotation. You don't need to post five times in a row to answer five posts. I trimmed almost 30 posts off this thread by merging double posts, so if any of you have noticed your post count plummeting, that's why.

If you guys want a tl;dr version of this post - I'm not giving you one. If you can't be bothered reading my whole post to see whether it applies to you, that's not my fault.
For crying out loud. I go away for one day and I come back to find the forum is burning down. We've had this argument a lot of times and you all know exactly how this works, and you all know full well that it's a contentious issue where very few of us agree. This is an argument that inflames opinions and messes up the fragile peace that reigns here, and it's an argument where all of the good points have been exhausted a long time ago.

Now, I'm well aware that, unlike other places this argument has broken out, MCFC does have relevance to this topic and I'm not going to stop people from bringing it up here. All discussion of which club is more important in CFG has got to stop, though, and if it gets brought up again in this thread, I'm just going to delete the post that it's in, regardless of the other content removed, because I have better things to do than this every week. Come to think of it, if this argument starts springing up in other threads you can expect it to happen there, too.

Posts along the lines of "I hope Roma win on Wednesday" have to stop too. That's just baiting City fans for a response and it's helping nothing.

Now, I don't like arbitrarily banning people or hauling people up on warnings when I don't think it's needed. You've all been good posters in the past and have managed to get along on other issues, so I'm going to assume this is just a blip. I'm not going to bother naming names because you're all grown up enough to know whether you're at fault or not, and to what extent you let yourselves get dragged into this, and just like you're all aware of it, I'm aware of who was too. Just take a few days from this issue to cool off and let's pick up from where we were a few days ago. In the meantime, I'm locking this thread until I get home from work tomorrow just to help out with that one, and if the argument breaks out again immediately then it's going to be locked for much longer, just so you are all aware.

Oh, and please start condensing your replies to a single post at a time please. If you want to reply to multiple messages then press "reply" on each one and it will queue them all up in a single post, and then you can put a reply after each quotation. You don't need to post five times in a row to answer five posts. I trimmed almost 30 posts off this thread by merging double posts, so if any of you have noticed your post count plummeting, that's why.

If you guys want a tl;dr version of this post - I'm not giving you one. If you can't be bothered reading my whole post to see whether it applies to you, that's not my fault.

Much as I understand your intention, talk about sledgehammer to crack a nut.... you waded in 18 hours after the last post, when we had sorted ourselves out.

Well done though
Much as I understand your intention, talk about sledgehammer to crack a nut.... you waded in 18 hours after the last post, when we had sorted ourselves out.

Well done though

I know I did. However, I waded in after a long 24 hours when I'd been away and was still really tired to see a whole collection of reported posts. Frankly, I wasn't in the mood for sitting back and waiting to see if it stayed quiet.

Anyway, let's keep discussion of my actions off this thread. I don't want to derail the thread when it's getting started up again.
As a new fan of the sport, really interested to see how this will play out. Not a scenario you'd see in other sports. As a fan of both sides, not sure I know what I'd choose yet. Clearly, Frank will be a lot more important piece in NY but still. Ask me again how I feel after the game tomorrow haha
To those interested, once I heard about this possibility I immediately wrote to my NYCFC rep. They called me immediately to talk. They didn't mention the Lampard thing directly but it was pretty clear that this was what the call was about. I pretty much stated in my letter that the ramifications for not having Lampard there on opening day would be very destructive (from a personal and global standpoint). Anyway, he assured me that they have every intention of having him there from day one and asked me send him where I saw the quote that NYCFC would be ok with letting him stay in Manchester. I only found the tweet by that editor but couldn't find a direct quote from Reyna or Kreis. Could someone send me that (assuming it exists) or any other relevant info so that I may forward it to him?
I think that people are getting far too hung up on this. Like, it's not good enough to have a team, owners that clearly are willing to invest, the best marketing campaigns in MLS history, top name players, a serious effort to develop a stadium within the five boroughs, reputable sponsorship, a back office that's highlighted by some absolute legends, and one of the strongest fan bases of all time for a team that's never played a game. No, no. It all comes down to whether or not one player, who I'm sure many fans didn't care about a year ago, plays in the first few games of your first ever campaign. MIND YOU, this is in a league where a slip up at any point in the season is just fine thanks to those lovely playoffs. The fact that everyone has allowed themselves to become so polarized over such a minuscule issue in the greater scheme of things is a perfect representation of America as a whole. Let's keep this argument going till May!
I think that people are getting far too hung up on this. Like, it's not good enough to have a team, owners that clearly are willing to invest, the best marketing campaigns in MLS history, top name players, a serious effort to develop a stadium within the five boroughs, reputable sponsorship, a back office that's highlighted by some absolute legends, and one of the strongest fan bases of all time for a team that's never played a game. No, no. It all comes down to whether or not one player, who I'm sure many fans didn't care about a year ago, plays in the first few games of your first ever campaign. MIND YOU, this is in a league where a slip up at any point in the season is just fine thanks to those lovely playoffs. The fact that everyone has allowed themselves to become so polarized over such a minuscule issue in the greater scheme of things is a perfect representation of America as a whole. Let's keep this argument going till May!
I agree with most of what you said, but one of our DP's missing competitive matches is a pretty big deal. DP's are supposed to be the stars of this league, so us missing one of if not our top player for no other reason than Man City wants him is a tough pill to swallow. Maybe it won't be as big of a deal if the number of DP's allowed goes up with the new CBA, but as of right now it is.
I am not going to say Frank Lampard is going to be at NYC for their opening game of next season as a fact. However, I believe he will be and I also think it is the right thing to do.

As much as I have enjoyed watching him at City, I believe he would also want to be at NYC from the beginning.
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