Frank Lampard Thread

Not quite. I am in fact a native New Yorker and Chelsea fan; though I have a great deal of respect for Man City's ownership, and I am thrilled to have them as owners of my hometown team.

And I am here to tell other NYCFC fans only that we're lucky to have Lampard, and that we shouldn't use a minor misstep on the part of ownership as a reason not to embrace him.
TL;DR: I'm a Man City fan here to tell you Yanks how to behave and really understand the game.

Oh dear the cultural ambassador steams in and makes a tit of himself yet again !
Let's stay on topic. I thought there was Lampard news but it was just 10 pages of people arguing over the size of their dicks. Find a different thread for that.
Maybe the topic has gone off thread at times ,but its the first time I've seen this site function as a forum with a lot of members putting things forward discussing ,disagreeing, agreeing and even having a bit of fun and banter.
So I say well done to everyone who's contributed to the last 10 pages or so.
Then we get the usual suspect turning up and trying to stifle debate !
You forgot 2006

England 7
USA 25

Total standings

USA 12+15+25 = 52
England 13+26+7 = 46

The lower score wins.
I'm going to have to give this post one Petke Sweater-vest for clinging to the one good result in years.

Here's the difference in tone and why people won't see eye to eye. People who are past Lampard and don't want him here and/or say they will boo him consistently say "I/we will boo him. I/we don't want him."

Those at odds with that sentiment start their arguments with "YOU".

See the difference? I don't have time to brief this shit out, IRAC style. Maybe our counselor, @mgarbowski can do it. I gave it up a long time ago.
Well he seems to have retreated and I don't feel a need to poke the bear.
FWIW I am pretty sure he really is a NYer, albeit an eccentric one.

And next time let's throw some guns and money in with lawyer too, okay?
Well he seems to have retreated and I don't feel a need to poke the bear.
FWIW I am pretty sure he really is a NYer, albeit an eccentric one.

Have I retreated? I thought I had doubled down.

(And I could indeed be thought of a as a "bear"; my gay friends tell me that I would be so classified due to the gloriously hirsute nature of my body.)

Anyway, I am most definitely a lifelong New Yorker, complete with a New Yorker's arrogant readiness to dole out unsolicited advice to all and sundry -- delivered, of course, in the dulcet tones of our lovely local accent ovah there.
You are so stereotypical New York European soccer fan, Ferdinad.

Truly a parody of oneself if ever there were one.

Interesting analysis.

I certainly do not deny that I follow the Premier League closely and that I am a Chelsea fan, as that club awakened the football-lover in me.

But, despite the gripes that I have with MLS (single-entity structure; bloated playoffs that sap meaning from the regular season), I pay attention to the league and am very happy to have NYCFC as my hometown team. In addition, I also wish great success to the Cosmos, whom I admire for deciding not to be part of MLS; though following them and the NASL is not very easy.

A stereotypical New York European soccer fan pays no attention whatsoever to MLS, and doesn't know that the NASL exists.
Most here know there's this thing called cosmos that exists somewhere but we ignore it on purpose.