General MLS Discussion

Given an either/or choice I'd rather they revert to the Impact name than adjust the logo. But I'll take what's on offer.
Lol indeed. Has there been a pro sports same city rebrand that was successful in the last decade or so (excluding those that moved away from names or symbols deemed offensive)? Generally, tweaking and modernization is fine, but fans almost always hate to completely abandon the long time team identity.
But execs love to hire consultants and consultants need to justify their bills.
ETA: Revs kept the name and dropped a very dated logo, which I would put in the tweak/modernization bucket. Reaction seems mixed but not aggressively negative and probably will stick.
I actually think the snowflake logo grew on me. I think it looks nice from a distance. Is it the best? no. Am I happy they're going to rebrand the rebrand? Pending the new logo's look which I hope rebrands like the revs, not like the fire.
Given an either/or choice I'd rather they revert to the Impact name than adjust the logo. But I'll take what's on offer.
Lol indeed. Has there been a pro sports same city rebrand that was successful in the last decade or so (excluding those that moved away from names or symbols deemed offensive)? Generally, tweaking and modernization is fine, but fans almost always hate to completely abandon the long time team identity.
But execs love to hire consultants and consultants need to justify their bills.
ETA: Revs kept the name and dropped a very dated logo, which I would put in the tweak/modernization bucket. Reaction seems mixed but not aggressively negative and probably will stick.
The only successful rebrand I can think of given your parameters (and I'm still going to kind of cheat) is the Nets. Yeah, the kept the same name, and yeah, they moved, but I probably wouldn't consider Newark to Brooklyn the same as the Supersonics moving to Oklahoma, or the Oilers moving to Nashville. And the name is the same, but the actual brand is completely different.

But that is the ONLY example I can think of, and as I mentioned, I'm still cheating on your parameters.
that is terrible news.

such a solid player for them. hope his recovery is better than most. lucky for them, they still have a very strong squad. but joao paolo is a beast.
You take silver linings in these things such that it means a promising youngster like Obed Vargas will get lots of minutes and that will be good for his development. Similar to the situation we are in with Tayvon and Tinnerholm.
You take silver linings in these things such that it means a promising youngster like Obed Vargas will get lots of minutes and that will be good for his development. Similar to the situation we are in with Tayvon and Tinnerholm.
The silver lining I was taking was that it was after CCL instead of before the final legs
I'm torn. I also think Austin fans need to get a dose of reality, though their real test comes in the 5 games after this.

Austin fans reacting...
