Let The Warzone Rest In Peace


I think the warzone serves nobody, except trouble makers or seekers. Even the topics that are not about the never ending antics of a few special guests from England are all potentially dangerous to the NYC supporters culture as they could brand the whole of NYCFC's supporters with controverse viewpoints of a few. From guns to gay rights, this part of the forum is full of mine fields that could alienate potential fans. While debating is fun, there are a million places we can do this - this forum does not need to offer such a venue. I say lets close the fighting pits!
I think the warzone serves nobody, except trouble makers or seekers. Even the topics that are not about the never ending antics of a few special guests from England are all potentially dangerous to the NYC supporters culture as they could brand the whole of NYCFC's supporters with controverse viewpoints of a few. From guns to gay rights, this part of the forum is full of mine fields that could alienate potential fans. While debating is fun, there are a million places we can do this - this forum does not need to offer such a venue. I say lets close the fighting pits!

Not that I disagree with you about the War Zone, but the antics are not exclusively from our friends in England. In fact, I don't really see anyone from England causing very much trouble.

There are antics, period.
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Not that I disagree with you about the War Zone, but the antics are not exclusively from our friend England. In fact, I don't really see anyone from England causing very much trouble.

There are antics, period.

Indeed. To place the blame at the foot of the English is a tad off.

All footy forums need sections to talk about other things. Yes, the footy is #1 but one cannot dismiss everything else out of hand. What will you talk about in the off-season? During footy breaks? Can posters not have other interests outside of football?

Now as I understand it, the Warzone (although it has been suggested that it needs a name change; perhaps simply 'Debate Desk') is a place that allows discussion to rise above the level of elsewhere on the forum. There are many contentious issues that people may wish to discuss, whereby some will see no problem with something whilst others will certainly have a problem with: guns (as you said), politics, etc.
I disagree with you that 'gay rights' is a problem area, because this forum should be not allowing anti-gay posts (I put that in our rules & regs, in addition to racism and religious attacks).

Of course there are simple subjects. I am building an arcade table, and I have spoken about it over at our place, and that will never have any problems.
There has, however, been problem posts on other matters, and once or twice a thread has had to be shutdown, but it is rare that this happens.
If the Warzone did not exist, contentious discussions would spill over into other areas, and then you would have a problem. The Mods and Admin here should be trusted to allow things to flow naturally but know when to warn and when to shut things down. Just because you disagree with something, Capt, should not stop others from engaging in it so long as it does not fall foul of forum rules.

FTR talking about United would never be in the Warzone section (not that we have one, I might add), it would just be in 'Other Football and Sport'.
Forums should have an area for debate.
Debate may lead to disagreement and disagreement to arguing especially if you are passionate about a subject.
As long as there is no personal insults or threats thrown, then free speech should be allowed, whatever the subject.
We are mostly adults, we have the right to a point of view, and to disagree with a point of view.
The forums in England, that I can think of, will not ban somebody for having a point of view, even one contrary to the forum, as long as that point is put constructively. Arguments should be constructive not simply
"oh no not this bollocks again, ban him, lock the thread etc etc.
There are many watchers on forums that do not take part in debates, but come back time and time again to watch the debates (arguments) with an interest.
If there is no debate, and everyone simply tows the line, then the forum becomes sterile.
Right now (directly involving NYCFC) there is no team to discuss
No management decisions to discuss
No match action to discuss
No actual match day happenings to discuss
No games to look forward to...
No games to look back on
No descenting players
No referee decisions

when this happens natural debate will start.

What is happening here (In my opinion) is that
everyone has to LOVE NYCFC.
NYCFC fans are trying to make an identity, but want to do that with ideas rather than debate... many threads seem full of good ideas but debate any of them and the argument has to stop for fear of isolating a potential fan.
Any form of argument goes to the Warzone.

And as for the warzone (debate desk) if a thread is started about Gay Rights (see post 1) or guns, it is up to the individual whether they want to take part. Personally with Gay Rights I have no opinion save for "faggot bashing" is wrong but so is any form of bullying. Guns I have no interest in at all so I leave it to those with a passion.

Arguments / debates are good.... Thats where you learn things... You never know you may have your point of view changed, So I say leave them alone
If you want to discuss the favourite flavours of your whipped fucking cream, there's still the other off topic forum for you.
And dont turn this thread into a thing about gay rights or any other issue that turns papers! I only mentioned this particular issue among others as a mine field because it is sensitive to a lot of folks.
If you want to discuss the favourite flavours of your whipped fucking cream, there's still the other off topic forum for you.

True perhaps Gay Marriage and Guns should be in the off topic forum.
Perhaps the Warzone ought to be for contentious issues regarding NYCFC and its fans, as an alternative to the nicey nicey ones.

You have a fucking good point (I just wish to speak your language)

There are still contentious issues regarding NYCFC
Forums should have an area for debate.
Debate may lead to disagreement and disagreement to arguing especially if you are passionate about a subject.
As long as there is no personal insults or threats thrown, then free speech should be allowed, whatever the subject.
We are mostly adults, we have the right to a point of view, and to disagree with a point of view.
The forums in England, that I can think of, will not ban somebody for having a point of view, even one contrary to the forum, as long as that point is put constructively. Arguments should be constructive not simply
"oh no not this bollocks again, ban him, lock the thread etc etc.
There are many watchers on forums that do not take part in debates, but come back time and time again to watch the debates (arguments) with an interest.
If there is no debate, and everyone simply tows the line, then the forum becomes sterile.
Right now (directly involving NYCFC) there is no team to discuss
No management decisions to discuss
No match action to discuss
No actual match day happenings to discuss
No games to look forward to...
No games to look back on
No descenting players
No referee decisions

when this happens natural debate will start.

What is happening here (In my opinion) is that
everyone has to LOVE NYCFC.
NYCFC fans are trying to make an identity, but want to do that with ideas rather than debate... many threads seem full of good ideas but debate any of them and the argument has to stop for fear of isolating a potential fan.
Any form of argument goes to the Warzone.

And as for the warzone (debate desk) if a thread is started about Gay Rights (see post 1) or guns, it is up to the individual whether they want to take part. Personally with Gay Rights I have no opinion save for "faggot bashing" is wrong but so is any form of bullying. Guns I have no interest in at all so I leave it to those with a passion.

Arguments / debates are good.... Thats where you learn things... You never know you may have your point of view changed, So I say leave them alone
That thread was locked because the discussion had veered so far of course that it was nothing more than a place to vomit propaganda. Honestly it should have been curbed from the very start and I blame myself for letting that tripe last any longer than an hour.

We don't like NYCFC bashing because...now listen closely...THIS IS AN NYCFC SUPPORTERS FORUM. Not an MLS forum. Not an American soccer forum. Not a CFG forum. It was developed by and for supporters of this club.

We have NEVER removed a comment solely for disagreeing. We have removed comments for violating certain forum rules.

We as a forum have been recieving a lot of flak for having so much City v The World posts that we need to address the problem. It's causing established users to leave and discouraging guests from joining. Whether it's filtering certain words or flat out banning repeat offenders remains to be determined.
That thread was locked because the discussion had veered so far of course that it was nothing more than a place to vomit propaganda. Honestly it should have been curbed from the very start and I blame myself for letting that tripe last any longer than an hour.

We don't like NYCFC bashing because...now listen closely...THIS IS AN NYCFC SUPPORTERS FORUM. Not an MLS forum. Not an American soccer forum. Not a CFG forum. It was developed by and for supporters of this club.

We have NEVER removed a comment solely for disagreeing. We have removed comments for violating certain forum rules.

We as a forum have been recieving a lot of flak for having so much City v The World posts that we need to address the problem. It's causing established users to leave and discouraging guests from joining. Whether it's filtering certain words or flat out banning repeat offenders remains to be determined.

Wasn't talking about that thread as I agree it had moved off course.
No one to my knowledge has bashed NYCFC... Show me where I have here.
It's not City V the World. I have only ever placed one comment which wasn't in favour of City, but against United.

As you say, you have a forum for NYCFC fans, of which because of the links to City I will be a fan, as will many of the NYCFC fans worldwide, and that fanbase is growing.
You can run if you want but you cant hide from it being part of CFG, If I may make a suggestion, why not make the war zone the CFG part of the forum, where the contensious issues may be discussed by those that wish it, and ignored by those that dont.
MrE, I'm so glad for your company (in this debate). I particularly had you in mind when I opened this thread. When I thought that people who are not supporting an inclusive NYCFC are no true supporters at all, I was referring to you above all!
Wasn't talking about that thread as I agree it had moved off course.
No one to my knowledge has bashed NYCFC... Show me where I have here.
It's not City V the World. I have only ever placed one comment which wasn't in favour of City, but against United.

As you say, you have a forum for NYCFC fans, of which because of the links to City I will be a fan, as will many of the NYCFC fans worldwide, and that fanbase is growing.
You can run if you want but you cant hide from it being part of CFG, If I may make a suggestion, why not make the war zone the CFG part of the forum, where the contensious issues may be discussed by those that wish it, and ignored by those that dont.
Enough with this nonsense please. The issue isn't CFG, it's ManC fans thinking they have rights to respect because they are ManC fans.
why is this even turning into a Man City debate,
its supposed to be about the merits of any debate
MrE, I'm so glad for your company (in this debate). I particularly had you in mind when I opened this thread. When I thought that people who are not supporting an inclusive NYCFC are no true supporters at all, I was referring to you above all!

Thats a bit of a statement, if you read my posts properly I have nothing against an inclusive NYCFC. Indeed I embrace it. I asked a question of how United fans reconcile joining a CFG team only.

It was a question which got hijacked by all sorts of people, and actually got answered in a completley different thead.
I asked how they reconciled it. I embrace them in it. If in the long run watching NYCFC gives them something to move away from United then I am all for it.
By the way, I am happy if all ManC supporters that have any problem with being an inclusive bunch of supporters opt to root for the Red Bulls. Maybe that's a better playing ground for you...
If I may make a suggestion, why not make the war zone the CFG part of the forum, where the contensious issues may be discussed by those that wish it, and ignored by those that dont.

Because that would be pointless. It would be like banning water pistols in order to show that you can be effective in the pro/anti-gun debate. There are definitely other problems with the Warzone, but the simple fact is that 99% of them relate to the City debate, and it's the very fact that this issue is debated which is causing problems, because it's such an emotive, important and/or controversial topic to most people that those who engage in it are unable or unwilling to concede any ground, make any compromise, or back down from the argument.

The issue here is that the City debate is out of hand. It's been argued and argued and zero new points have been made in many, many weeks, while scores of potential members are being driven away because they want to support a friendly, local NY team and not have the CFG rammed down their throats. We're not denying that a connection between the two clubs exists, and as a native City fan myself I think that connection is great, but that doesn't mean that we must feel obliged to let it be argued over ad nauseum. It's getting to the point where the damage to this forum's reputation and it's users' peace of minds, vastly outweighs any potential good that can come from the discussion. In fact I'd go so far as to say that if this argument were to continue at its current rate for another few months (and let's face it, it shows little signs of slowing) this forum's own long-term viability would be at stake.