Letter To Cfg And Nycfc


My name is Rox Fontaine. I am President of the Third Rail supporters group. I am writing to you today with a very heavy heart. At our last home game versus the Columbus Crew, near the final moments of the game, there was a situation that ended up seeing a supporter tasered in his chest by NYPD. Of course you’ll want to know all of the details of how that happened and I’m sure your staff will get you some sort of answer.

What I am telling you with a clear head and conscience is that your staff and the NYPD were wrong!

You see, we are out in full force every home game and many of the away games holding up our end of the deal. We cheer our hearts out, jump and sing, spend countless hours discussing you and bouncing ideas about how to be the best we can for you and countless more dollars supporting this club that we love so much. Did you see the final vote totals when we lit the Empire State Building up in Blue? This is what we assumed you expected of us. We were verbally bludgeoned to no end about how fortunate we were to have CFG as a parent organization and told grand tales of how amazing our experience would be under your guidance.

Given what I’ve experienced to this point, and quite a fine one was put on this past Saturday, I have to disagree with that sentiment. You have not given us much in the way of reciprocation for the energy we have given to this club. Our team is marginal at best, we’re 0-3 versus our New Jersey rivals, we lost on PKs to the 2nd division team here, I can’t not mention the Lampard situation and we don’t have any news about a soccer specific stadium among a list of other things. Instead, you have entered into a deal with an organization that does not understand or care for the beautiful game and thus doesn’t understand or care for us as fans. You have put a product on the pitch that looks good on paper but doesn’t translate to wins. You have left us stranded in a baseball stadium that seemingly hates us even though we can put 30,000 people in there on a Thursday night, set an MLS sales record that eclipsed the Yankees’ opening day by a long shot and bring an energy to this park that you’d be lucky to get only close to watching the Yankees at any point in the season.

We are the best thing this club has going for it. If you don’t believe that, then ask the players if they agree. Jump the Hudson and ask those guys in New Jersey how they wish they had support like us. We deserve better and we demand better. We are not unreasonable people. We know that there are some unruly people at times and we are always working to self police and reduce those occurrences. The reality is that we don’t have any more egregious offenses than NHL, NFL, NBA or MLB.

We are in our first season and we’re fired up about this club and the possibilities that lie ahead. We demand assurance that we are valued beyond our ticket revenue. We demand properly trained stadium staff. We demand proper and ethical treatment from NYPD. Without those things this relationship is irreparably damaged.

You should be extremely concerned with the precedent Yankee Stadium, it’s employees and NYPD set on Saturday.


Rox Fontaine


Third Rail SC

William Howell

Kevin Escobar

Carlos Delgado

Jonathan Sanchez

Emil R. Ljesnjanin

New York City Supporters Club

(Signatures to be added as they are confirmed.)

Very well said. This shit has to stop with abusing our fans, aka their fans, for no apparent reason. I have seen a handful of videos or heard about incidents where NYPD assaults fans for no apparent reason. THIS HAS GOT TO STOP!
Very well said. This shit has to stop with abusing our fans, aka their fans, for no apparent reason. I have seen a handful of videos or heard about incidents where NYPD assaults fans for no apparent reason. THIS HAS GOT TO STOP!

No apparent reason? Fans have been completely 100% innocent all season long?

Come on now lol
Would it be worth it , and I'm just putting this out there , might be a bone headed idea and tell me if it is . But could you ask CFG to send someone down for a few games undercover to sit with the SG's and see how they behave and how the security and police behave? Now they might already be doing this and be more inclined with siding with the police/security since to my somewhat liberal mind corporations are more likely to side with authority figures but just a thought that I had so throwing it there to be taken/criticized /ignored etc. as anyone sees fit.
I kind of like this idea, although I'd say to have them *not* undercover. Just have them come to the section.


The problem is what happens if we win by a lot but there are also a number of bad ref calls. If we win 4-1, that's four beer-soakings when people start throwing them around (not to mention smoke bombs). And if there are a number of bad ref calls, well, that's when things start to get thrown from the stands towards the field.

Not sure how it could end well for us to have CFG or front office there in the middle of all that.
You wrote from the heart and that has a better chance of getting a genuine response than a perfectly worded document crafted by a lawyer. You are the president of a group of guys who want to scream for a soccer team not IBM.

Don't listen to all the guys who think they could have done it better, you are the one actually doing it. A rare quality.
What? No one here is saying they could have done it better. Rox posted the letter here and on social media platforms to get some feedback and thoughts. Everything here has been respectful and constructive (except for that one guys having a meltdown a few posts up). I think most people here are happy to have Rox speak on behalf NYCFC fans in the supporter section. But we want to help make sure the message is clear and concise.
In my last letter, I was attempting to highlight the fact that many of us that sit in the supporters section for NYCFC games at Yankee stadium are feeling abused and uncared for. My frustration got the better of me and I wrote a letter in haste that I should have taken more time to craft. Thus, I have been criticized for being unclear in my message. That is a fair assessment as I am neither a professional writer nor do I have any sort of formal training as a writer. I thank all of you that pointed out where I could create a more effective message.

Here is the result:

To Whom It May Concern:

Greetings. My name is Rox Fontaine. I am the President of The Third Rail, a supporters club for New York City Football Club (NYCFC). The Third Rail has over 1600 members which include lifelong soccer aficionados and families new to the sport. We pride ourselves on creating and having an inclusive experience for all irrespective of nationality, race, religion or other orientation.

During the home game against Columbus Crew on August 29th, a fellow supporter was tasered by the New York Police Department (NYPD). We believe the use of the taser was not necessary and indicative of the way we are treated by stadium personnel.

I was on the concourse at the exit of the aisle where the supporter was being escorted out of the stadium. He was escorted by four (4) NYPD officers, two in front, two behind, with three (3) Securitas employees in tow. He tripped while being escorted as there were so many people surrounding him and the aisle is thin. I was at the top of the staircase and near enough to attempt to help him. I reached over and grabbed him under his arms to help him up. As I was trying to lift him an NYPD officer burst through yelling “taser, taser!,” and pushed me out of the way. He immediately placed the taser directly on the supporter’s chest and fired. The supporter was on his back after tripping and was not a threat in any manner. He was not punching, kicking, biting or showing any other physical aggression.

These actions are indicative of the posture held by Securitas and adopted by the NYPD. At the beginning of each match we are met with indignation and disdain. Where we were previously able to have conversations with Securitas, we are now met with scowls and dismissals. Specific supporters, such as Los Templados, are targeted despite not having any connection to events cited by Securitas. We are supporters; not criminals. We are enthusiastic about having a club in our city and only desire to show our support in ways that you, this city and Major League Soccer promote endlessly.

Moreover, our efforts to conform to rules of the Stadium and its personnel are largely ignored. We have helped curtail the smoke bombs in recent games (2 out of 3 smoke free since I became President of The Third Rail), we have abated the throwing of beer and other projectiles, and spend time and resources reminding our members of stadium rules prior to each match. During the match, we have executive board members, captains, and lay-members reminding people of the rules and attempting to diffuse situations before Securitas or NYPD need to be involved. And we have been increasingly successful, despite the convenient narratives painting us as hoodlums.

Many times, NYCFC personnel have expressed concerns regarding the treatment of supporters and the ultra-restrictive nature of Yankee Stadium and associated personnel. So now we implore you to stand with us and condemn the treatment of your supporters as criminals. We need your support in starting a productive conversation and running dialog with Securitas and NYPD concerning stadium rules and how to cultivate a healthy relationship of mutual benefit. One that allows us to continue to grow the atmosphere you promote but remains amiable to the desires of the Stadium and safe for everyone involved. More importantly, an atmosphere that does not treat us an occupying entity to be “dealt” with. Additionally, we seek better trained stadium staff and ethical treatment from Securitas and NYPD.

We pack the stadium for NYCFC. We travel for NYCFC. We set sales and attendance records for NYCFC. We stand for you always. Now stand for us.

We are supporters. We are not criminals.

We are NYCFC.

Rox Fontaine
Third Rail SC
In my last letter, I was attempting to highlight the fact that many of us that sit in the supporters section for NYCFC games at Yankee stadium are feeling abused and uncared for. My frustration got the better of me and I wrote a letter in haste that I should have taken more time to craft. Thus, I have been criticized for being unclear in my message. That is a fair assessment as I am neither a professional writer nor do I have any sort of formal training as a writer. I thank all of you that pointed out where I could create a more effective message.

Here is the result:

To Whom It May Concern:

Greetings. My name is Rox Fontaine. I am the President of The Third Rail, a supporters club for New York City Football Club (NYCFC). The Third Rail has over 1600 members which include lifelong soccer aficionados and families new to the sport. We pride ourselves on creating and having an inclusive experience for all irrespective of nationality, race, religion or other orientation.

During the home game against Columbus Crew on August 29th, a fellow supporter was tasered by the New York Police Department (NYPD). We believe the use of the taser was not necessary and indicative of the way we are treated by stadium personnel.

I was on the concourse at the exit of the aisle where the supporter was being escorted out of the stadium. He was escorted by four (4) NYPD officers, two in front, two behind, with three (3) Securitas employees in tow. He tripped while being escorted as there were so many people surrounding him and the aisle is thin. I was at the top of the staircase and near enough to attempt to help him. I reached over and grabbed him under his arms to help him up. As I was trying to lift him an NYPD officer burst through yelling “taser, taser!,” and pushed me out of the way. He immediately placed the taser directly on the supporter’s chest and fired. The supporter was on his back after tripping and was not a threat in any manner. He was not punching, kicking, biting or showing any other physical aggression.

These actions are indicative of the posture held by Securitas and adopted by the NYPD. At the beginning of each match we are met with indignation and disdain. Where we were previously able to have conversations with Securitas, we are now met with scowls and dismissals. Specific supporters, such as Los Templados, are targeted despite not having any connection to events cited by Securitas. We are supporters; not criminals. We are enthusiastic about having a club in our city and only desire to show our support in ways that you, this city and Major League Soccer promote endlessly.

Moreover, our efforts to conform to rules of the Stadium and its personnel are largely ignored. We have helped curtail the smoke bombs in recent games (2 out of 3 smoke free since I became President of The Third Rail), we have abated the throwing of beer and other projectiles, and spend time and resources reminding our members of stadium rules prior to each match. During the match, we have executive board members, captains, and lay-members reminding people of the rules and attempting to diffuse situations before Securitas or NYPD need to be involved. And we have been increasingly successful, despite the convenient narratives painting us as hoodlums.

Many times, NYCFC personnel have expressed concerns regarding the treatment of supporters and the ultra-restrictive nature of Yankee Stadium and associated personnel. So now we implore you to stand with us and condemn the treatment of your supporters as criminals. We need your support in starting a productive conversation and running dialog with Securitas and NYPD concerning stadium rules and how to cultivate a healthy relationship of mutual benefit. One that allows us to continue to grow the atmosphere you promote but remains amiable to the desires of the Stadium and safe for everyone involved. More importantly, an atmosphere that does not treat us an occupying entity to be “dealt” with. Additionally, we seek better trained stadium staff and ethical treatment from Securitas and NYPD.

We pack the stadium for NYCFC. We travel for NYCFC. We set sales and attendance records for NYCFC. We stand for you always. Now stand for us.

We are supporters. We are not criminals.

We are NYCFC.

Rox Fontaine
Third Rail SC
I think this is very good.
Much better.

"We pack the stadium for NYCFC. We travel for NYCFC. We set sales and attendance records for NYCFC. We stand for you always. Now stand for us." Great line.

roxfontaine Who will you be sending this to?
In my last letter, I was attempting to highlight the fact that many of us that sit in the supporters section for NYCFC games at Yankee stadium are feeling abused and uncared for. My frustration got the better of me and I wrote a letter in haste that I should have taken more time to craft. Thus, I have been criticized for being unclear in my message. That is a fair assessment as I am neither a professional writer nor do I have any sort of formal training as a writer. I thank all of you that pointed out where I could create a more effective message.

Here is the result:

To Whom It May Concern:

Greetings. My name is Rox Fontaine. I am the President of The Third Rail, a supporters club for New York City Football Club (NYCFC). The Third Rail has over 1600 members which include lifelong soccer aficionados and families new to the sport. We pride ourselves on creating and having an inclusive experience for all irrespective of nationality, race, religion or other orientation.

During the home game against Columbus Crew on August 29th, a fellow supporter was tasered by the New York Police Department (NYPD). We believe the use of the taser was not necessary and indicative of the way we are treated by stadium personnel.

I was on the concourse at the exit of the aisle where the supporter was being escorted out of the stadium. He was escorted by four (4) NYPD officers, two in front, two behind, with three (3) Securitas employees in tow. He tripped while being escorted as there were so many people surrounding him and the aisle is thin. I was at the top of the staircase and near enough to attempt to help him. I reached over and grabbed him under his arms to help him up. As I was trying to lift him an NYPD officer burst through yelling “taser, taser!,” and pushed me out of the way. He immediately placed the taser directly on the supporter’s chest and fired. The supporter was on his back after tripping and was not a threat in any manner. He was not punching, kicking, biting or showing any other physical aggression.

These actions are indicative of the posture held by Securitas and adopted by the NYPD. At the beginning of each match we are met with indignation and disdain. Where we were previously able to have conversations with Securitas, we are now met with scowls and dismissals. Specific supporters, such as Los Templados, are targeted despite not having any connection to events cited by Securitas. We are supporters; not criminals. We are enthusiastic about having a club in our city and only desire to show our support in ways that you, this city and Major League Soccer promote endlessly.

Moreover, our efforts to conform to rules of the Stadium and its personnel are largely ignored. We have helped curtail the smoke bombs in recent games (2 out of 3 smoke free since I became President of The Third Rail), we have abated the throwing of beer and other projectiles, and spend time and resources reminding our members of stadium rules prior to each match. During the match, we have executive board members, captains, and lay-members reminding people of the rules and attempting to diffuse situations before Securitas or NYPD need to be involved. And we have been increasingly successful, despite the convenient narratives painting us as hoodlums.

Many times, NYCFC personnel have expressed concerns regarding the treatment of supporters and the ultra-restrictive nature of Yankee Stadium and associated personnel. So now we implore you to stand with us and condemn the treatment of your supporters as criminals. We need your support in starting a productive conversation and running dialog with Securitas and NYPD concerning stadium rules and how to cultivate a healthy relationship of mutual benefit. One that allows us to continue to grow the atmosphere you promote but remains amiable to the desires of the Stadium and safe for everyone involved. More importantly, an atmosphere that does not treat us an occupying entity to be “dealt” with. Additionally, we seek better trained stadium staff and ethical treatment from Securitas and NYPD.

We pack the stadium for NYCFC. We travel for NYCFC. We set sales and attendance records for NYCFC. We stand for you always. Now stand for us.

We are supporters. We are not criminals.

We are NYCFC.

Rox Fontaine
Third Rail SC


This letter was much better. The only thing missing from the story is what led to security/nypd to escort this guy out of the stands. If this guy deserved to be ejected and not tasered, is there anything you and the TR can do to make sure these situations don't come up again?
If I worked for CFG I'd be much more open to this second letter. It makes clear what the problem is and I'll be disappointed if it gets no response.

Thanks ace,

I've seen and listened to the tiny clip a few times...There was no SOUND of a taser at all. If he actually was tasered, the electric current would've transferred to the person still holding onto his leg, shocking him as well. And he would've been stiff as a board. Hence, he was NOT tased.

Where are the taser markings on the guys shirt and/or chest?

Did he go to the hospital or did an ambulance show up to make sure he's ok?

Might want want to ask the guy those questions before jumping to conclusions.

Like I said on another thread, just because someone says 'taser' doesn't mean it was used. Just the sight of a taser freaks people out.

Just saying.

Make sure you have all the facts 100% correct before you write letters to CFG.

Ok, let's talk about the "I'm not a professional writer" excuse. I don't expect that a TR president has to be, but I do expect that for a group of its size and in NY, that there is someone there that can critique arguments, either a lawyer or PR person or someone. There needs to be someone experienced in these sorts of things who edits/critiques these things before they are released publicly. RB fans are laughing at the Petition instead of joining us. The first impression has been made and made poorly. This has to stop.

Heck, I'm a lawyer. I live in New Orleans and didn't join TR, but if there really is no one else who can edit these things in NY please send them my way so I can help you.

This letter was much better. The only thing missing from the story is what led to security/nypd to escort this guy out of the stands. If this guy deserved to be ejected and not tasered, is there anything you and the TR can do to make sure these situations don't come up again?

I do my best to lead by example. I talk to people and engage in hopes that a new precedent is set. In my estimation, where there is clear leadership, there is order.
Thanks ace,

I've seen and listened to the tiny clip a few times...There was no SOUND of a taser at all. If he actually was tasered, the electric current would've transferred to the person still holding onto his leg, shocking him as well. And he would've been stiff as a board. Hence, he was NOT tased.

Where are the taser markings on the guys shirt and/or chest?

Did he go to the hospital or did an ambulance show up to make sure he's ok?

Might want want to ask the guy those questions before jumping to conclusions.

Like I said on another thread, just because someone says 'taser' doesn't mean it was used. Just the sight of a taser freaks people out.

Just saying.

Make sure you have all the facts 100% correct before you write letters to CFG.

you got it, buckO

so the kid is writhing and screaming for no reason? I can't imagine you'd hear the clicking of a taser over that and the surrounding noise - you can choose to not believe it happened, but on all of the social media forums, you're the only one I've seen questioning it
If I was the president of Third Rail, here is how I would have handled the situation:

- Reach out to CFG and Yankee Stadium management and have a private meeting where security concerns can be voiced. Ask members for specific, detailed questions (not rants against the team or generic police/Securitas bashing) and present a couple of the questions at the meeting. Then take the results of the meeting and transmit the information to members. Everything is done in private, everyone feels included and nothing is made public.

- Reach out to NYPD to try to set up a private meeting with someone there that handles crowds/events, ask them what concerns they have had with crowds at games and what can be done to alleviate these concerns. Then distribute the meeting results to members, privately.

The only thing these open letters are going to do is reapply a fresh coat of paint to the bullseye that is already on NYCFC's fan base.

Us Red Bulls fans and the Cosmos fans -- you're not going to win us over. I don't think any of us diehards envy anything about the NYCFC fan base and supporters in general. So I wouldn't worry about that.

The key should be trying to win over the neutral NYC sports fans and casual NYCFC fans. Those are the people that are going to support you. No one else cares really, especially since NYCFC fans are the only fan base in the league where fans are regularly getting tossed out of games, having run-ins with the police, disobeying stadium policy, etc. No one else can relate.
you got it, buckO

so the kid is writhing and screaming for no reason? I can't imagine you'd hear the clicking of a taser over that and the surrounding noise - you can choose to not believe it happened, but on all of the social media forums, you're the only one I've seen questioning it

The noise from a taser charging would've been very clear (and loud) to hear.

Oh I know for a fact it didn't happen. Kid was writhing and screaming because he didn't want to get handcuffed in the first place.

Has anyone bother to even ask the people in question that they were actually hit with a taser? It's crystal clear to me it's total BS...