Giovinco is number 2. Jozy was guessed on Twitter and only has 4 goals.Was Giovinco one of the names guessed?
What about Jozy?
1. BWP (12)
2. Giovinco (10)
3. Larin (9)
3. Pozuelo (9)
5. Acosta (6)
5. (guessed on twitter)
Giovinco is number 2. Jozy was guessed on Twitter and only has 4 goals.Was Giovinco one of the names guessed?
What about Jozy?
Sapong has 5, Piatti 3, Accam 3, Meram 5.CJ Sapong? Piatti? Accam? Meram?
Own Goal?
I have to apologize, I just checked my table and had 4 blank fields for the column I'm using my count on. That meant I wasn't counting one goal from Miguel Almiron, one from Leo Campana, and two from Josef Martinez, putting him at 6 and tied for 5th. So an updated list.I track goals each season but not in a way that's easy to compile. I checked Twitter
gazdagI have to apologize, I just checked my table and had 4 blank fields for the column I'm using my count on. That meant I wasn't counting one goal from Miguel Almiron, one from Leo Campana, and two from Josef Martinez, putting him at 6 and tied for 5th. So an updated list.
1. BWP (12)
2. (guessed on twitter)
3. Larin (9)
3. Pozuelo (9)
5. Acosta (6)
5. Josef Martinez
5. (guessed on twitter)
Nope, he only scored 3.Kei Kamara?
Nope, Gazdag with 4. Muyl with only 2gazdag
Ding ding ding.......Ola Kamara
Dome wanted him over Heber...
.......Ola Kamara
Dome wanted him over Heber...