NYCFC 2021 MLS Cup Champions

If there was really that much interest, why did no one show up and crowd the park behind city hall?

There were a few people beyond the fence, but not many. Maybe people were afraid they'd be turned away? I dunno -- But the idea that tickets were sold out in less than an hour tells me there was interest in an event for far more people than were able to be admitted into City Hall.
There were a few people beyond the fence, but not many. Maybe people were afraid they'd be turned away? I dunno -- But the idea that tickets were sold out in less than an hour tells me there was interest in an event for far more people than were able to be admitted into City Hall.
I mean I agree, but then again from a logical perspective, I'd expect it was mostly people who were able to go to the watch party and/or portland, which was around 5,000 people, which means that 1,000 would sell out quickly.
It was a nice ceremony at City Hall, but I really wish the team did something bigger. If it's true that they declined a parade, I really think they underestimated the interest in this. City Hall event is great, but an evening rally at Yankee Stadium would have gotten plenty of folks. Maybe they couldn't use YS due to Pinstripe Bowl setups, but if not it would have been great for there to have been another event with a capacity of, say, 5,000 people. This one was just far too small for the interest.

That said, it was a nice event on TV. YES had their own show on it with interviews, etc, they're encoring it a bunch. Also another show on Thursday night with lots of encores. Pretty cool to see them giving us so much coverage during and after this run.
Thank you MLB lockout!
I can only imagine every Philadelphia sports fan hate watching the final, even 76er/Eagles/Philles fans who don't give a crap about soccer because they learned Philly was robbed and just wanted NY to lose. I'm even more convinced than I was a week ago that the Union/NYCFC rivalry is about to get hot.

I'm not shocked NY is not up there. Maybe a bit that we're not even top 10, but so much of the city just doesn't care. My raised eyebrows go to Albuquerque at #2 (Las Cruces/Barraza spillover? - no I don't even believe that), Pittsburgh tied with Portland at #4 (FYI Pittsburgh has a smaller metro area population), New Orleans at 6 and West Palm beach in a 4-way tie for 7th Place. MLS cities round out the rest of the list, of which Cincinnati at #3 is another small surprise to me.

Not surprised with Cincinnati being so high. I've been spending a lot of time there because my girlfriend is from the area and they have a VERY supportive soccer fanbase. The city just loves its sports!
If there was really that much interest, why did no one show up and crowd the park behind city hall?
I think the event was just about as big as it could have been. I arrived at 11:30 and they didn’t even check my ticket (just my vax card) and there were just a handful of folks who didn’t get seated. It was a nice event but it didn’t resonate much outside the perimeter. For contrast, a couple of weeks ago I was in Madrid and there was some sort of Red Bull F1 victory lap celebration. Recoletos was packed with fans and casuals. We couldn’t even get close enough to see what was going on. People were hanging off of fences.
Brad Sims quote in Newsday about why they chose this event instead of a parade:

He also explained why the club picked a ticketed event to celebrate instead of a traditional ticker-tape parade. Sims cited the need to make decisions weeks ahead of a potential title and being unable to anticipate December weather or ongoing COVID-19 concerns. It also gave the club a chance to bring its most ardent supporters together in a unique, personal setting.

"Especially the core fans who have been with us from the very beginning," Sims said. "We knew that if we did a really intimate event like this that those people, there's a group of these fans that share the blood, sweat and tears that the players and the staff and the front office and everyone else has to. So, to be able to do an intimate event here we thought was the right call."

A 1.5 rating for this team in NYC is massive. Safe to say it's not anywhere even close to that in the regular season. Hopefully some of these fans stick around next season.
1.5 rating means what? Clearly it's not million, so not sure how to read this. percent of people living there?
I understand most of the top markets - but Carolina? Am I missing something obvious? Was this scouting for the expansion draft?
Scouting / generalized excitement. I think it's easy to forget what it felt like in 2014 when we were waiting for NYCFC's first match. At that time I would consume pretty much anything that felt like it gave some connection to the team that was about to launch.
I understand most of the top markets - but Carolina? Am I missing something obvious? Was this scouting for the expansion draft?
Yeah, and there was a lot of Carolina in there. Greenville-Spartanburg-Asheville is a good 2-3 hours from Charlotte. Raleigh is even farther in the opposite direction. And Charlotte wasn't itself even in the Top 10.

My guess is that this is anticipation around joining the league combined with those areas being a bit more progressive and younger than Charlotte itself.
1.5% of households in the region were tuned into the game at some point.
1.5% of 8,400,000 = 126,000.
So NY peaked at around 126,000 viewers? plus of course people that watched on the same screen so we can maybe multiply that by like 1/2? so we are looking at around maybe 180,000? That's incredibly small compared to the population of New York City. (Unless the region is bigger than that, but even then.)
1.5% of 8,400,000 = 126,000.
So NY peaked at around 126,000 viewers? plus of course people that watched on the same screen so we can maybe multiply that by like 1/2? so we are looking at around maybe 180,000? That's incredibly small compared to the population of New York City. (Unless the region is bigger than that, but even then.)
I am not certain, but that might be reflecting the MSA - i.e. 1.5% of 20,000,000.

Still it's a relatively low percentage, but it's overall positive. The Club should get some real momentum out of this, and after the last couple of years, we need it.