Almost unwatchable because why is his voice only in my left year?
Almost unwatchable because why is his voice only in my left year?
Blame John Tolken for accosting the fans in the supporters section.
Almost unwatchable because why is his voice only in my left year?
Exactly. They were reacting to taunts from the players.Blame John Tolken for accosting the fans in the supporters section.
Throwing things on the field in response is not the move. It’s not the first time. (I am not blaming TR supporters).Blame John Tolken for accosting the fans in the supporters section.
Throwing things on the field in response is not the move. It’s not the first time. (I am not blaming TR supporters).
The Third Rail had no part in the RBNJ cup beer show incident. They are just assumed to be at fault because they have the most members and are most well known among the supporters of the club. Not everyone in the supporter section home or away is Third Rail and not all supporter incidents stem from the Third Rail.
I'll admit this video got me hyped. Then I'll see the lineup for the home match and then the result tomorrow and I know I'm going to be disappointed.
Great memories. It’s therapeutic to complain on here, but overall this club has provided so many happy times. I will never forget accidentally running into a wall when Mix scored that first goal. Or hearing that first Villa goal while standing at a Yankee Stadium urinal.
The quality of the broadcasts, especially the commentary has gone way downhill from an NYCFC fan perspective since the Apple TV deal. Commentators don't fly to games anymore, they don't the players, how they play, or anything niche about the club that Ian and Joe tailored over the course of their broadcast.