NYCFC Social Media Thread

Throwing things on the field in response is not the move. It’s not the first time. (I am not blaming TR supporters).

when this happened in portland at our MLS Cup final, the portland fans immediately pointed out the culprits and they were removed and punished. I can understand the supporter's section is not always entirely TR and LT members, but there should be enough of them there that they can immediately start figuring out who is doing what when it happens.

What the fans did in portland is what our supporters should strive to do. It's classy. Players will always taunt supporters. They get plenty of hate from supporters every game. I think it's ok for them to give a little back (obviously within reason). But it's never ok to toss things onto the field or at players or use derogatory/homophobic/etc language.
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The Third Rail had no part in the RBNJ cup beer show incident. They are just assumed to be at fault because they have the most members and are most well known among the supporters of the club. Not everyone in the supporter section home or away is Third Rail and not all supporter incidents stem from the Third Rail.

The third rail did arrange a tailgate that night, promising food and beer — neither of which appeared, but were replaced by a bottomless supply of Hudson whiskey. It was delicious. It also got a lot of people schnockered to the point that they were confronting security aggressively on the way in.

The combination of hard liquor, empty stomachs, an unfriendly environment and a poor on-field performance combined as a perfect cocktail. So while the third rail was not solely responsible, it was certainly a major contributing factor.

It was entirely predictable, so I positioned myself for an easy exit, which is the main reason I was able to duck out when things got ugly.
The quality of the broadcasts, especially the commentary has gone way downhill from an NYCFC fan perspective since the Apple TV deal. Commentators don't fly to games anymore, they don't know the players or talk to them at training, know how they play, or anything niche about the club that Ian and Joe tailored over the course of their broadcast.
The quality of the broadcasts, especially the commentary has gone way downhill from an NYCFC fan perspective since the Apple TV deal. Commentators don't fly to games anymore, they don't the players, how they play, or anything niche about the club that Ian and Joe tailored over the course of their broadcast.

Fully agree. The Apple broadcasts -- in front of the camera and the technical crew -- leave a lot to be desired.