Youth And Nanobrewers

MLS REALLY should go for the 14-28 male demo. Show the rowdiness. Show the fun. Show the rivalry tension between teams.

SSS should not try to censor fans. Its part of the game, culture and life. I cant say Boston Sucks at red sox games because some woman is offended on behalf of her son(who knows more cursewords than her) words are words. Crowds are crowds. People are people. Profits are profits
A parent
Its changed. If you got 16,17,18 year olds together, they would be social
i have a 12 year old, I don't know if this scares me or thrills me.
A parent

i have a 12 year old, I don't know if this scares me or thrills me.
Unless your child is homeschooled, he undoubtly knows cursewords. He probly knows what beer is (its a liquid only grown ups drink). As the youth grow older, they do older things. A word of advice: have your child taste wine at dinner. The bitter taste will ward off ANY drink for years to come
I got fam in belgium who own a brewery. Nova Biera (Bierra maybe idk). Le Petite Gayeux is pretty good. Won a couple awards too.

Another good taste is Delirium
Fucking ne'erdowells getting us relegated to off topic. There's probably an application and rules that need to be followed. You guys go around making friendly posts all willy nilly without regard to forum, and we end up here in the projects. No swag. No glory. No tight ends. No stadium. No fat frank jokes.
Fucking ne'erdowells getting us relegated to off topic. There's probably an application and rules that need to be followed. You guys go around making friendly posts all willy nilly without regard to forum, and we end up here in the projects. No swag. No glory. No tight ends. No stadium. No fat frank jokes.
We can start an off topic supporters group if you want...
Haha, I'm pretty sure two guys brewing beer was the definition of a microbrewery five or ten years ago. Have microbrews gotten too big and corporate that the term no longer applies and a new level of small needed to be created? We'll be at picobreweries in no time.
I'm gonna throw some honey, water and yeast in an empty coffee can. Anyone wanna help fund EinWindir's Picobrewery?
Unless your child is homeschooled, he undoubtly knows cursewords. He probly knows what beer is (its a liquid only grown ups drink). As the youth grow older, they do older things. A word of advice: have your child taste wine at dinner. The bitter taste will ward off ANY drink for years to come
That is how my parents did it with me. I can undoubtedly say she knows curses.
Do you have a Long Island branch? How about Connecticut?
Not yet but we're always looking to expand. There is small, one-time $50,000 licensing fee.

I can send you....errrr can pick up 20 packets of honey from 7-11 but we ask that you supply your own coffee can.

And yeast.

And water.