This is admittedly a bit half-baked but is there any chance the team intentionally delays signing a chunk of our roster each year as a way to try to gain a salary cap advantage? As others have pointed out the 1st 15 games of the season are mostly meaningless with how many teams make the playoffs. If every season you hold off on 2-3 signings for about 25-35% of the season that's a fairly sizeable cap/GAM/TAM savings depending on which contracts you do it with. Say this year we hold off on a DP ($400K cap hit) and two $700K TAM/Gam-type players for 30% of the season that's a $540K savings.
In a capped league trying to drive parity is it possible that this is some sort of money ball approach by our front office or am I overthinking it and we are just slow with our signings?
I don't think this holds up to the data.I think there's something to this.