After Speaking With My Account Manager

I didn't contact them because a few weeks ago I got tired of harassing my ticket rep about what shouldn't be ticket rep business just because the club doesn't communicate well. I actually put that in an email to him after he tried to call me in response to an earlier email. There should have been a public statement and I was hoping there would be one to circumvent all this telephone call hand-holding..

Now I guess I have to go ahead and email my rep again just so they know they need to improve. This shouldn't be so much work.

This is exactly how I feel and what I've experienced. Ticket reps shouldn't be handling this.

Has anyone else not had their deposit credited to the Season Ticket Invoice? I've contacted Ticketmaster and NYCFC Fan Services but have not gotten anything changed.
So after the developments in this thread I sent the following email to my account rep this evening. I will let everyone know what happens when - and if- he responds.

Hi David

Thanks for the Christmas note. I haven’t written you before but I corresponded previously with Dan Steeves who answered an email I sent to the general Fan Services email. The last time I wrote to him 2-3 weeks ago I promised not to write again except for actual account rep stuff like tickets or billing. But today I read that the club is surprised at the low level of complaints about the Lampard announcement, plus this has crossed over into outright fraud and deception and the club needs to know what fans think of that.

I was not shocked by the December 31 announcement that Lampard was being extended with MCFC indefinitely. Anyone who was not a fool had to see that coming the way things developed in December. I’ve moved past that and don’t want him here ever. But the club announced — with no ambiguity — that Lampard signed a MLS Designated Player contract last summer: "Transaction: New York City FC signs Frank Lampard to a Designated Player contract.”

And now we know that was a lie. In fact Lampard had a contract with MC and according to the League Deputy Commissioner, instead of a true DP MLS contract "He had an overall agreement with [the] owner, City Football Group.” The terms under which Lampard has been playing with MCFC were also falsely characterized as a loan. I note that on this point the league is more directly at fault than NYCFC. You folks carefully never used the word loan on your own pages, but to allow the league to lie to fans like that is not something the club can countenance.

NYCFC needs to come clean on this, to apologize, show contrition, and make amends. That is not done with phone calls where this issue is avoided. It is not done by scouting, or signing other new players. When you wrong someone, when you lie to someone, you have to apologize, confess and ask forgiveness. Then we can move on.

I understand the practice is for reps to call anyone who writes. Please be advised that there is no point in calling me unless you are prepared with substantive responses to the issues I just raised. Calling me to evade this issue, mumble platitudes and discuss scouting will be unproductive for both of us and unpleasant for you. It would be better not to call. I do hope, however, that the club does take the necessary steps to make this right.

Thanks and have a great day.

shoulda added the PS...Beanies would be a nice start
Spoke to my account manager today. Told him flat out I support the team not a player. I would see him in 3 months and there was no ill will towards the team or any player. That is MY view as unpopular as it is.
Spoke to my account manager today. Told him flat out I support the team not a player. I would see him in 3 months and there was no ill will towards the team or any player. That is MY view as unpopular as it is.
yeah im sure the other MCFC FIRST fans would say the same thing. Just like you told em the jersey was OK....missed the bigger picture yet again
yeah im sure the other MCFC FIRST fans would say the same thing. Just like you told em the jersey was OK....missed the bigger picture yet again
No I am a NYCFC fan. Other affiliations have nothing to do with that decision. Not everyone is a malcontent.
No I am a NYCFC fan. Other affiliations have nothing to do with that decision. Not everyone is a malcontent.
Disagreeing with a decision doesn't make you a malcontent...and its REALLLLLLLLLY NOT about 'supporting the team not a player' its about the lack of transparency between the clubs, something that was not only PROMISED throughout the announcement of the club but STRESSED. I say again, you missed the bigger picture
Disagreeing with a decision doesn't make you a malcontent...and its REALLLLLLLLLY NOT about 'supporting the team not a player' its about the lack of transparency between the clubs, something that was not only PROMISED throughout the announcement of the club but STRESSED. I say again, you missed the bigger picture


When someone says it's about the team, not a single player, then that tells me they just don't get what is happening here.
Nick Beatty
17 hrs · New York, NY · Edited
If you emailed or called, reply "Hail the Rail!" and like this post! Let's get over 1,000!

I just got off the phone with "my guy" who said exactly what you guys have been saying about their response (bla, bla, yada, yada). But what he did say that was really interesting is that he was actually surprised but HOW FEW calls/emails they have received, and EXPECTED MORE. As well, every single email that is received is being compiled and sent right up the chain to the all the VPs who will bring this information to the board room. So... there should be 11,000 STH emails, and at a minimum 1,500 emails from Third Railers voicing their concern for the recent activities. To some of us it's about a lack of transparency that isn't acceptable, for others it's about being portrayed as a farm team, for others it's about being lied to about a contract regardless of the intent, for others it's about passion and not wanting a DP in NYC that doesn't bleed NYC. WHATEVER IT IS, take 5 minutes and email with your thoughts in a way that can be related to the boss.

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Which TR Facebook page said that? Trying to get some of the folks over at Reddit to reach out to their reps.
Someone posted yesterday on the TR page saying that the representative from the team said that

EDIT well that's better than whatever I was trying to do haha
Someone posted yesterday on the TR page saying that the representative from the team said that

EDIT well that's better than whatever I was trying to do haha
Thanks - can't seem to find it, so I backpedaled - I recommended maintaining or ramping up the pressure, though
Just emailed my ticket rep and he called me almost immediately. I shall utilize the traditional negotiation tactic and make him wait before calling back. I have nothing to negotiate, but the power is intoxicating.


Plus, I'm hungry and would like some grub first.
Glad to see they're looking to get a 3rd DP. I wonder what options are available out there.
I received an email back in response to the email I sent in and posted above. It basically said they're always interested in fan opinion, etc, and that he understands if I don't want a call, but he's always there if I do want to talk. I responded to the effect I understand the position he's in, that I would welcome a call but only on the terms I set forth and otherwise we're better off leaving it at this.
Which is all fair enough as I did straight out say don't call unless you're prepared to discuss what I raised, and clearly they are not. I expect the plan is to ride this out and spend their way past it without ever acknowledging it.
I expect the plan is to ride this out and spend their way past it without ever acknowledging it.

I feel the same way, and that's unfortunate.

The reality is we hardcore fans, who are the ones that are most upset about this, are a very small percentage of the fan base. Most of the fan base is most likely made up of casual fans who either don't care enough, or don't even realize what's going on. They have their season tickets, and they're golden. That's also my guess as to why we're hearing that NYCFC is saying they're not getting many complaints.

They can easily get through this by ignoring it and riding it out. That's my guess.