After Speaking With My Account Manager

yeah im sure the other MCFC FIRST fans would say the same thing. Just like you told em the jersey was OK....missed the bigger picture yet again

The reality is we hardcore fans, who are the ones that are most upset about this, are a very small percentage of the fan base. Most of the fan base is most likely made up of casual fans who either don't care enough, or don't even realize what's going on. They have their season tickets, and they're golden. That's also my guess as to why we're hearing that NYCFC is saying they're not getting many complaints.

Us other 'hardcore' fans didn't miss the bigger picture the first time or the second time. It's ridiculous to condescend and assume that fans are MCFC first or not real fans because they are not publicly furious or not threatening to cease supporting NYCFC due to what the kit looks like (& represents to some) and the Lampard situation.

I don't care if the kit looks like Man City's or Liverpool's or Napoli's denim, as long as it has a NYCFC patch on the chest, that's my squad. Unrealistic to assume the initial kit wouldn't look similar to MCFC. It will evolve over the years.

Every fan is upset about the Lampard situation. I support all who voiced opinion to management because the Lampard stunt was thoroughly unfair but it's not right to patronize others because they are not as quick to take action as others. Unfortunately, this is a business and at the end of the day $$$ is king. I don't think CFG cares about a few negative tweets from TR and emails from NYCFC season ticket holders, but it cant hurt.

With or without Lampard, I'm definitely looking forward to being in the stadium in 60+ days.
honestly, I hadn't emailed or called my ticket rep since I've been able to hear what they're saying from these forums (love these by the way). But after hearing that they haven't received many complaints, that just pisses me off and makes me want to call and give them an earful. I'm incredulous that they could say/think that people aren't upset (or are at least implying that) after what has gone on these past few weeks

You should give him a call.
If they make the same deal, but announce it honestly, I think they end up in the same place without what seems to be unnecessary alienation of folks like us.

Agreed. If they just said in July that Frank would first sign with MCFC, then join us in a year, none of this would have happened. That would have been totally acceptable. I have no idea why they felt that they needed to lie.
honestly, I hadn't emailed or called my ticket rep since I've been able to hear what they're saying from these forums (love these by the way). But after hearing that they haven't received many complaints, that just pisses me off and makes me want to call and give them an earful. I'm incredulous that they could say/think that people aren't upset (or are at least implying that) after what has gone on these past few weeks
You should probably get in touch with your ticket rep, just in case.
Just send emails.

There is a greater chance that the "higher ups" see these, you can CC multiple executives on one message and you have a record of your correspondence to boot.
I'm not saying that the reps are not passing our grievances upwards, but the more likely way to ensure you are heard is email.
Us other 'hardcore' fans didn't miss the bigger picture the first time or the second time. It's ridiculous to condescend and assume that fans are MCFC first or not real fans because they are not publicly furious or not threatening to cease supporting NYCFC due to what the kit looks like (& represents to some) and the Lampard situation.

I don't care if the kit looks like Man City's or Liverpool's or Napoli's denim, as long as it has a NYCFC patch on the chest, that's my squad. Unrealistic to assume the initial kit wouldn't look similar to MCFC. It will evolve over the years.

Every fan is upset about the Lampard situation. I support all who voiced opinion to management because the Lampard stunt was thoroughly unfair but it's not right to patronize others because they are not as quick to take action as others. Unfortunately, this is a business and at the end of the day $$$ is king. I don't think CFG cares about a few negative tweets from TR and emails from NYCFC season ticket holders, but it cant hurt.

With or without Lampard, I'm definitely looking forward to being in the stadium in 60+ days.

Maybe you replied to the wrong person, because I never condescended anyone for being an MCFC fan. I have stated that if you're an MCFC fan first, then you're not going to understand why we're all upset. I've also stated that if you're a fan who isn't very upset, then you don't understand the real issue here. It's not about a jersey, or a single player. It's much bigger than that.
My guess is that they would have sold a similar amount of tickets.
Not like I have any special knowledge but that's my assessment. Really, how many people pulled the trigger based on Villa plus Lampard in March who would have held off based on Villa in March plus Lampard in July? On top of that, tons of people just wanted this team and would have signed on regardless. Maybe their metrics told them something different.
And on top of that, if they really did as they claim believe he would likely be here sooner, then surprise us and look extra golden.
I have a firm policy of believing that folks running a business know more about it than I do, but I have real trouble imagining what they possibly could have known that I didn't when they decided to mislead us on this point.
Not like I have any special knowledge but that's my assessment. Really, how many people pulled the trigger based on Villa plus Lampard in March who would have held off based on Villa in March plus Lampard in July? On top of that, tons of people just wanted this team and would have signed on regardless. Maybe their metrics told them something different.
And on top of that, if they really did as they claim believe he would likely be here sooner, then surprise us and look extra golden.
I have a firm policy of believing that folks running a business know more about it than I do, but I have real trouble imagining what they possibly could have known that I didn't when they decided to mislead us on this point.

The other possibility is, and this would be concerning, CFG/MCFC lied flat out to NYCFC. They told them the lie, and NYCFC believe it told all us. Hard for me to believe that NYCFC is this clueless, but it could have happened. Other possibility is that CFG/MCFC forced NYCFC's hand.

I don't know. All these scenarios are so hard to believe, even what has actually transpired.
Ok, I had a talk to my rep Mike, who was very apologetic and said he was just as in shock by the news and didn't want to even get out of bed when he saw the Lampard tweet the next morning. I was at work, so I couldn't talk long. He said I can call back or email anytime, so I drew up the following email I just sent over.

Hi Mike,

Thanks for talking earlier, sorry I had to cut it short for work. I’m not going to beat a dead horse about how we all feel lied to (including yourself) and if CFG was just open about who Lampard was signed with from the start and how they intended to transition him to NYCFC then this all wouldn’t have been such a big deal. But I thought I should at least write down the points I was making if they are to be sent to the top.

1. Most fans don’t blame the NYCFC FO, we blame CFG, MCFC, and Lampard himself. NYCFC and MLS might feel they have to bring Lampard in at this point, but most of the fans would rather not see him if he doesn’t want to be here. So the NYCFC should not feel pressured by the fans to get him here at all costs.

2. Can we please get some transparency on the current contract situation? Does Lampard’s contract expire after the Champions League final this year on June 6th? If so, is he signed to NYCFC at the moment, since we’re now in FIFA’s 6 month window to sign a player to a 2nd contract with the current club’s permission. If not, why not? There would be only 4 reasons I can think of why Lampard is not currently signed to NYCFC and MLS starting June 7th at this very moment:

A. MCFC did not give permission.
B. He’s singed to MCFC past June 6th, 2015.
C. Lampard does not want to sign with NYCFC.
D. NYCFC does not want to sign Lampard.

We fans feel lied to, and at the beginning of any relationship to start with lies does not bode well for the future. Especially if there was no reason to lie. If the way the contract was structured with MCFC was made clear from the start it would not have been so shocking, or felt deceitful. Some transparency at this point regarding the current contract status coming from NYCFC’s FO (who we would like to feel we can still trust and was strong-armed by CFG, MCFC, and Lampard) would help us understand the situation better, maybe even empathize. You’re lucky to have an intelligent and well-informed fan base that cares, please treat us with the honesty and dignity we deserve. Otherwise, like most relationships that begin with a lie, you might find yourself going to the dance alone.

Thanks for listening,
Maybe you replied to the wrong person, because I never condescended anyone for being an MCFC fan. I have stated that if you're an MCFC fan first, then you're not going to understand why we're all upset. I've also stated that if you're a fan who isn't very upset, then you don't understand the real issue here. It's not about a jersey, or a single player. It's much bigger than that.

I'm not sure it's about whether you root for NYCFC or MCFC first but rather how many MCFC fans see the role of NYCFC in CFG. Most MCFC fans see NYCFC's role solely in terms of the benefits it provides to MCFC: i.e. potential avenues to get around FFP, development, brand growth, etc. I'm a MCFC fan, but I don't see NYCFC's role that way. Rather, I see NYCFC as its own club making its own statement and impact on the US scene, with benefits to MCFC only tangentially through development and enhanced scouting ability in underserved US.
Ok, I had a talk to my rep Mike, who was very apologetic and said he was just as in shock by the news and didn't want to even get out of bed when he saw the Lampard tweet the next morning.

This made me feel a bit better. Not that the guy was so depressed, but that someone at NYCFC realized this was a fustercluck from the get-go, and especially knew that tweet was a stupid unforced error.
Maybe you replied to the wrong person, because I never condescended anyone for being an MCFC fan. I have stated that if you're an MCFC fan first, then you're not going to understand why we're all upset. I've also stated that if you're a fan who isn't very upset, then you don't understand the real issue here. It's not about a jersey, or a single player. It's much bigger than that.
This was my point exactly. Thanks for saying it better than I could have
I'm not sure it's about whether you root for NYCFC or MCFC first but rather how many MCFC fans see the role of NYCFC in CFG. Most MCFC fans see NYCFC's role solely in terms of the benefits it provides to MCFC: i.e. potential avenues to get around FFP, development, brand growth, etc. I'm a MCFC fan, but I don't see NYCFC's role that way. Rather, I see NYCFC as its own club making its own statement and impact on the US scene, with benefits to MCFC only tangentially through development and enhanced scouting ability in underserved US.
And also this. Jees you guys are real good at getting my points across
I'm not sure it's about whether you root for NYCFC or MCFC first but rather how many MCFC fans see the role of NYCFC in CFG. Most MCFC fans see NYCFC's role solely in terms of the benefits it provides to MCFC: i.e. potential avenues to get around FFP, development, brand growth, etc. I'm a MCFC fan, but I don't see NYCFC's role that way. Rather, I see NYCFC as its own club making its own statement and impact on the US scene, with benefits to MCFC only tangentially through development and enhanced scouting ability in underserved US.
Mike I respect your opinion on the matter, but I don't think CFG made a 100M plus investment for their flagship to benefit only tangentially. That's not to say the power won't shift down the road (a long ways down the road, like when I'm wearing diapers again). We are our own club, to a degree. I do think we'll make our own statement and impact but it will most definitely by heavily influenced and driven by Man City. and I knew that when I deceided to follow NYCFC. Doesn't mean I'm 100% OK with it, but it's the reality of the situation.
The other possibility is, and this would be concerning, CFG/MCFC lied flat out to NYCFC. They told them the lie, and NYCFC believe it told all us. Hard for me to believe that NYCFC is this clueless, but it could have happened. Other possibility is that CFG/MCFC forced NYCFC's hand.

I don't know. All these scenarios are so hard to believe, even what has actually transpired.
Hard to imagine NYCFC didn't know whether it and MLS has a contract directly with Lampard. Conceivable that both MLS and NYCFC were told what was gonna happen by CFG and rolled over.
kicked a ball in anger
ticks all the boxes
what is best for the group

all phrases I could go a while without hearing and be happy
I tried to hit most of them. I am not sure they'll figure out what I was doing.

And I still haven't heard from them, via email or otherwise. I wouldn't expect more except everyone else has said they received near immediate responses.