After Speaking With My Account Manager

I feel the same way, and that's unfortunate.

The reality is we hardcore fans, who are the ones that are most upset about this, are a very small percentage of the fan base. Most of the fan base is most likely made up of casual fans who either don't care enough, or don't even realize what's going on. They have their season tickets, and they're golden. That's also my guess as to why we're hearing that NYCFC is saying they're not getting many complaints.

They can easily get through this by ignoring it and riding it out. That's my guess.

It's funny because normally you want to go out of your way to cultivate your most engaged fans and they're on the opposite track. Not by deign, of course, but it is the path they are on. Also, there's a subset of the heavily engaged who think this is all fine, and to be honest, it's not just MC cross-overs. They want the team to spend lots of money and deliver a winner and nothing else counts. Temporary glitches are temporary, and integrity is irrelevant. If anything many expect that this will induce the club to deliver wins sooner than otherwise to avoid more fallout.
It's funny because normally you want to go out of your way to cultivate your most engaged fans and they're on the opposite track. Not by deign, of course, but it is the path they are on. Also, there's a subset of the heavily engaged who think this is all fine, and to be honest, it's not just MC cross-overs. They want the team to spend lots of money and deliver a winner and nothing else counts. Temporary glitches are temporary, and integrity is irrelevant. If anything many expect that this will induce the club to deliver wins sooner than otherwise to avoid more fallout.

Good points. The thing is, it's like that with every business. You cater to your biggest demo. Apple does it with their software. They design and build for the average user, not for the power user. NYCFC knows they need to pay less attention to us because we're in it deep.

The fan base is so young and small right now. If something like this happens 10-20 years from now my guess is they will hear a lot more from the fans.
I feel the same way, and that's unfortunate.

The reality is we hardcore fans, who are the ones that are most upset about this, are a very small percentage of the fan base. Most of the fan base is most likely made up of casual fans who either don't care enough, or don't even realize what's going on. They have their season tickets, and they're golden. That's also my guess as to why we're hearing that NYCFC is saying they're not getting many complaints.

They can easily get through this by ignoring it and riding it out. That's my guess.
How can you be hardcore before the team has kicked a ball in anger? How can you be hardcore if you're not a Manchester City fan? How can you be hardcore if you haven't suffered for 496 years? How can you be hardcore if your country doesn't still have a queen? IN 2015?
our new sponsor:

I was directed towards this thread after mentioning in a different thread that my rep was trying to get in touch with me. I just got off the phone with him and I genuinely like the guy. We've had lengthy conversations in the past and I can tell he respects my opinion.

Anyway, I voiced all of my concerns from the handling of the situation by the club, Pellegrini's ridiculous comments that this is somehow good for us, and the real possibility of pissing off the people who want this to succeed more than anything and, not surprisingly, he agreed with everything. I got the sense that we would not be seeing a statement directly from the club, as unfortunate as that sounds. We talked for about 15 minutes and his main point was that the club wants to make this up to their fans in the best way possible. As for what that was exactly I have no idea but I do believe that the people running the show do want to save face and make this right. I also mentioned the ill timed Lampard news update on New Year's Day and he cut me off and said that this was wrong and a really bad PR move. I never got the impression that he was reading off of a sheet (which I even mentioned to him) and he said that while we do have talking points he does genuinely care about my opinion and, as before, told me to give him a call if there was ever anything on my mind.
As always in those types of situations, the people who are responsible get to hide in their offices while lower level employees are the ones dealing with the fallout from situations they have no power over.

Very true and he knows it. I told him that my anger is not directed towards him, just the situation. Funnily enough, we got to talking about how things like Pellegrini's comments and the perception of this team as a farm team by others really alienates the very people you want to try and get (hardcore fans of other EPL teams, etc.) and mentioned how even the guy sitting next to him is an Arsenal fan so that made me feel better in a weird way.
It's funny because normally you want to go out of your way to cultivate your most engaged fans and they're on the opposite track. Not by deign, of course, but it is the path they are on. Also, there's a subset of the heavily engaged who think this is all fine, and to be honest, it's not just MC cross-overs. They want the team to spend lots of money and deliver a winner and nothing else counts. Temporary glitches are temporary, and integrity is irrelevant. If anything many expect that this will induce the club to deliver wins sooner than otherwise to avoid more fallout.
Truth be told I just want a good football team. Winning while nice and wonderful is not the end all be all. It isn't a horror show if you don't win every year. Take the bitter with the better and it rounds out nicely. A fuller experience.
I expect the plan is to ride this out and spend their way past it without ever acknowledging it.
They can easily get through this by ignoring it and riding it out. That's my guess.
As always in those types of situations, the people who are responsible get to hide in their offices while lower level employees are the ones dealing with the fallout from situations they have no power over.
Spot on gentlemen. Hence the reason people low on the totem pole (Ticket Reps) are left holding the bag and catching heat as opposed to anyone with actual management positions.
honestly, I hadn't emailed or called my ticket rep since I've been able to hear what they're saying from these forums (love these by the way). But after hearing that they haven't received many complaints, that just pisses me off and makes me want to call and give them an earful. I'm incredulous that they could say/think that people aren't upset (or are at least implying that) after what has gone on these past few weeks
Good points. The thing is, it's like that with every business. You cater to your biggest demo. Apple does it with their software. They design and build for the average user, not for the power user. NYCFC knows they need to pay less attention to us because we're in it deep.

The fan base is so young and small right now. If something like this happens 10-20 years from now my guess is they will hear a lot more from the fans.
Agreed. There are counter-examples as well on the business side. I'm pretty certain restaurants and the movie industry get a major share of their revenue from a rather small slice of repeat customers, which is why restaurants shower you with occasional freebies and attention if you show up regularly, and most movies are aimed at 14-25 year olds.
Here I think the issue was so much the core group of engaged NYCFC fans v the mass of NYCFC fans, but the core NYCFC group versus the entirety of MCFC, and that isn't a close call. So I'm not at all surprised by that.
I'm still surprised at the original deception about the contract. If they make the same deal, but announce it honestly, I think they end up in the same place without what seems to be unnecessary alienation of folks like us.

And my worry is experience has shown me that folks who lie for no seeming reason are never, ever to be trusted. Ether they're pathological, or so cleverly devious, you just can't keep up.
honestly, I hadn't emailed or called my ticket rep since I've been able to hear what they're saying from these forums (love these by the way). But after hearing that they haven't received many complaints, that just pisses me off and makes me want to call and give them an earful. I'm incredulous that they could say/think that people aren't upset (or are at least implying that) after what has gone on these past few weeks
Exactly why I wrote to them today.
honestly, I hadn't emailed or called my ticket rep since I've been able to hear what they're saying from these forums (love these by the way). But after hearing that they haven't received many complaints, that just pisses me off and makes me want to call and give them an earful. I'm incredulous that they could say/think that people aren't upset (or are at least implying that) after what has gone on these past few weeks
I would encourage you to do so. At least send an email. I don't think it will change anything but I really dislike the idea that they are underestimating the reaction because they just desensitized us to the point we just give up.
Just sent this message in to my rep - we'll see what happens...


I wanted to voice my thoughts to you regarding the recent Frank Lampard debacle. I know you are not responsible for the events that have transpired, but this message is intended for the management/ownership of NYCFC and City Football Group.

It is utterly shameful and reprehensible how NYCFC and CFG have treated its fans. I have never owned season tickets to any other team, and I signed up for the inaugural NYCFC season after a renewed enthusiasm for US Soccer. However, I never expected to be treated like this. From lies about the way Lampard's contract was structured/signed to a total lack of regard for fans as seen by the radio silence since the extension of Lampard's stay with MCFC, the fans - those that have started with NYCFC and committed before a single game was played - have been treated terribly. Some fans might request a refund for the season tickets they purchase - and would be 100% fair in doing so, since they were promised Lampard for Match 1 - but I will not go so far, because I am still committed to the team, and I would still like to be a fan of NYCFC.

I will say, however, that NYCFC and CFG need to make this right with the fans of NYCFC. Whether that means a public apology, ensuring Lampard is replaced with a new DP signing soon, or, more creatively, offering some sort of discount/partial refund for already paid-in season tickets (or more likely more than one of those and other suggestions), something needs to be done. Radio silence is not the answer, and management should not just expect this to "blow over."

Fans are insulted and upset. This was not the way to begin a franchise. Please make this right with your fans.

Spoke to my rep for about 15 minutes - like it's been said above, they rep was really nice, down to earth, and definitely a fan of soccer.

He said "they expected worse" when they came in yesterday, which is not to say they haven't been flooded - from what I can tell, I doubt they can (or would even want to) respond to every Facebook post or Tweet - since this was the Fan Services department, they're gathering all of the feedback and compiling the data to be presented to the heads of NYCFC - for the most part, he reiterated a lot of what was said above, but it was more casual than scripted.

He went on to say they have been in touch with Reyna and Kreis and they stated that FL would be here in July (still leery about that myself) - as a NYCFC fan himself (and a STH), it mean a lot to hear from them directly.

When asked if the STHs would receive any extra perks in the wake of this debacle - he gave the expected response of nothing to report at the moment.

Since the main part of my email was about how we were misled and that I'm miffed about the lack of an official response, I asked if he anticipated any kind of statement, but since that falls under PR and Communications, he couldn't really say.

Side note: while talking to him about his seats, I asked if the the yellow foul poles would be removed for games or if they're permanent fixtures, which they are - however, they blocked off seats that had an obstructed view so they weren't available for season tickets - not to say they can't sell them for individual games.