Frank Lampard Loan Extension

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EspnFC take on it...
I love how this is everyone's and no one's call. Who is in charge? NYCFC? MLS? Pellegrini? Lampard? The Sheik? Reyna? CFG? A total clusterfuck... just make a decision so we can move on. To be honest, everyone looks bad.

With that said I am calming down about the whole situation. Mostly because of the great job Reyna and Kreis have done putting this team together... loved that expansion draft! So let's find out who is really in charge of NYCFC. I think this is a unique situation that needs to be addressed once and for all. I do find it funny that Lampard is making all this so interesting by scoring goals. No one wanted this guy 6 months ago and now he is a rock star... I hope it continues in NYC.

My Prediction: Someone realizes that you don't throw $100 million+ and all the goodwill from NYers down the toilet over Frankie Lampard, so he will be in NYC for opening day. Regardless, I am keeping my season tickets even if it is to boo.
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Way to change the subject, E. Keep pushing for some angle that, perhaps, Manchester looks good in this. There's not one.

Every single e-mail I've received from NYCFC since the Lampard signing has included his image. Those are advertisement e-mails intended to sell tickets.

You are a master at logical fallacy. Top shelf work.

I, speaking for myself, am baffled as to why they've allowed Pellegrini to comment on this subject. He's the one that's really fanned the flames of doubt by REPEATEDLY stating he wants Lampard to stay -- even specifying til the end of the season. How can the organization allow him to do that?

Now Reyna is going to have a chat with Lampard about this? What's to chat about? He's coming back isn't he?

Its interesting how it all started with Pellegrini saying maybe and Kreis saying no way. Now though Kreis doesn't say anything and Pellegrini is publicly saying "Oh yeah, we want him all season"

How can this happen? Beyond stupid.
well, if he shows a bit of backbone, he might just find himself working for MCFC.
Way to change the subject, E. Keep pushing for some angle that, perhaps, Manchester looks good in this. There's not one.

Every single e-mail I've received from NYCFC since the Lampard signing has included his image. Those are advertisement e-mails intended to sell tickets.

You are a master at logical fallacy. Top shelf work.

Have i ever said Lampard will not be there, I think he will. The logic of screwing up a 100 million dollar plus investment is being peddled by others here.
As far as I am aware there has been no official statement from Manchester, New York, or Abu Dhabi, nor America in the form of the MLS.
I am not getting excited about the issue, because currently there is not one to get excited by. If Lampard does stay at MCFC, I will join you in voicing displeasure
Have i ever said Lampard will not be there, I think he will. The logic of screwing up a 100 million dollar plus investment is being peddled by others here.
As far as I am aware there has been no official statement from Manchester, New York, or Abu Dhabi, nor America in the form of the MLS.
I am not getting excited about the issue, because currently there is not one to get excited by. If Lampard does stay at MCFC, I will join you in voicing displeasure
For the record, I want to credit you on making what I see as more than a few reasonable points. I appreciate your willingness to view the big picture and respect our desires to have "our own" club.

Next time I head to the uk, I'd like to buy you a few beers. But you'll have to promise me a ticket next to you for MC-LFC. I'll pocket my scarf for the day. You seem like my kind of guy, frankly.
I love how this is everyone's and no one's call. Who is in charge? NYCFC? MLS? Pellegrini? Lampard? The Sheik? Reyna? CFG? A total clusterfuck... just make a decision so we can move on. To be honest, everyone looks bad.

With that said I am calming down about the whole situation. Mostly because of the great job Reyna and Kreis have done putting this team together... loved that expansion draft! So let's find out who is really in charge of NYCFC. I think this is a unique situation that needs to be addressed once and for all. I do find it funny that Lampard is making all this so interesting by scoring goals. No one wanted this guy 6 months ago and now he is a rock star... I hope it continues in NYC.

My Prediction: Someone realizes that you don't throw $100 million+ and all the goodwill from NYers down the toilet over Frankie Lampard, so he will be in NYC for opening day. Regardless, I am keeping my season tickets even if it is to boo.
I thought the ESPNFC guys were pretty clear, and I value Steve Nicols opinion. A long-time US resident, MLS coach and EPL player. He has cred. And they were clear is Mansour and his management team that make the decision. Not Kreis, Reyna or Pellegrini.

But I totally agree. Make a decision now and let the dominos fall. At least if he stays in MC, NYCFC will have time now to make backup plans.
If he's going to play in MLS, he's signed a contract with MLS - the league has a single entity structure. His player rights are partially owned by MLS and are assigned to NYCFC.

As a result, there's zero chance that Frank is actually owned by Manchester, but is "shadow loaned" to NYCFC. Under MLS rules, that's not possible.

Edit: And please don't tell me that I support Manchester City by proxy. Chipotle and McDonald's are (or at least were) partially owned by the same ownership group, but even if I enjoy Chipotle burritos, you won't see me caught dead inside of a McDonald's.

At least we have the same view on McDonnalds. Does that make us food snobs ?
For the record, I want to credit you on making what I see as more than a few reasonable points. I appreciate your willingness to view the big picture and respect our desires to have "our own" club.

Next time I head to the uk, I'd like to buy you a few beers. But you'll have to promise me a ticket next to you for MC-LFC. I'll pocket my scarf for the day. You seem like my kind of guy, frankly.

I am choked ;) OK deal !!
Not going to choke you until after the match. Kinky like that.
Wait has an announcement come out one way or the other happened or is this the daily argument over no news?
The latter. Come get a taste. It's addictive.

Well to be fair to us lunatics, first this morning the Men in Blazers tweeted that "There is as much chance of Kun Aguero starting season at NYCFC as Frank Lampard" then after today's game the Manchester Evening News says that Pellegrini announced that "Frank wants to stay, we want to keep him. We must resolve the problem with New York City and the MLS." Then during Goal Zone Robbie Earle says whether Lampard returns to NYCFC in time for opening day is a question to be debated, and then we have the espnfc video MagnusPax posted.
So yeah there's no news but the soccer media are driving this story, Pellegrini is causing trouble, and the club is letting it all fester. Add in a bunch of hyperactive fans and you get this forum
I can't wait until we have results to bitch about. We need to start a meltdown thread a la Roll Bama Roll.


Based on how passionate/cynical/plagued by expectations of the worst/media baited/national team bed shitting/elitist and self-deprecating we all are, I think we can safely claim we are right on the tails of England in "proper footballing nation" rankings. Congrats guys. We've done it. Someone save us.
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This isn't bad. Have you seen the FB page there's 11 separate threads in a row about Lampard. So that's 11 of these discussions happening in 11 different places all accomplishing the same thing... Nothing.
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