Home - RBNJ 7/03

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If like to see NYCFC attack Lloyd Sam's side of the field and throw numbers around him when he has to defend so he gets frustrated. He's fiery and very likely to again go into challenges hard - NYCFC should goad him into losing his cool via passing around him & highly technical play/dribbling, and hopefully the refs don't turn a blind eye to his antics. Him and Grella are the two that could easily loose their heads, and I'm sure Lampard is the one that wants to mess with Grella's.

It's a good point. We talk about the amazing positioning, passing and soccer IQ we get with our Lampard/Pirlo/Iraola midfield. Widely unmentioned is the fact that all three and the definition of professionals in the highest sense. We don't have to worry about any of them doing anything rash or stupid and I'm sure all three are very well versed in how to wind a guy like Sam up.
This match is really Sunday at noon? What, did NYCFC think "let's tap into a new demographic, the brunch crowd!!!" Strange to see a match that early (afternoons are usually 1 or later).

Still, going to be a hot one. If RBNJ still runs circles around NYCFC even in that heat and with the tired legs, something is wrong.

We'll never get the playing times we want because of the Yankees and the need to immediately change the field back to baseball. I want more god damn night games. We only get about three a year.
Fun Fact: We've never lost going into an MLS game with two consecutive MLS wins. We only have three game win streaks, not two.
The Yankees do mess up our schedule a lot but they are completely irrelevant here. After today they don't play at YS again until July 15.
We'll never get the playing times we want because of the Yankees and the need to immediately change the field back to baseball. I want more god damn night games. We only get about three a year.

We have 7 games this year that start at 7pm or later. We had 10 of those last year. It probably seems like we don't have many because we had 3 in the first 5 home games and then only 1 since.

I personally prefer the earlier games as I like to bring the kids, and that is tough with games that start too late. It's worth noting that afternoon games are more highly attended for the club.
We have 7 games this year that start at 7pm or later. We had 10 of those last year. It probably seems like we don't have many because we had 3 in the first 5 home games and then only 1 since.

I personally prefer the earlier games as I like to bring the kids, and that is tough with games that start too late. It's worth noting that afternoon games are more highly attended for the club.

I just want pancakes on Sunday...
Any breakfast-ish foods pitch side?

Well there's never been a game this early this year and Pitchside just has a smaller selection of the food in Legends. We'll see.

I tweeted at NYCFC regarding the desire for brunch foods for Sunday's match. Though it's really up to Legends Hospitality.
I realize this sounds insane to someone of your years. I would have though so myself back when. But I tell you now that with the wisdom of years that you can get up early enough on Sunday morning, to obtain and eat pancakes, and still make it to Yankee Stadium on time.

And LionNYC , somewhere between where you are now and Team 50, you will be making those pancakes yourself for young kids in the morning who wake you up before before 7am on a Sunday. Then after slaving over the stove while still half asleep, they won't want them anymore and ask for something else. But your reward will be to eat all the pancakes you just made for them yourself (but get rid of the evidence before the wife comes down and sees what you ate!). And then you'll still have plenty of time to take everyone to the match and only miss half of it with bathroom runs.
And LionNYC , somewhere between where you are now and Team 50, you will be making those pancakes yourself for young kids in the morning who wake you up before before 7am on a Sunday. Then after slaving over the stove while still half asleep, they won't want them anymore and ask for something else. But your reward will be to eat all the pancakes you just made for them yourself (but get rid of the evidence before the wife comes down and sees what you ate!). And then you'll still have plenty of time to take everyone to the match and only miss half of it with bathroom runs.
This reads like a monologue from Father of the Bride...
Earlier in the week I tweeted to NYCFC Fan services asking if the new Yankee deal with StubHub would affect or apply to us as well. This was before I finally found an article where someone asked StubHub about this and they said no. My rep called me today to answer my question and confirmed what the article said. Of course, everything is prefaced and limited by an "at this time"

We also chatted about Sunday. I mentioned I thought the crowd might be light compared to other RB games due to the holiday weekend and he said they were still hoping for nice crowd and the 300 level is open.
Maybe I'll just fast on Sunday for the Football Gods to grant us three points instead, guys
Several things from a tactical perspective (pancakes way trump tactics!):

-One of the keys will be the new 3-man midfield and its technical quality vs the press. We all know RBNY is going to try to compress the field, run right at those midfielders and press the play out of the back. Iraola/Pirlo/Lamps are technically sound and can make those quick 1-2 passes that can break the press. If they can do that, will be a dramatically different game.

-Harrison is a key to run at and stretch the defense. If RBNY is pressing hard, a guy like that will get the D on their back foot and could open up some big opportunities. Villa is not a target forward so this is needed to keep the D honest.

-RBNY's CB's will give up chances if they get run at. Collin is s foul machine and he can be beaten with pace. Or give up tasty free kicks for Pirlo.

-Sad to say it but the ref will play a part. Grajeda's record is to let a lot go (he's not given out a ton of yellows and reds so far this year). If RBNY can hit and be physical, this will give them an advantage.

-Saunders will be a liability. He's got to not try to do too much. But the problem then is he boots it down the field, RBNY wins the 50/50 (Getting those is not a NYCFC strength) and boom off they go again. Ooof.
Several things from a tactical perspective (pancakes way trump tactics!):

-One of the keys will be the new 3-man midfield and its technical quality vs the press. We all know RBNJ is going to try to compress the field, run right at those midfielders and press the play out of the back. Iraola/Pirlo/Lamps are technically sound and can make those quick 1-2 passes that can break the press. If they can do that, will be a dramatically different game.

-Harrison is a key to run at and stretch the defense. If RBNJ is pressing hard, a guy like that will get the D on their back foot and could open up some big opportunities. Villa is not a target forward so this is needed to keep the D honest.

-RBNJ's CB's will give up chances if they get run at. Collin is s foul machine and he can be beaten with pace. Or give up tasty free kicks for Pirlo.

-Sad to say it but the ref will play a part. Grajeda's record is to let a lot go (he's not given out a ton of yellows and reds so far this year). If RBNJ can hit and be physical, this will give them an advantage.

-Saunders will be a liability. He's got to not try to do too much. But the problem then is he boots it down the field, RBNJ wins the 50/50 (Getting those is not a NYCFC strength) and boom off they go again. Ooof.
Fck'em.... We're ballin Sunday
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