And this line from Kreis just goes over the top on telling fans to piss off. "I think it’s been confusing for a lot of people and I’m not sure that I understand why,”
Gee, maybe it was because the NYCFC website has been telling us incorrectly that he has been signed as a DP since last summer Jason.
Again, there was a way for Reyna and Kreis to toe the company line while still being respectful to NYCFC fans. MCFC already conceded that listing Lampard on the NYCFC website as a DP was an "error." Kries and Reyna could therefore at least acknowledge that while staying within CFG guidelines. They chose otherwise.
EDIT: for typo and clarity.
You can read that 2 ways though, as a fuck you to us fans or to MC/CFG.
Either he said: The fans were confused and I'm not sure why/what there was to be confused about.
Or: The fans were confused and I'm not sure why it was handled in such a confusing way.
The second reading I would completely agree with and fits with Kreis' "I'm surprised nothing has been announced yet" comment.
(Also Everton just took a point against City, so maybe I'm feeling a bit generous)