MLS Team Valuations - Forbes

I think Toronto may actually be higher but that's a fuzzy guess. Hard to say with Tam/Gam buying down salaries which technically comes from the league.

I think we're neck and neck with Toronto. I had us at an actually payroll of $21.1mm and that was before the Chanot signing. We're probably closer to $21.3. What I want to see is the drop-off to the next tier of payrolls and how low it goes. And again, see if it's in any way linked to the on-field performance.
When we have our own Stadium I'd have to imagine we'll likely be at number one in worth and revenue and leave Jersey in our dust.
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I'd honestly rather have the Red Bulls in MLS than the Cosmos. They're even more terrible to deal with.
I'd love it if the Kosmos' brain trust wasn't so adamant about staying "independent" and would buy in to the concept that MLS isn't out to screw teams regarding intellectual property/icon and roster spending (it's not like they outspend MLS teams now and yet they have he opportunity to). Two NYC teams along with RB would make for a crazy slate of games each year and we'd have anywhere from 4-6 derbies to get excited for - that would be huge for a league TV deal. I dont like their DBag fans, but whatever, I don't like RB's either. And I do think if they were in MLS & playing at a local venue, they'd have more than 3k fans, maybe not a ton more, but possibly in the 12-15k level. It would actually be hilarious if the NASL tanks and the Kosmos finally bite the bullet and buys in at a new entry price of $300M.
I'd love it if the Kosmos' brain trust wasn't so adamant about staying "independent" and would buy in to the concept that MLS isn't out to screw teams regarding intellectual property/icon and roster spending (it's not like they outspend MLS teams now and yet they have he opportunity to). Two NYC teams along with RB would make for a crazy slate of games each year and we'd have anywhere from 4-6 derbies to get excited for - that would be huge for a league TV deal. I dont like their DBag fans, but whatever, I don't like RB's either. And I do think if they were in MLS & playing at a local venue, they'd have more than 3k fans, maybe not a ton more, but possibly in the 12-15k level. It would actually be hilarious if the NASL tanks and the Kosmos finally bite the bullet and buys in at a new entry price of $300M.
That would be fun and all, but I don't think there is any chance of NYC adding a third team unless MLS goes the way of pro/rel. The US is too big geographically to not take advantage of other available TV markets.
Exactly! There really should have been a time limit attached so that the Option expires if no movement. Every new investor is going to find themselves technically on the hook for Beckham's Golden Parachute with the money they lose from not getting a split of a "new" investor's buy-in.

I thought there was a time limit, and either Beckham hit the milestones, or the league is giving him more time to avoid an ugly dispute. At some point, however, they need to recut the deal.
I thought there was a time limit, and either Beckham hit the milestones, or the league is giving him more time to avoid an ugly dispute. At some point, however, they need to recut the deal.
Not sure, but if he hit any milestones they aren't apparently tangible- he seems farther back in his quest to get off the ground than we do with moving into our new stadium.
I'd love it if the [C]osmos' brain trust wasn't so adamant about staying "independent" and would buy in to the concept that MLS isn't out to screw teams regarding intellectual property/icon and roster spending (it's not like they outspend MLS teams now and yet they have he opportunity to). Two NYC teams along with RB would make for a crazy slate of games each year and we'd have anywhere from 4-6 derbies to get excited for - that would be huge for a league TV deal. I dont like their DBag fans, but whatever, I don't like RB's either. And I do think if they were in MLS & playing at a local venue, they'd have more than 3k fans, maybe not a ton more, but possibly in the 12-15k level. It would actually be hilarious if the NASL tanks and the [C]osmos finally bite the bullet and buys in at a new entry price of $300M.

No one ever claimed that MLS is out to "screw" teams. The Cosmos' owners have simply noted (correctly) that, if they had paid the $100 million expansion fee and joined MLS when they had the chance, they would have lost control over the team's name and logos . Also, they would no longer be able to directly negotiate with and sign players at will.

That MLS teams are subject to these restrictions is a fact. How much importance to give to the freedom that being outside MLS provides is a judgement call; and the Cosmos' owners have made it clear where they stand.

There is no doubt that those owners would be richer now had they joined MLS when they had the chance, as the MLS team with the lowest valuation is certainly worth much more than the Cosmos are. But this ownership wants to run a club; as long as they can do that and survive, to them that's preferable to getting rich as managers of a branch office of MLS. This is why I respect the Cosmos, and why I root for them in all games apart from those against NYCFC.

It's a damn shame that some fans of NYCFC and the Cosmos have developed an enmity towards one another, because both clubs represent a kind of authenticity, each in its own way. NYCFC is a standard-bearer of a new non-sucky MLS which, having emerged from its goofy "Metrostars / Clash / Dallas Burn" period, should no longer be sneered at. The Cosmos represent the traditional club model which MLS arrogantly trampled on when it was artificially created, merely as a means to secure the 1994 World Cup, at a time when the U.S. could not have legitimately supported a Division 1 league.

The two sets of fans should ideally have a friendly rivalry; we ought to save all our hatred and contempt for the failed Metrostars/Red Bulls monstrosity, which has never made even a small dent in New York's sports consciousness.

Anyway, maybe one day the Cosmos' owners will no longer be able to sustain their vision of the club. At that point either they'll sell to other owners who might be open to joining MLS, or else the current owners themselves will change their strategy on the matter. Perhaps then we'll see the Cosmos buy the Red Bulls and wipe that embarassing name from the sports landscape.

But, until then, I wish the Cosmos nothing but success in the NASL. If fans of Liverpool and Everton can respect one another and can participate in "the friendly derby" without segregated seating, then fans of NYCFC and the Cosmos certainly can manage to do the same.
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This is all fair enough and generally true, but I do disagree that "MLS arrogantly trampled on" the traditional club model. MLS created the single entity model as a means of league survival as it started up and tried to grow the sport. I don't believe there would be an MLS today if they had organized in the fashion of NASL.
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Oof... We're $9M in the red this year. I wonder how much of that are one-time costs relating to infrastructure like the training grounds/Academy and how much are related to yearly operations/roster?
I'm pretty sure that is for last year as that revenue figure matches what Forbes presented as 2015 Revenue.
I don't think NYCFC having a net loss is a problem at all. We're like a tax shield for Man City's operations within Financial Fair Play.

I can see CFG wanting us to be profitable, but I don't think it's at all a top priority within the next decade.
They run an operating deficit for a few years to build the brand - totally worth it, although it takes deep pockets to pull it off. Certainly it's not a lot of money compared to the franchise buy in as well as all the startup costs - which presumably aren't included in the operating deficit.
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I wonder what "revenue" covers (ticket, merch, sponsorships, etc)? and how does NYCFC trump NJRB after only 2 years in the league?

I think cause the team is the actual brand. The Red Bulls are selling a drink brand. Not being sarcastic, but it's true. Plus Pirlo is the number #1 selling jersey...Villa is #3 and Lampard#9. Nobody outside of the NJ/NYC area is buying a red bulls jersey. We have value in the NYCFC brand....they don't. We will be the Yankees/Cowboys of MLS...we are close to being that already. It has to help in every aspect of revenue.
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