MLS Team Valuations - Forbes

I wonder what "revenue" covers (ticket, merch, sponsorships, etc)? and how does NYCFC trump NJRB after only 2 years in the league?
I think cause the team is the actual brand. The Red Bulls are selling a drink brand. Not being sarcastic, but it's true. Plus Pirlo is the number #1 selling jersey...Villa is #3 and Lampard#9. Nobody outside of the NJ/NYC area is buying a red bulls jersey. We have value in the NYCFC brand....they don't. We will be the Yankees/Cowboys of MLS...we are close to being that already. It has to help in every aspect of revenue.

Revenues would include share of league revenues - mostly TV I would suspect, tickets, concessions, merchandise, sponsorships, local TV contract. We sell more tickets than NJ and almost certainly sell more merchandise. Hard to know how sponsorship shakes out.
They should just fold NJRB. They add nothing.

Admit Cosmos in to MLS and let them build a stadium in Elmont.
NJRB, NYCFC and Cosmos all in MLS (and with their own soccer-specific stadiums) would do wonders for building / expanding soccer interest in the tri-state area.
NJRB, NYCFC and Cosmos all in MLS (and with their own soccer-specific stadiums) would do wonders for building / expanding soccer interest in the tri-state area.

An MLS Cosmos team wouldn't even need a soccer-specific stadium. If they played at Citi Field (which has hosted several soccer matches), it would make the perfect complement to NYCFC's being at Yankee Stadium.

An MLS Cosmos team wouldn't even need a soccer-specific stadium. If they played at Citi Field (which has hosted several soccer matches), it would make the perfect complement to NYCFC's being at Yankee Stadium.


That field doesn't meet MLS requirements (although some would say our field doesn't either).
It doesn't? Is it even narrower than our pitch at Yankee Stadium?
It's in the stadium thread, but I believe it's shorter. Seth is the resident expert on that sort of thing.
Here's the Citi Field diagram:

Basically soccer doesn't quite fit in the current baseball stadiums. When they had football and baseball together, like they used to at Shea, for example, it would've been pretty easy but nowadays the baseball stadiums are a lot smaller.
Surprised Chicago is higher than Philly.

I never thought Fires were that relevant over there. Union has their niche.
Does the evaluation mean much if we are operating at a negative income?
Friendly format.

It's kinda fascinating (or maybe telling that this is a big Wild As Guess by Forbes) that so many teams have exactly the same revenue: $24M (6 teams), or that Orlando & NYCFC both have $36M - there's no way we are bringing in equal revenue as our southern cousins.

What are the chances that with variables of merchandise, tix, concessions, sponsorship, etc these numbers align so perfectly? While operating from similar play books, the fluctuations associated with fans/attendance and how much they spend cannot possibly be the same from club to club.

What would be really nice is for a team to be placed on the blocks for sale. Any interested buyer would get a good look at the books and real numbers could be deduced after an accepted offer. I wonder how much new owners lining up for expansion get to look at the league's books before forking over the entry fee?
What would be really nice is for a team to be placed on the blocks for sale. Any interested buyer would get a good look at the books and real numbers could be deduced after an accepted offer. I wonder how much new owners lining up for expansion get to look at the league's books before forking over the entry fee?
Any interested buyer would have to have the club on his/her Discovery List, or else purchase the Discovery Rights from the buyer who controlled said Rights for that club. In the event a club was not on any buyer's Discover List, it will be eligible for purchase. However, should multiple buyers be interested, the League will determine which shall be able to purchase the club via Blind Draw.
Any interested buyer would have to have the club on his/her Discovery List, or else purchase the Discovery Rights from the buyer who controlled said Rights for that club. In the event a club was not on any buyer's Discover List, it will be eligible for purchase. However, should multiple buyers be interested, the League will determine which shall be able to purchase the club via Blind Draw.
[slow clap] brä vō... brä vō...