Pirlo And Tactics Against Him

I like the idea of Pirlo having someone behind him that's not a CB or an outside back to protect the backline. It would essentially play like a 4-1-1-3-1. Don't get me wrong, whoever it is won't float behind him, but instead will have the responsibility to get back in case the direction of play changes. It gives Pirlo less to worry about.

That said, I expect him to be able to handle being man-marked, even if heavily. The only thing I'm worried about is how he's going to handle the physicality of the league. I didn't watch enough Serie A to know if he gets frustrated when not getting calls. I assume he would be very frustrated.

From the last match, what inspired me the most about his addition is how much less work there was for Villa to do to shake his defenders as well as how much more of an emphasis it put on the other teams defenders. They knew something could and would be coming in at any moment. They seemed shaken by it. If there is anything I can expect moving forward this season, it is that the opposing back line isn't going to hold too high of a line considering Villa's great runs or take a moment off when the ball is in our possession. Our fringe offensive players (i.e. Calle, Mix, Puku, and Shelton when he returns) are going to have miles of space available to them. If I were them I would concentrate on my finishing skills in training. I wouldn't want to piss off Pirlo knowing he's the guy feeding you.