I did eventually get the Play button for the Mandalorian, and also was able to download it. Watched over lunch (it's 40 minutes). Solid. Stay away from any references to it on Twitter, cause people are being really fast and loose with the big spoiler.
Here's the question:
Yoda's kid or clone Yoda. I'm thinking Yoda's kid because 50 years before Mandalorian, puts us in Phantom Menace timeframe, before Yoda knew of the cloners in attack of the clones (which we know were ordered by Palpatine/Darth Sidious). Unless Palp got his hands on Yoda DNA and made one without telling him, and that's actually very plausible if we also believe Anakin/Vader was an experiment where he got Shmi pregnant. Ok, now I'm on the clone train. But it was a Palp ordered clone without Yoda's knowledge. And that's also why the remnants of the Empire are aware of the baby.