Season Ticket Prices Have Just Been Announced.

The NYCFCHelp Twitter account just tweeted this to me when I asked why we can't pick our seats now:

"We r developing a virtual viewer w/ soccer field layout & sight lines we'll use 4 seat selection 2 make it easy 4 fans."
Excellent news.
The Devils have a $23 ticket and the Jets are actually down to $50. I'm pretty sure the Nets have the $30 seats both those are for grandfathered in accounts only.

The pricing for 27K seats is decent. I can imagine most nights having about 15k in attendance.
Thanks, Devils didn't have a seating chart with pricing and I just looked on the pricing charts for the others, but might have missed something.
Statement from Mike Q V.P. of Fan Services/Ticketing

In case you are getting any questions about why the supporter section is where it is and want to let people know. The primary reason is because when we held our meet and greet with Tim, Claudio and Ferran this was the overwhelming response to where they wanted to be. All those with supporter season tickets were invited to that event.

Other factors. Bleachers with metal seats could provide more noise/better atmosphere.

There will be nobody behind the supporters so there is no worry of blocking any views.

This area gave us the ability to provide more seats than using just the lower levels.
Man, I really wish I still lived in NYC. Hopefully by next year, I can move back and buy those tickets
The bleacher creatures are in right field not left field. I hope the NYCFC Supporters act in a much classier way compared to those animals.

I think the reason for placement in the bleachers is simply because of the ability to make noise with the metal benches although the section won't be very visible on TV which is disappointing.
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Looks OK to me.. The bullpen is just in front of the standing section (orange colored) and nobody behind.
The pic is from the Third Rail site btw.
Bleachers I understand for supporters section. Not surprised really but one reason supporters usually have right behind the goals is it will be full all the time. Now there is possibility for empty section in front if supporters.
Bleachers I understand for supporters section. Not surprised really but one reason supporters usually have right behind the goals is it will be full all the time. Now there is possibility for empty section in front if supporters.
It's a little weird to have the section in front of the supporters as regular seats. I'd hope they would also somehow make those seats unavailable to other teams' supporters.
It's a little weird to have the section in front of the supporters as regular seats. I'd hope they would also somehow make those seats unavailable to other teams' supporters.

I'm sure the visitor teams supporters section will be nowhere near the Third Rail. They may use the right field bleachers for the visiting team since they are holding them for groups and single game purchasers.
I sat first base side 300 level for Chelsea and it was a great view. I'll be going to 234 for NYCFC, lower tier pricing, good view, noisy neighbors next door :)
Bleachers I understand for supporters section. Not surprised really but one reason supporters usually have right behind the goals is it will be full all the time. Now there is possibility for empty section in front if supporters.

That is one of the reasons I suggested those sections for the "social club" section that was brought up, we would know that the seats would be occupied most of/if not all the time by passionate home crowd fans.

234 is also a viable option for it. Hopefully there is enough interest in that group to fill it across the bottom and up to 234!
I hope they end up including 135-136 in the supporter's section. Perhaps making those seats only available to season ticket holders based on priority. While I am happy they chose the bleachers, I think those two regular section are key as well especially since they are right up on the goal.
I will be going for those two sections regardless of the outcome.
Got some more info about the Club plans. I was told that these plans are going to offer private bathrooms, private restaurants and better food, access to a club area, and parking.

I also asked about parking for all the other plans and they might offer discounted parking with them.
Supporters seats will be 235, 236, 237, 238... Third Rail is taking 237 and 238 for now. Eventually it will hopefully be all four sections. 134 and 135 are not conducive to standing. That's why they're not part of the supporters section for now. Plus, it's too small. If the supporters get big enough, that's where it would extend to though.
Is the supporters section a terrace or are there the seats ?
Is confirmed the capacity at 33,444 seats ? And what is the cap for the season tickets ?
I heard yesterday someone say the capacity is going to be 27,000 not 33,000. All of the 300 and 400 levels are closed off.

Supporters are bleacher seats which I guess is what you mean by terrace. There are no backs on the seats. They're just metal benches. I'm guessing there is no cap minus right field bleachers.