The Gall Of Energy Drink Sc Fans Calling Our Club Man City Lite

Mansour doesn't 'rule' Abu Dhabi, he's half-brother to the President. The laws are indefensible but I'm not sure why Mansour or his investment group bear personal responsibility for them.

Anyway, this is a NYCFC fan forum. You're free to organize a boycott or take it up with the MLS. You're not making a difference by trolling the board.
They don't care about facts, they just need a high horse.
Ownership: Because we're gay, my boyfriend and I (and other unfortunate souls for other reasons) could be castrated, imprisoned, or executed by the rules that your owner has in the country he rules autocratically. Identity: Because You have Man City's identity, which now exists to varnish over Sheikh's human rights abuses. Supporters: Because they apparently have no problem with it. And when I bring it up, I'm banned and get an Auschwitz reference (following the lead of the owners again, who deny Israel's right to exist?). If anyone's deluded themselves into thinking that an owner whose NFL team cheats is as horrifying as helping the world ignore the destruction of lives in the Sheikh's country, you need a moral recalibration. It's unimportant compared to the aforementioned matters, but I can't believe a NYCFC fan tried to beat his/her chest and belittle anyone on stadium matters, as proof of franchise quality.

We can choose our owners about as much as we can choose our parents. They were there when we came into existence. Without them we wouldn't be here.

Surely like our parents or grandparents may have said or done foolish things in their lives we are not them. We identify with the team and its players not its owners.
Robert Kraft is an Angel though everyone! He and none of his associates ever do anything wrong! Def not execution style murders. or cheating. or fraud.
Per the Gay Rights thing: this is a sad talking point of RB/Cosmos idiots. How CFG is responsible for the laws of the UAE, no one can quite figure out, but guilt by four degrees of separation is a useful cover for football rivalry.

By the by, don't let Cosmos fans get away with this (they're big into whining about it). Turns out their (somewhat secret) funders are huge Saudi businessmen and the most corrupt insiders of the Asian Football Confederation. Saudi laws, and more importantly, the infamous insider FIFA dealings of Cosmos' owners, put anything the funders of CFG have ever been accused of to shame. But no one mentions that...

Happily, we have some of the more vocal LGBT supporters in world football, representing as we do the most diverse city on the planet. The best revenge is not being a sad troll.
Mansour doesn't 'rule' Abu Dhabi, he's half-brother to the President. The laws are indefensible but I'm not sure why Mansour or his investment group bear personal responsibility for them.

Anyway, this is a NYCFC fan forum. You're free to organize a boycott or take it up with the MLS. You're not making a difference by trolling the board.
You're not terribly familiar with the UAE's form of monarchy, are you? He and his family do indeed 'rule' Abu Dhabi, a phrasing used by many respected sources, including this Guardian article that should induce vomiting:
English football has been warned it has allowed one of its major clubs to be exploited as a "branding vehicle" by an international regime accused of human rights abuses after a trial in Abu Dhabi, a country ruled by Manchester City's owner and his brothers, was widely denounced as repressive, involving torture, and "fundamentally unfair".

His half-brother sure is the president, one title in the kingdom and family. And your owner sure is the deputy prime minister, minister of presidential affairs, and the chairman of the Abu Dhabi Judicial Department. The chairman of the Abu Dhabi Judicial Department couldn't bear any responsibility for the judicial system in Abu Dhabi that we're referencing.

Chuckling at the conspiracy theory that I'm an Energy Drinks fan. I want them to go 0-34, but you'll just have to come to terms with the fact that yours is the team that I and others want to fold.

These are simple facts about a human rights travesty, and people here are prioritizing pleasant forum reading over that.
You're not terribly familiar with the UAE's form of monarchy, are you? He and his family do indeed 'rule' Abu Dhabi, a phrasing used by many respected sources, including this Guardian article that should induce vomiting:

His half-brother sure is the president, one title in the kingdom and family. And your owner sure is the deputy prime minister, minister of presidential affairs, and the chairman of the Abu Dhabi Judicial Department. The chairman of the Abu Dhabi Judicial Department couldn't bear any responsibility for the judicial system in Abu Dhabi that we're referencing.

Chuckling at the conspiracy theory that I'm an Energy Drinks fan. I want them to go 0-34, but you'll just have to come to terms with the fact that yours is the team that I and others want to fold.

These are simple facts about a human rights travesty, and people here are prioritizing pleasant forum reading over that.
You didn't answer my question
You're not terribly familiar with the UAE's form of monarchy, are you? He and his family do indeed 'rule' Abu Dhabi, a phrasing used by many respected sources, including this Guardian article that should induce vomiting:

His half-brother sure is the president, one title in the kingdom and family. And your owner sure is the deputy prime minister, minister of presidential affairs, and the chairman of the Abu Dhabi Judicial Department. The chairman of the Abu Dhabi Judicial Department couldn't bear any responsibility for the judicial system in Abu Dhabi that we're referencing.

Chuckling at the conspiracy theory that I'm an Energy Drinks fan. I want them to go 0-34, but you'll just have to come to terms with the fact that yours is the team that I and others want to fold.

These are simple facts about a human rights travesty, and people here are prioritizing pleasant forum reading over that.
I'm not too familiar with it. And I don't plan to be. I support my local pro soccer club, not spin my wheels worrying about what our rich owner's family does.

I'll also keep wearing Nike shit, eating Chik-fil-a, and any number of other things that I'm sure turns some folks stomachs. And I'll still hang out with my good friends who are gay, and they will still come to matches with me. You know why? At some point, most of us reach a level of maturity (or insensitivity or whatever) that allows us to understand that different cultures are just that - different. and even people from those cultures can be different from the norm. but even if they aren't, what difference does self-flagellation make?

None. So pound your chest all you want man. I hope you're successful in changing the UAE's policies. But i don't think you're going to sign up a lot of folks to join your movement here on our message board.

First, we all know the issues. Secondly, we obviously made our own peace with it, in some way or another. If that offends you, then just say what you mean, and call us bigots/hatemongers or whatever other names you want to throw out there.

Can't you go and bother Chelsea fans or something? There are way more of them, and their owner has undoubtedly violated many more human rights than Mansour. But that doesn't serve your purpose of trolling a rival does it? Fuck no. So you're no better than us. Move the fuck on.
You're not terribly familiar with the UAE's form of monarchy, are you? He and his family do indeed 'rule' Abu Dhabi, a phrasing used by many respected sources, including this Guardian article that should induce vomiting:

His half-brother sure is the president, one title in the kingdom and family. And your owner sure is the deputy prime minister, minister of presidential affairs, and the chairman of the Abu Dhabi Judicial Department. The chairman of the Abu Dhabi Judicial Department couldn't bear any responsibility for the judicial system in Abu Dhabi that we're referencing.

Chuckling at the conspiracy theory that I'm an Energy Drinks fan. I want them to go 0-34, but you'll just have to come to terms with the fact that yours is the team that I and others want to fold.

These are simple facts about a human rights travesty, and people here are prioritizing pleasant forum reading over that.

Come to terms with it????? You do realize that no one on this forum or in this city (or anywhere else for that matter) gives a shit what you and your boyfriend think!!!

And regarding human rights travesties, why don't you spell out for us exactly what you and your boyfriend are going to do to end them??? Otherwise you are just a whining troll. As the saying goes "actions speak louder than words."
I'm not too familiar with it. And I don't plan to be. I support my local pro soccer club, not spin my wheels worrying about what our rich owner's family does.

I'll also keep wearing Nike shit, eating Chik-fil-a, and any number of other things that I'm sure turns some folks stomachs. And I'll still hang out with my good friends who are gay, and they will still come to matches with me. You know why? At some point, most of us reach a level of maturity (or insensitivity or whatever) that allows us to understand that different cultures are just that - different. and even people from those cultures can be different from the norm. but even if they aren't, what difference does self-flagellation make?

None. So pound your chest all you want man. I hope you're successful in changing the UAE's policies. But i don't think you're going to sign up a lot of folks to join your movement here on our message board.

First, we all know the issues. Secondly, we obviously made our own peace with it, in some way or another. If that offends you, then just say what you mean, and call us bigots/hatemongers or whatever other names you want to throw out there.

Can't you go and bother Chelsea fans or something? There are way more of them, and their owner has undoubtedly violated many more human rights than Mansour. But that doesn't serve your purpose of trolling a rival does it? Fuck no. So you're no better than us. Move the fuck on.
^^^this fucking 100%!!!!!!!!
You're not terribly familiar with the UAE's form of monarchy, are you? He and his family do indeed 'rule' Abu Dhabi, a phrasing used by many respected sources, including this Guardian article that should induce vomiting:

His half-brother sure is the president, one title in the kingdom and family. And your owner sure is the deputy prime minister, minister of presidential affairs, and the chairman of the Abu Dhabi Judicial Department. The chairman of the Abu Dhabi Judicial Department couldn't bear any responsibility for the judicial system in Abu Dhabi that we're referencing.

Chuckling at the conspiracy theory that I'm an Energy Drinks fan. I want them to go 0-34, but you'll just have to come to terms with the fact that yours is the team that I and others want to fold.

These are simple facts about a human rights travesty, and people here are prioritizing pleasant forum reading over that.

Laws arise out of a particular social and cultural context. Monarchical power isn't absolute, and the royal family aren't in a position to remake UAE society so that it conforms to Western mores. I don't see why Mansour bears personal responsibility for that. Leaders have to play the cards they're dealt. Abu Dhabi is comparatively progressive and still liberalizing. You can't change a country on a dime.

By the way, 'sodomy' was illegal in a group of US states until 2003. Bob Kraft, a wealthy and powerful man who was alive at the time and roughly as wealthy and as powerful, did nothing to intervene. Perhaps you can turn the spotlight of justice on him and organize a fan boycott of the Revolution. Much smaller group of supporters, you'll probably have a better shot of building consensus.
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If any of us truly gave a shit about human rights, we wouldn't live in the US.
Seriously, no american has the high moral ground if we want to talk world politics. We send remote control airplanes to shoot missiles that kill kids, we torture people, and some states still have laws against sodomy. Pick your human rights abuse and we do it too. Now keep this shit off a soccer message board.
If I used the Ignore feature for every poster who even in passing said some dumb political thing with which I disagree, I would see the posts of maybe 10% of the people here.
On the plus side I'd have more time to watch movies, sports and TV.