Do these guys not realize that Red Bulls branding of their team is far worse than anything CFG does to our club? I was arguing with a Red Bulls fan the other day about this. All NYCFC has to do is change the color of our home jersey and our individuality as a club would be secure. Ive heard Man City fans even claim to be puzzled at how "if NYCFC changed their primary kit, would average fans in New York even think of Man City when they see the team? Because the only giveaway right now in the light blue"
Meanwhile, every single football team owned by Red Bull (and theres several) use the exact same name, colors and logo. They are also forced to use large logos on the front of their jersey, large letters on the back, and Ive even seen marketing on their socks.
You know what bothers some RBNY fans? They fear that as soccer continues to grow with pace, that many young fans will adopt NYCFC. They are afraid of the team with a unique crest that pays homage to its home city. They are afraid of the team with the classy uniform that isnt "in your face". They are afraid of NYers filling up Yankee Stadium and proving again...that NY teams tend to be blue, but never red. Hell, even Sky Blue FC uses orange and blue (they are the women's soccer first division club representing the NY metro area in the NWSL) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sky_Blue_FC
With the exception of the NY Jets and Nets, what other first division team of a major sport does not have blue in their primary colors? And the Nets only recently stopped using blue when they moved into NYC...and tbh I still see them as a Jersey team lol. But let me rephrase my question...whos the only other first division NY metro area team with red as their primary color?
The NEW JERSEY Devils. #NYisBlue
Exactly right. A fanbase calling NYCFC, Man City Lite, is just plain stupid, and screams of grasping for straws. When this fan base is owned by RedBull, its exactly as you said, laughable. Make no mistake about it, All of the teams that Redbulls have, RBNY, SalzBurg, the team in brazil, all of the extreme sporting events they sponsor, the F1 cars, the MotoGP, Redbull Arena, all of it is in the name of one thing, MARKETING!!!! That's not coming from me a former DIE HARD, Metrostars and also Redbull fan that I was, it is coming directly from the Marketing Director of Redbull North America. Just go back and look at the Real Sports piece done on Redbull, I believe it was episode 197, and see what this marketing director says about spending all this money on advertising and buying teams and sponsoring extreme events...it is all MARKETING to them, and it has been very successful for them.
Not only that, the fact that they say look at our jersey's, just like Man City lol.....yes they are similar. But so what? Look at their jerseys and color schemes...same as their other handful of soccer properties. Also, anyone that says that Man City is using NYCFC as a farm team is not smart enough to realize the simple fact that, if Man City really wanted a farm team per se, I doubt they would be putting a team in MLS of all of the leagues to pick from in the world.
I honestly detest redbull, their fans, and their whole idea of existence. I want nothing but losses for them not only the team in Harrison, NJ, but all of their marketing properties. Can't stand them.