Tim Pernetti Out As Nycfc President

New club owned by group that own MCFC. Conspiracy solved.
Could well be.

Could also be to make it easier the next time they want to swipe a player for half a season and make everyone at NY look like fools again.

If you sign a guy from the outside for NY, he might only want to think of what's best for NY. Can't have that...

Thanks to MCFC, we'll have to wonder...
The concept that a journalist (and unlike many who report on this team, he is actually a journalist) is "against" a team is pretty ridiculous, Christian. It's not their job to be "for" or "against" teams.

There's been a lot of negative to report about NYCFC in a short time frame. "A lot of bad vibes" isn't inaccurate if you consider some of the shit that's gone on recently, and you can look at today's news in two very, very different ways. He's got more information on this club than I do, for sure.

Apart from things like merit, reporters usually turn negative when an organization does one of two things: (1) burns the reporter by leaking info that later turns out to be false, or (2) refusing to answer calls and emails and generally refusing to provide basic info that other similar organizations provide.

I'm not aware of Wahl having been burned, but I do remember a Twitter conversation a few weeks ago among 3-4 soccer writers (not including Wahl) in which they all agreed that the NYCFC PR department was basically useless: not responding to calls and emails, not providing basic info. This came up in the context of Lampard but they all said it was a running problem. And I have gotten the sense that NYCFC and CFG in general is very spare about releasing info, even when it might do some good.
It could be that Wahl is just frustrated. Also, fairly or not, reporters tend to assume that when an organization is slow to provide information, it is hiding something.
My take is that NYCFC is not really doing anything wrong -- nobody is required to provide fodder for reporters -- but sometimes doing so is in your own best interest so in that way NYCFC is probably responsible for its bad press.
I get that where you coming form but you sound like a gut who thinks the government is put to get him.

No 3 really huge mistakes makes it ok to question that but the fact also point to Pernetti leaving for a better job because he isn't the right guy for this one. Manchester sent over an American that the had in there mist who is more qualified for the job. I get your concern but it is also coming of as paranoia. This guy seems better suited lets wait and see how things change.
Just because you're not paranoid doesn't mean they're not out to get you, @franchise646 . ;)

Really - it's not black helicopter stuff. This is something that happens pretty regularly at companies and in politics. Highly politically controversial example here, but in China, the PRC were encouraging/giving benefits to people from the Chinese coast to move to Tibet to drown out some of the dissent in that area.

With the facts I've got available, this seems like a similar sort of move, and it's one I'm uncomfortable with after the lies this club's fed to us to date.

My narrative is that the higher-ups at NYCFC were fighting the good fight against the higher-ups at MCFC. If that's not true, then I'm wrong. But from what I gather and from what I've heard, it's not terribly inaccurate, and this would be a savvy move from MCFC to resolve some of that tension.
Could well be.

Could also be to make it easier the next time they want to swipe a player for half a season and make everyone at NY look like fools again.

Thanks to MCFC, we'll have to wonder...

yes sports reporters are kinda like the school gossip who has to much power and wants more. And if they don't get their way they will tell everyone nothing but try bad stuff about you. When was last time Grant Whal spoke about any of the good things NYC has done.
Tom Glick is a CFG guy thru and thru... He have not been on the Manchester City´s payroll since CFG was created, he never even worked in Manchester I think, he have been the head of CFM (a CFG daughter company handling sponsorships and commercial deals) working out of the CFG offices in London.

His CV is interesting given that he´s a former CEO for Derby, so in my mind he´ll basically take the position of the current NYCFC CEO.. Ferran Soriano that is.
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As others have said, Tom Glick is basically hailed as the guy who is behind the majority of MCFC's sponsorship generation and is well-regarded for his work. His taking over suggests to me that NYCFC are moving out of a phase of consolidation and construction and into a phase where they want to expand their reach and commercial power.

As for Marty Edelman, he's a big New York-based lawyer and MCFC is just a side-project for him. His remit is basically just to step in once or twice a year when the club need some serious legal presence to back them up on signing major contracts or whatever. I have no doubt that he basically just does the same job for NYCFC.

The concept that a journalist (and unlike many who report on this team, he is actually a journalist) is "against" a team is pretty ridiculous, Christian. It's not their job to be "for" or "against" teams.

Considering that only a few months ago the American journalist's guild, whatever it's called, removed the obligation for its members to be neutral and objective in their writing, citing that they were losing their belief in the idea that objectivity and neutrality were healthy for their audiences, this makes me laugh. Certainly in UK football journalism you can frequently tell that certain writers have certain clubs they will never talk negatively about and some they will never talk positively about.
Just because you're not paranoid doesn't mean they're not out to get you, @franchise646 . ;)

Really - it's not black helicopter stuff. This is something that happens pretty regularly at companies and in politics. Highly politically controversial example here, but in China, the PRC were encouraging/giving benefits to people from the Chinese coast to move to Tibet to drown out some of the dissent in that area.

With the facts I've got available, this seems like a similar sort of move, and it's one I'm uncomfortable with after the lies this club's fed to us to date.

My narrative is that the higher-ups at NYCFC were fighting the good fight against the higher-ups at MCFC. If that's not true, then I'm wrong. But from what I gather and from what I've heard, it's not terribly inaccurate, and this would be a savvy move from MCFC to resolve some of that tension.

Dude you are Obviously not form the hood. Yes they are out to get you, you just don't let them.
Tom has by all accounts done a great job in Manchester this is a awesome appointment. Tom will also be listen to more by CFG so he may give more effective push back. Tim leaving maybe fall out from Lampard. Anyways onwards and upwards.
Thoughts on this are the same thing as everyone else...if we win, no ones is going to give a shit. If we lose, journalists and other people will say it's a reason for our failures, lack of cohesion at top of club etc etc etc.
Reading the article in the Daily News it seems to me Pernetti is leaving for a job he wants and feels more comfortable with rather than being pushed out. So Wahl can take his bad vibes and blow them out his ass.

Tim Pernetti leaving NYCFC after just 18 months for role with WME/IMG
Sources said Pernetti, 44, had been pining recently for another athletic director job. He called the opportunity to become the President of Multimedia for college business an 'awesome opportunity that was impossible to refuse.'

Sources said Pernetti, 44, had been pining recently for another athletic director job, lasting just 18 months at NYCFC. He was fired at Rutgers in 2013 for his role in the Mike Rice scandal.

"With college sports being my true passion and such a core part of my make-up, this awesome opportunity was impossible to refuse, particularly at this natural exit point as New York City FC embarks on the next stage of its development," Pernetti said in a statement. "It has been my honor and a true privilege to work with the best in the soccer business and to be part of building the foundation of New York City FC. I will be a fan for life."
Those two questions were asked based on the facts available - not speculation. I don't think they were unreasonable, but you've got your opinions and I've got mine.

There are a ton of issues with this club, and exactly zero of them are with "getting sponsorship". Many of them are due to the connection between the two clubs, and this only furthers that connection. If this guy had any other name on his recent CV than Manchester City, I'd love this hire. But this smacks of a move to keep Reyna and Kreis in line. It's a common tactic.

It's positive for the club if you desire a more overt connection between Manchester and New York. If you're wanting a club that has any degree of autonomy and gives a shit about its New York fanbase, I can't say with any degree of certainty that this is a good move.

So you'd rather a hire with no track record than someone with an excellent one, who is trusted by the ownership just because he's worked for MCFC?

If people don't get over the fact that the clubs are linked they're in danger of cutting off their nose to spite their face.
Looks like Glick is a pretty experienced guy when it comes to the American sports scene. From the NY POST:
Glick has over 25 years of experience as a sports management professional. A former VP of Marketing and Team Business Operations at NBA headquarters, he was later the Chief Marketing Officer for the Nets. He more recently transitioned into soccer with corporate leadership positions at Derby County and Manchester City – NYC FC’s sister (parent?) club.
So you'd rather a hire with no track record than someone with an excellent one, who is trusted by the ownership just because he's worked for MCFC?

If people don't get over the fact that the clubs are linked they're in danger of cutting off their nose to spite their face.
You may have missed the line where I said, "I'd be loving this hire if he had any line other than Manchester City on his recent CV."

And until Manchester shows publicly that they have a legit interest in the growth of this club on its own merit outside of the benefits for the home club, I'll remain doubtful of their intentions.
Tom has by all accounts done a great job in Manchester this is a awesome appointment. Tom will also be listen to more by CFG so he may give more effective push back. Tim leaving maybe fall out from Lampard. Anyways onwards and upwards.

Great job in London you mean.. but yes, CFG will listen to the former head of CFM
You may have missed the line where I said, "I'd be loving this hire if he had any line other than Manchester City on his recent CV."

And until Manchester shows publicly that they have a legit interest in the growth of this club on its own merit outside of the benefits for the home club, I'll remain doubtful of their intentions.

He did a nice job for Derby County.. very popular among the fans as well
You may have missed the line where I said, "I'd be loving this hire if he had any line other than Manchester City on his recent CV."

And until Manchester shows publicly that they have a legit interest in the growth of this club on its own merit outside of the benefits for the home club, I'll remain doubtful of their intentions.

I read it. As it's written it reads like you'd rather not have a guy with a very successful record at 2 professional football clubs because one of them is Manchester City.
If you read the interview from Dec 22 with Pernetti, he states that he was given 18 months to build this thing. His words, not mine. Leads me to believe that this was always going to happen. Get it up off the ground and then hand it over to someone who can expand what he built. Tim Pernetti builds the NYC presence. New guy works off of that foundation. Seems incredibly simple and like a sound operating plan.
If you read the interview from Dec 22 with Pernetti, he states that he was given 18 months to build this thing. His words, not mine. Leads me to believe that this was always going to happen. Get it up off the ground and then hand it over to someone who can expand what he built. Tim Pernetti builds the NYC presence. New guy works off of that foundation. Seems incredibly simple and like a sound operating plan.
That was exactly what I was preparing to say. This type of move, at about this time, is not at all unusual in any industry. Keep in mind that it states that he will be departing after the home opener, so it's not even like he is being pushed out the door.
I read it. As it's written it reads like you'd rather not have a guy with a very successful record at 2 professional football clubs because one of them is Manchester City.
I'd rather them hire a guy who I don't have reason to be doubtful about his intentions. There are plenty of candidates out there without Manchester City on their CV who would be fantastic club presidents.

This club has done little to date to earn my trust, so I see a "yes man". Yes, I'd prefer someone without City on their resume.