We Have A Temp Home Now Its Time For Business!


Brown Bag SC
Seasoned Supporter
We have our temp home even do it is not official more and more news outlets are saying this. I am sure this was leaked to see reactions and right now I am just happy we have some news. That being said I know on Facebook the bar discussion was brought up. I am not sure where we are on this and I guess this is a way to catch up and for anyone else on my boat they could also benefit from this but I would also like to have certain things addressed if they have not been:

1- bar near stadium - this should not just be Stans cause its close or who ever cause of this and that... As a SG we should approach the bar suggest to the owner... not the bartender that we are looking for a SG home. Reason why is because once we have an established SG we can set up deals or membership drives events etc.

2- Build a Board - this is USA not Russia

3- Reach out to members with talents such as Graphic design not for the website but for logos and merch also any other talents we may need as they come.

4- March locations- We need a location where we can meet and march together making noise that can be heard all the way to Harrison. This will also help bring in members and new fans due to curiosity.

I can keep going but please give feedback... :cool:
We have our temp home even do it is not official more and more news outlets are saying this. I am sure this was leaked to see reactions and right now I am just happy we have some news. That being said I know on Facebook the bar discussion was brought up. I am not sure where we are on this and I guess this is a way to catch up and for anyone else on my boat they could also benefit from this but I would also like to have certain things addressed if they have not been:

1- bar near stadium - this should not just be Stans cause its close or who ever cause of this and that... As a SG we should approach the bar suggest to the owner... not the bartender that we are looking for a SG home. Reason why is because once we have an established SG we can set up deals or membership drives events etc.

2- Build a Board - this is USA not Russia

3- Reach out to members with talents such as Graphic design not for the website but for logos and merch also any other talents we may need as they come.

4- March locations- We need a location where we can meet and march together making noise that can be heard all the way to Harrison. This will also help bring in members and new fans due to curiosity.

I can keep going but please give feedback... :cool:

1. There are a number of sports bars around YS, ought to be rather simple to strike a deal
2. It´s a diffuse border between SG and this forum, perhaps they ought to be separate?
3. Good point, many SG´s do a good trade with merchandise
4.True, we need to enhance "the soccer experience", meaning of course the fact that soccer fans tend to be more lifestylers..
I guess I look at this forum as the internet home for NYC FC supporters.
I would hope we do not turn out to be like RBNY groups and be a group.

Is anyone going to be taking pics at the bar crawl? and now that we have a home do we need a bar crawl? We can focus and drink at 1 bar instead maybe in midtown.
I like your initiative man. It's awesome. I was going to make a similar post once work started to quiet down tonight. I agree with everything you just said.

I say the bar crawl is necessary. It's a great way to get the supporters together and meet informally. What better way than to grab some drinks and walk around the city.

I think we need to take the next step to turn this 'grass roots' group into something of a proper organization. I think a BOARD is the right way to go. We need to identify all the NYCFC Supporters Groups out there and reach out. There are enough users here that we can spread out enough to blast the NYCFCforum as the SG hub.

Once we get the groups together we have each group elect their representative. The Forums should have one or two reps as well. One to speak on our behalf and the other to act as a time-keeper during meetings. The Forums rep should be up to all the users to elect.

Just to expand a little more on the board, the reason I think it is the best option (and I don't speak on @MrMartinezNYC 's behalf though we seem to be on the same page most of the time) is to be able to conduct official business with the FC. No other reason than that. These people are not "leaders" per se - they are representing a larger group of people.

@Andy There is a definite difference between the Forum and the individual Supporters Groups. We aim to be a hub for all fans and groups. We will have a much larger impact if we all work together. With that said, as time moves on, if it feels natural and everyone likes the idea - whose to say we don't become a full-on SG. But for now, that is not our goal.

As I had mentioned above, if ANY OF YOU, know any Supporters Groups - whether they are on Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Instagram - throw them a message, tell them about the NYCFCforums.com and what our mission is. If you don't have the time to go through all of that let myself, @NYCFC_Dan or @jerzy know who to contact.
@einwindir Thank you I tend to when I have a passion for the subject and let's face it I been waiting for this since I think 2012 when I first saw the MLS signs to text if you want a team in Queens. :D

SG Board would be the voice of the masses. NYC FC will have fans from all over! Reps for each Boro and County should be an idea to be looked at and multiple for large areas. ex: Upstate,BK,QNS,LI

I honestly have to stop myself from typing right now I have ideas from excitement just rolling off of me lol :rolleyes:
@einwindir Thank you I tend to when I have a passion for the subject and let's face it I been waiting for this since I think 2012 when I first saw the MLS signs to text if you want a team in Queens. :D

SG Board would be the voice of the masses. NYC FC will have fans from all over! Reps for each Boro and County should be an idea to be looked at and multiple for large areas. ex: Upstate,BK,QNS,LI

I honestly have to stop myself from typing right now I have ideas from excitement just rolling off of me lol :rolleyes:
Nice. Get them all out, that's what thus forum is all about.
Your right but I want them to be heard and not just liked and discarded. Once we start to really build things up I will be there brainstorming, helping and supporting our boys in blue! :cool:

Heritage Field looks like a close enough place to March.
Close enough to the train the grab attention and close to the bars.
I hear you man. It's easy for ideas to get lost in an environment like this. But if we don't discuss it and gradually hone in on what we think will work, things will never get off the ground.

At the very least, if we can compile a list of ideas that we feel are important enough to warrant an Official meeting, then we are in a much better place than we were a month ago.
I hear you man. It's easy for ideas to get lost in an environment like this. But if we don't discuss it and gradually hone in on what we think will work, things will never get off the ground.

At the very least, if we can compile a list of ideas that we feel are important enough to warrant an Official meeting, then we are in a much better place than we were a month ago.

About a month ago was when we got our Badge... now a month later we have a home and I doubt any acquisitions will be made but this MLS transfer window closes in May but the one I feel we will have news in will be in the summer transfer window.
Already gone through the positives and negatives of this bar hunt so not going into that again. Presumably there will be a primary bar (for SC meets, etc) and later a secondary bar closer to the stadium for matchday purposes. Maybe a certain type of bar should be targeted. By that I mean choose a bar that is struggling, new or not established. That way the owner may be grateful for business and perhaps allow posters, scarves, etc on the walls. Then it becomes known locally as the NYCFC bar whatever its official name might be. An established bar won't allow that level of identity and association.
Already gone through the positives and negatives of this bar hunt so not going into that again. Presumably there will be a primary bar (for SC meets, etc) and later a secondary bar closer to the stadium for matchday purposes. Maybe a certain type of bar should be targeted. By that I mean choose a bar that is struggling, new or not established. That way the owner may be grateful for business and perhaps allow posters, scarves, etc on the walls. Then it becomes known locally as the NYCFC bar whatever its official name might be. An established bar won't allow that level of identity and association.
Already gone through the positives and negatives of this bar hunt so not going into that again. Presumably there will be a primary bar (for SC meets, etc) and later a secondary bar closer to the stadium for matchday purposes. Maybe a certain type of bar should be targeted. By that I mean choose a bar that is struggling, new or not established. That way the owner may be grateful for business and perhaps allow posters, scarves, etc on the walls. Then it becomes known locally as the NYCFC bar whatever its official name might be. An established bar won't allow that level of identity and association.

You are right I use to use that business plan when I promoted you get more freedom lol
That being said the SG will be wielding a huge membership. I feel the bar crap has hurt more then helped cause of "Fan status" but now that we have the home we can focus.
American Outlaws actually recommend new chapters to look for eager bar owners that want to grow with the AO chapter.
I'm definitely feeling the ideas.
As @einwindir had mentioned we are a home for all groups and fans alike.
One thing I don't wan to do is limit this website to just a SG due to the fact so many fans are outside of the state and even country. This is a site for casual fans just as much as season ticket holding SG members.
Most of the users on Facebook SG also post here too.
I do agree with your board idea though.
I also believe we do need to look past the bar talk. The reason I say this is because you will not be able to fit thousands of supporters (I'm assuming closer to the season we will grow ten fold if not more) in one bar.
Just as the Yankees we need to make the city our home and the bars around the stadium WILL support the team, they really wont have a choice since we = business. So all the bars around the stadium should serve as a hub, otherwise you'll have a lot of dry mouths waiting for beer outside of a packed bar that's our 'home.'

I do hope that SG's move their HQ's here as our members are truly doing an amazing job in driving things forward. The suggestions for SG Names (Third Rail came from here) and song/chant suggestions have been great.
We're also the most active NYCFC community out there and are growing by the day.

I would be really interested in a March location as well.
This is something common everywhere.
We need a true graphic designer to work on that Third Rail Army logo.
Not a fan of that name nor designs I have seen but I care more about the Team and the group to be united.

I care about the march cause I will be bringing my Godson's,nephews and for any of the other future fans. All fans should know they are the most important fans the kids.

Also the march will help build the numbers and hopefully bring attention to host USMNT games in the future.
I have a buddy that will be able to design it. He does amazing stuff (he designs shirts for a living) and I've already contacted him.
I don't want to have him start something now if that isn't going to be the true name (voting still going on right?).
If its going to be "Third Rail" lets not have "Army" added to it. As much as people speak highly of Portland fans they lose any goodwill from me due to that dreadful tifo. If anyone poses the question what's better than Army the answer is simple...anything else! Did you end up paying for this skin in the end? I saw your posts elsewhere asking about prices and stuff (I search fr recent NYCFC posts on google) so its good if you can get logos free.
We need a true graphic designer to work on that Third Rail Army logo.
Not a fan of that name nor designs I have seen but I care more about the Team and the group to be united.

I care about the march cause I will be bringing my Godson's,nephews and for any of the other future fans. All fans should know they are the most important fans the kids.

Also the march will help build the numbers and hopefully bring attention to host USMNT games in the future.
Let the FB group worry about graphic design. They are more than welcome to facilitate their business here, they have more options in covering multiple topics in an environment that encourages group participation. I hope they come up with something good though, becuase that will more than likely be the SG that I join.

I plan on bringing my daughter to games when she is old enough. So a family friendly environment will be important to me as well. Which is why I don't partake in many of the BarCrawl threads.

A lot of people seem to be hung up on the bar talk though. It's not as serious as people seem to be making it. It's also, almost exclusively a Third Rail event. So @Vinjay , don't worry so much about it! I think it's a good idea to find a bar in the city that everyone can enjoy. It will be a local place that anyone who's a fan of NYCFC can go and watch a game. It'll also, more than likely, act as a place for Third Rail to facilitate their official meetups. I'm confident they will choose a good place for their business.

@Vinjay, you @MrMartinezNYC are right about looking for a place that may be small or struggling. I have a place in mind for that, but it is in Queens - which if you are not familiar, is similar to travelling to Clapham Junction from London-Heathrow. It's doable, but not very conveniant for people who may live in Brooklyn or Manhattan.
@einwindir That is why I mentioned each area should have their own reps.
I was only going to go to the bar crawl thinking it was a crawl made in conjunction with this forum but if it is a Third Rail thing then I guess my plans changed.

The Queens bar depending in what area of Queens would be good for Queens, certain parts of Brooklyn and Nassua people. I know I seen a bar post something about a viewing party for RBNY and USMNT in Long Island I'm sure once things are up and running they will want NYC FC fans from LI there as well.
@einwindir That is why I mentioned each area should have their own reps.
I was only going to go to the bar crawl thinking it was a crawl made in conjunction with this forum but if it is a Third Rail thing then I guess my plans changed.

The Queens bar depending in what area of Queens would be good for Queens, certain parts of Brooklyn and Nassua people. I know I seen a bar post something about a viewing party for RBNY and USMNT in Long Island I'm sure once things are up and running they will want NYC FC fans from LI there as well.
The place I know of in Queens is owned by the father of an old friend of mine. It's in Flushing off Utopia Pkwy.