2017 Roster Discussion

If we exercised those options, is it safe to say 2017 is the last year of their contracts? Or can an option be exercised before the regular contract has run it's course (i.e. 2017 is 3rd year of three year contract and 2018 is when the option year kicks in) so that a player is locked in and has an idea of their future?
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How many international spots do we have and how many are filled? Also how many intl. spots are disappearing? I think that's a crucial number for our rebuild.
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Well we have 8 internationals on the roster as of now, if the Matarrita rumors are true we have 7, and if the green cards for Johansen and Harrison are happening, we will have only 5 internationals, we would probably save one for a DP signing, which brings us 6, and we usually have around 8-10 spots, that gives us 1-4 new international signings this offseason (depending on how many we trade for and if matta leaves this offseason as well).
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TL;DR: Hamburg and Borussia want him, his former coach said he expects him to be sold this January for $3 mil

This is really bittersweet. Really hate to lose him so quickly. On the other hand, it establishes us as a legitimate stepping stone to Europe for young players in Central and South America. Sell Matarrita to Dortmund, and have 10 more agents calling us to buy their player tomorrow.
Well we have 8 internationals on the roster as of now, if the Matarrita rumors are true we have 7, and if the green cards for Johansen and Harrison are happening, we will have only 5 internationals, we would probably save one for a DP signing, which brings us 6, and we usually have around 8-10 spots, that gives us 1-4 new international signings this offseason (depending on how many we trade for and if matta leaves this offseason as well).
I don't think you can count on the EJ & JH green cards being in place before the season
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Surprised to see Taylor leave but I'm happy with everything else. Like others have said it's gonna be an exciting off season especially with an open DP slot
Hmmm, if Mata is gone, is the plan to slot RJ in one wingback position and Gomez in the other? Really liked the little bit I saw of Gomez and the dude has wheels!
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Hmmm, if Mata is gone, is the plan to slot RJ in one wingback position and Gomez in the other? Really liked the little bit I saw of Gomez and the dude has wheels!

Except they're both right footed, and Allen didn't look very good on the left. I don't recall whether Gomez played any on the left side and how he looked.

I think it's more likely that Allen and Gomez are in a camp competition for the RB or RWB spot.
Someone needs to update that original starting 11 pic.

(only Mix and Saunders are left and I would be surprised if they are both around by March 2017)
Thesis what our roster looks like now from a salary perspective. If we can move Mix and Slosh (over $900k vs the cap!), we should have a lot of room to maneuver with. AND, I feel like we have 7-8 starters on our roster already, so not too much is necessary to remain competitive. Interesting, the only highly paid domestic player is Mix, and he may not be long for this team. FYI 2016 salary cap = $3,660,000.

Screenshot 2016-11-28 12.03.39.png

(only Mix and Saunders are left and I would be surprised if they are both around by March 2017)

I've seen quite a few predict Saunders will be gone, I'm not so sure. I'd like to see him gone cuz he's over priced but Viera obviously likes him and commented on his locker room presence and leadership frequently. Wouldn't surprise me if he stays in the backup/mentor role for EJ
Feels like a very sensible collection of moves on the whole, with a few difficult to evaluate entirely because of lack of information.

- All of the option exercises seem like no-brainers other than Rawls, which is a low-cost move and he's presumably still the no. 3 next year assuming they don't bring in anyone new.

- White/Lopez - I'm fine with both of these. At his cost and since he doesn't use an international spot (let's call this "Roster Efficient"), I like Lopez if he is used the way he was in the middle of the season, when he became a defensive sub to help close out games and not as a starter. If he's starting, we have issues. I don't see White as anything more than a 4th/5th CB and given that he never played during the second half of the season, I doubt PV does. But, again, Roster Efficient and you don't want to have to refill your entire roster, so fine.

- Gomez - He was one of the few mildly interesting parts of the Cosmos debacle and he was really engaging with my daughter at the City send-off. So, on account of two tiny data points, and the fact that he is also Roster Efficient, happy to have him back.

- Hernandez - Not Roster Efficient. Good step in continuing to evolve from being an expansion team.

- Martinez - This probably makes sense if only because, even if I thought he should have played more, PV clearly didn't rate him and he's not Roster Efficient.

- Taylor - Mild surprise, though he was pretty far down the pecking order and just couldn't influence games. If you figure they may well try to bring in an impact guy upfront, it would be hard to see him getting a lot of time. I could imagine him wanting to move on to try to get a chance to play somewhere before he gets too old. It is also possible, of course, they work out a new deal with him. Ultimately, I'm indifferent either way

- Bravo/Mendoza - Two guys that I always felt I liked more than the general consensus. I would have happily had both back, but this is the one where it hard to know what it would have cost us and whether either wanted to come back. So, a bit disappointed we won't get to see if either can take the next step, but hopefully we can fill the spots well.

As others have said, it'll be a fun offseason.
8 of the 11 for the expansion list are a lock:

1. Pirlo
2. Villa
3. Chanot
4. Brillant
5. Matarrita
6. Allen
7. MacNamara
8. Shelton

Harrison is exempt (GA), leaving 8 players for the final three spots. You most likely only protect 1 keeper - most likely Lurch because you just extended his contract; Diskerud is out, leaving two spots for the following four players: Mikey Lopez, Shannon Gomez, Ethan White, Jefferson Mena.

My guess is Gomez is on there as they just pried him away from his club; no idea if they protect Mena or see if someone takes a flyer on him.

So your list most likely is the 8 above plus:

9. Johansen
10. Gomez
11. Lopez/White/Mena

Dropping all those players just made this exercise much easier.