2017 Roster Discussion

Damn 6 players leave and y'all won't even allow for a new thread. Vicious.
As far as offseason news goes, I would think that a collective announcement like this would be the epitome of thread worthy. It certainly didn't warrant the personal threats by direct message and the cyber bullying to which I was subjected. This used to be a friendly place.

ETA: ;)
Is this materially different than a sell-on fee?
Yes, totally different. Easy example:

Club A owns 50%
Club B owns 50% but pays his salary and holds his international transfer certificate.

If Club B decides to sell that certificate to Borussia Dortmund for $5 million, Borussia would just get Team B's 50% and certificate. Club A can also sell their share to Borussia at the same time for another $5 mil. However lets say Borussia think's he's worth only $5 mil total... Club B only sells him for 2.5 mil and Club A can sell their share in him or hold on to it. Think of it like stocks.

A sell on is just that, Club B owns him fully but gives Club A a percentage of any future sale.
Is it that they co-own him with Alajulense or just that they gave Alajulense a sell-on fee when we bought him under which we'd have to remit part of the proceeds from a subsequent transfer back to them? I recall there had been a bunch of reports that they were haggling over a sell-on fee. Didn't realize that they didn't actually buy him outright if that is, in fact, what happened.

I was originally told they had a sell-on fee. The co-ownership news is brand new to me. Using my stock metaphor, we own 50% of and control MATA. Alajulense owns 50% of MATA.

If Borussia or Hamburg want to buy MATA for themselves they can buy our 50% or both teams' stakes which is what I'd guess they'd want to do to avoid any future issues.
As far as offseason news goes, I would think that a collective announcement like this would be the epitome of thread worthy. It certainly didn't warrant the personal threats by direct message and the cyber bullying to which I was subjected. This used to be a friendly place.

ETA: ;)
Poster Lives Matter
Thread police is getting out of control.
Yes, totally different. Easy example:

Club A owns 50%
Club B owns 50% but pays his salary and holds his international transfer certificate.

If Club B decides to sell that certificate to Borussia Dortmund for $5 million, Borussia would just get Team B's 50% and certificate. Club A can also sell their share to Borussia at the same time for another $5 mil. However lets say Borussia think's he's worth only $5 mil total... Club B only sells him for 2.5 mil and Club A can sell their share in him or hold on to it. Think of it like stocks.

A sell on is just that, Club B owns him fully but gives Club A a percentage of any future sale.

I was originally told they had a sell-on fee. The co-ownership news is brand new to me. Using my stock metaphor, we own 50% of and control MATA. Alajulense owns 50% of MATA.

If Borussia or Hamburg want to buy MATA for themselves they can buy our 50% or both teams' stakes which is what I'd guess they'd want to do to avoid any future issues.
I can't think of a scenario in which it would matter, then, if you owned the remaining 50%. I'm sure there is one though. anyone?
I can't think of a scenario in which it would matter, then, if you owned the remaining 50%. I'm sure there is one though. anyone?
I'm not sure if I am answering the right question, but I would think the biggest reason is to get to ride 100% of the upside. So, if you can get 100% of his rights for $3M now, but you think he's a $10M player in two years, then you look to buy everything today so you capture all the appreciation. If there isn't likely to be appreciation, then it probably doesn't matter unless there are other cash flows that go to the team besides subsequent transfer fees that I'm not thinking of (e.g., a percentage of image rights or something like that).
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Here's one more bit of info for you. NYCFC don't fully own Matarrita.

They split the contract with Alajulense. They would have to share half of whatever profits they get from a sale with Alajulense or they can just sell their half to another team, though co-ownership has been pretty much phased out of Europe.

Not to mention MLS gets a cut.

You definitely sure about that? FIFA banned third-party ownership in 2015...

Unconfirmed rumors state that the players dropped from the team were shipped off to Etihad Island.
No stopping at Redemption Island.... I guess Mix has been there this whole time and outlasted them all for another shot....
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Well it's good to see the club acting so swiftly in reducing the player roster. Whilst I thought Mendoza was good off the bench at times, he never really fired when he started. I am also not surprised Bravo was moved out. For me he didn't have the mobility that you need in midfield.

I would be very surprised to see Mix at the club next season. For whatever reason he was left out for the majority of the season. If he stayed then it has to make you wonder what the hell went on this past season.

Hopefully the space created will be used more wisely by the management and they will bring in players to suit the team, rather than to sell tickets.
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Third party ownership is different from co-ownership. In fact co-ownership was still a thing in Italy until last year.

Co-ownership is between clubs, third party ownership involves other parties that aren't teams such as agents and academies.

Fair enough. I was aware of co-ownership in Italy (although I've never entirely got my head around how it works) but I'd never heard of it being done anywhere else.
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As the roster rules currently stand (they haven't updated them for Atlanta or Minnesota), each team gets 8 international spots. We currently have 12. Three expire on 12/31/16. The fourth expires on 12/31/17. So we currently have 9 international spots and 8 international players on our roster.
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As the roster rules currently stand (they haven't updated them for Atlanta or Minnesota), each team gets 8 international spots. We currently have 12. Three expire on 12/31/16. The fourth expires on 12/31/17. So we currently have 9 international spots and 8 international players on our roster.

We'll probably need more than one when it's all said and done. And we'll probably purchase more than one as well for some GAM/TAM/late round draft pick/signed mix jersey.
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Fair enough. I was aware of co-ownership in Italy (although I've never entirely got my head around how it works) but I'd never heard of it being done anywhere else.
It's all pretty novel to me. Apparently it's still around in Argentina and a few other places in Latin America.
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Here's one more bit of info for you. NYCFC don't fully own Matarrita.

They split the contract with Alajulense. They would have to share half of whatever profits they get from a sale with Alajulense or they can just sell their half to another team, though co-ownership has been pretty much phased out of Europe.

Not to mention MLS gets a cut.

At the prices being thrown around for Matarrita, we'd still end up with Max GAM out of it, I would think.
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