Seems like kind of a misleading approach he clearly uses % to hide the fact that he's created very narrow definitions for each category and if a player does not meet the definitions he's just excluding them so some teams have all of their min accounted for while others have large numbers of players missing. Ibeagha is the perfect example, he should either be USL because he came from SA our affiliate or free agent because that's how we signed him. So we can assume USL only means a player directly acquired from an affiliate while still under contract, FA only means MLS free agent, etc. This approach makes the graph completely misleading because he's clearly excluding at a minimum, Sweat, Ibeagha and TMac from our numbers because he didn't make a category that fits them.
If he wants to be even reasonably accurate he needs an "other" category and dump any min that don't meet his categories into there. As it stands he's essentially saying this is the % break down for 70% of NYCFCs min compared with percentages to 100% of some other teams min but I'm not going to show that in any way easier to pretend it's all apples to apples. Sorry for the rant but crap analytics that are misleading due to laziness annoy the hell out of me.