So that was a game for sure, wild swings between it being beyond a shadow of a doubt all the way to 5-5 and skating by on away goal. Definitely have some thoughts but for now I just have to be so disappointed with Acevedo, what a disaster show! was a turnover machine, killed any good counter attack chances, and just wasn't up to it surprised he wasn't pulled but Ronny got cocky, didn't even really celebrate our second goal and subbed on personelle that was not up to it (thiago closing down on the last goal, heber with a lackluster performance, etc.). We deserved to go through but there can't be anything but the top lineup from here on out, throw out a C team in MLS between the semi games to keep fresh and lose 5-0 for all I care, CCL should be priority 1 until we win or we go out.