This is actually a really nice article. Not sure where all the shade is coming from. Sure, it's from the perspective of a non-soccer fan, but it's very complimentary of the sport. It talks about how MLS is growing, praises the energetic atmosphere the fans create and said that Tex was wrong when he was worried the sports couldn't co-habitate in the House that Ruth Built. It also stated that the Yankees own 20% of the club, and I'm not sure we had seen that figure posted elsewhere.
And while he said that it seemed there was nobody over 50, this freshly minted 50-year-old didn't take offense (for one thing, I wasn't there).
I am not sure how many of you know who Bob Klapisch is but this article is exactly the type we want to see. He is a true and true old timer in what sense? He has been covering baseball for ages and know the Yankees very well. For him to say that he had a good time at the stadium watching soccer, and he can see how it works, and it will continue to work, that is a big deal. Then again, I think Bob is being smart. He knows this league will be a bigger part of the US sports landscape so he is getting a head start so to speak. However you have other old timers that refuse to adapt and see this change and are clinging to their baseball of yester-years.