TR member here. We had a ton of noobs in 236 and 237 who stood arms crossed, silent, confused, whatever you want to call it, after RBs tied, and then continued the onslaught. Ask any of the hardcore supporters any question you like Sunday night, yesterday, and even a bit today, and the response would sound like it was coming from a chain smoker. We really did try our damn best to rally folks to sing and get back into things, but we simply had large numbers of looky loos infiltrating the sections Sunday who had no interest in helping the cause. These fuck faces even left before the match was fully over. It is not a complete excuse of course, as maybe other teams deal with this re-sale of member tickets to strangers to soccer/NYCFC during big matches (or not, maybe their SGs really clamp down on this?), but it was a significant contributing factor, and embarrassing to the rest of us who turn up game in game out. Organization is definitely still a work in progress. Mistakes and missteps will continue to be made for sure. I'm sorry spectators outside of 236-238 (235, that's another story, no SG/SCs set up shop there) don't think we are doing a good enough job trying to rally for the team. That just means TR and all the SG/SCs together have to just keep chopping wood and work to make it better, and I am confident we can.
Re: the TIFO, I don't think people outside of the SGs/SCs (TR, HOO, BBSC, NY12, et al) realize how strict YS is with what we can do, the size limits, the lack of being able to cover the aisles even for a few seconds, and the lack of advance notice supporters can be given for certain displays - this was partly why the color panels didn't work. I heard they had to be smuggled in (YS wouldn't allow them to be an 'official' display), so affects both size and ability to get people behind it re: being given notice. We also have no pulley system, no dedicated TIFO space (each time we do something, have to scramble to find places to paint it), cant use fixed props (could be used as weapons) and I am sure much less $ than TA, ECS, etc. to do elaborate shit. The people who painted this TIFO, planned it, organized it, put in like 40+ hrs, pulling all nighters, in order to get this out in time. The people who painted the jersey boy figures (Sasha, BWP, Robles, Dax) are artists IMO. They were amazing. So given what we have to work with, this was a damn good display, right?
Oh, and you wont hear a "What have you done for the team?" from me, as long as your criticism is constructive. So again, SG member, TR member, welcoming constructive criticism, trying to debunk the stereotype stated above that TR/SG members are unreasonable assholes all the time. I definitely have my moments of being an asshole, but usually it comes with an apology 5 min later.