Ticket Reselling

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Are we going to sell a Tickets Wanted/Tickets Available thread. I will have tickets available for many games and would be happier selling them at cost on the forum than for a profit somewhere else.

I'm down for that as well, however the listed prices on StubHub for the home opener for ticket in my row and section have me tempted...could come close to paying off my plan in one game and just buy seats elsewhere for the opener.
I'm down for that as well, however the listed prices on StubHub for the home opener for ticket in my row and section have me tempted...could come close to paying off my plan in one game and just buy seats elsewhere for the opener.

Well, let me rephrase my statement. I would be happier selling them at cost than for a small profit somewhere else. For a big profit, screw the forums!

FYI -- here is a spreadsheet showing all of the tickets that have actually sold so far. 127A the gold standard with one sale of 4 tickets for $292 each. That's my section, baby!

I would like this idea, but like @NYCFC_Dan said, it has to be done very carefully. Haven't heard of Stubhub, but pretty interested in how that will work for me, as there are many games I'm not going to be able to make. Actually a good 8 or 9 games I cant make I think.
I'm down for that as well, however the listed prices on StubHub for the home opener for ticket in my row and section have me tempted...could come close to paying off my plan in one game and just buy seats elsewhere for the opener.

I think that's one nut who didn't even list the correct row #, though I can see why since he needed to indicate front row. If I could actually get $600 per for the opener I would sell both mine, get a single, and make my way into the GA with the TR. Let's see what the real prices are as the match gets closer.
21 years old and haven't heard of stubhub? bullshit
Well to be fair I just turned 21 in December.

But really haven't heard of it. I follow Chelsea FC, but have never had tickets because I haven't been to England. Also haven't followed any American leagues for any sports. I've heard it mentioned on this site a few times, but other than that and the link posted above, I have never heard of it.
I have 2 tickets and might be looking for someone to use the second for some games. I have friends and co-workers lined up for some, and will drag my daughters to at least a game each because they've never been to a sporting event, but I don't expect they'll want to go to many more. Would love to be able to join up with some good folk from here when the opportunity arises. Could probably be handled less formally than outright sale of ticket pairs.
I think that's one nut who didn't even list the correct row #, though I can see why since he needed to indicate front row. If I could actually get $600 per for the opener I would sell both mine, get a single, and make my way into the GA with the TR. Let's see what the real prices are as the match gets closer.
They're going to drop. 14A was listed for $200 a piece 6th row and when more people started listing t dropped to $80 for 2nd row. They can list them for $1000 but if no ones buying then that's a problem.
I would be interested in participating in somethinng like this. I live a couple hours from the Bronx, and work odd hours. I have a GA seat, and would like to have a dedicated fan sitting (standing) in my place for the games I can't make.
So I figured out the reason for the crazy price for section 103. If you put in a $500 per, Stubhub lists it at $587 to include the fee. Then they still only pay you out $450... So they're making $275 on an $1175 sale charging fees on both ends. Makes me sick. I wonder if he'll get it. First row, dead center, first game ever.
They're going to drop. 14A was listed for $200 a piece 6th row and when more people started listing t dropped to $80 for 2nd row. They can list them for $1000 but if no ones buying then that's a problem.

The prices will go up as the match gets closer, but then drop the day of, or a couple days before the match if nothing is selling. It will be interesting to watch, because it will be a real way to gauge the true level of interest in the club.
I think setting up a googledoc or simply having a section on here where folks can post that they aren't going to be able to attend certain games and let other members pm them could work. No dealing done on the site.

I will say I had Caps (washington Hockey team) tickets that myself and three other guys split right after the lockout (dirt cheap) we were just out of college and living there. It was a great way to see our respective team (rangers, flyers, isles) it always sucked when the team had rivalry games and season ticket holders in our section sold games to penguins fans, or some other rivals. That being said when we sold our Red wings tickets each year and basically paid for our season it was great.

Basically C.R.E.A.M.
The Ticket manager has headings that read
Transfer tickets to friends.PRINT
Print your ticket.DONATE TICKETS
Donate your tickets to charity

But none of them have buttons or working links associated with them yet.
I'm down for that as well, however the listed prices on StubHub for the home opener for ticket in my row and section have me tempted...could come close to paying off my plan in one game and just buy seats elsewhere for the opener.

Those are just the offers, though. I don't think anybody is actually transacting at those prices, are they? I'm pretty sure you can still get tickets at the box office at this point, too, no?
We're receiving cards, so I have no idea how we'll be able to sell our tickets to folks. Maybe they'll let us print out the tickets?
If we're getting cards, you'll still be able to transfer tickets from the account manager, they would just deactivate that game on your card so you can't print tickets and get in with the card as well. If you prefer a paper ticket to the card you can transfer the ticket to your own email and print it at off.
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