2017 Roster Discussion

How hard would it be to alter my Mix jersey to say Maxi?

We are going to lead the league in goals.

We have a roster that can win games in the US Open Cup.

This was a great thread on the Mix roster situation -- I still think a loan to a Norwegian club will be our best option but it sounds like we have no way of knowing without more facts.

If he takes #10 and the club offers that at matches, that's some marketing genius right there.
Penn, Cage, Stoltz?

One is Anthony Edwards

Yup, good call, substitute AE for NC (Cage was in it, but that does look like AE).

Yes, Cage was in it, but he was one of the workers at All American Burger. Spicoli's buds were Anthony Edwards and Eric Stoltz.

Amazing when you go back and look at all the talent on that film. Two Academy Award winners as actors and one as writer, among many others.
Mix... Max...

Seriously after watching tonight's game just now. The additions of Wallace, Maxi, Lewis... I seriously think Khiry Shelton gets cut/traded (doubt anyone would trade for him) before the season. The guy is clueless and his days are numbered.

And a few months ago, Vieira was saying he could become one of the best players in the league.

Bench: Johansen, Brillant, Herrara, McNamara, Okoli, Sands, Camargo/Shelton?

Lewis replaces the 18th man when he comes back to the team...