Does The Club Owe You Anything?

They removed all the seats behind the dugout for next season. I think they were available this season but were rarely used. I'd go further by taking out sections that are blocked by the foul poll on the main level. If we reduced capacity to 26k for games outside of Red Bulls I think it would help immensely.
They removed all the seats behind the dugout for next season. I think they were available this season but were rarely used. I'd go further by taking out sections that are blocked by the foul poll on the main level. If we reduced capacity to 26k for games outside of Red Bulls I think it would help immensely.

Hey! Some of us actually like those seats in the corner!
All I know is the day that I meet my Andrea This Club and Most Important Mr Jon Patricof went well beyond kindness !! You know as a business man he was very interested in me and my husband on a personal level . You would think he would have asked if I were a Season Ticket holder or try to tell or sell me on The Clubs Packages . He took his time I wasn't Owned Shit with me !! The stand out thing was the look in his eye's as he spoke to me it was Sincerity ! Not Oh God here's another stupid fan I'm getting rich from .

I'v been in Retail all my life and I know people ! I have to to do my job ! I can't Thank Him Enough for his kindness to me ! The problem is there are people here that feel who feel they are owed everything ! No one forces you by gun to sign up for Shit !! You do it cause you want to !! You do it cause you Choose to ! So if you suck the life out of the good stuff you get than handle the not so good . Nothing is Perfect ! There's no way to make everyone happy . The less you Expect the More you get ! This is what serves me , and I got the receipt of a lifetime as Prof !

So to close Ask Not What your club can do for you but what you can do for your club !!!
This club owes every STH a playoff match worth watching. I’d almost rather play the knockout match because maybe they’ll take it seriously rather than looking past Leg 1 to Leg 2 at home.

Seriously, next season they should email the STH before kickoff and let us know if nobody is planning to show up to play.
It’s pretty straightforward- we buy season tickets so we can go to every game and cheer on our team (at a discounted rate). I expect the club in return to try and put an entertaining and compelling product on the field, since we are essentially customers of entertainment. That is it.

I think the bitching and moaning comes from fans who look around at other clubs who have to offer more stuff to get people to sign up (see: New Jersey Red Bulls). People see the free sweaters and jackets and shit they get offered and say “why cant I get that?”... the answer is that you’re signing up for a better experience, a better atmosphere, and a better location. Get over it or go to Bumfuck, NJ to watch that shit team play, and enjoy your fucking jacket.
As a season ticket holder I expect only one thing in exchange for my money. Tickets to the games. That’s it. I give them my money, and in exchange I get to attend the games. Any type of discount, or gift is a bonus. The stadium is a bonus. A good on-field product is a bonus. I get to watch the team i love, that’s enough for me.
As a season ticket holder I expect only one thing in exchange for my money. Tickets to the games. That’s it. I give them my money, and in exchange I get to attend the games. Any type of discount, or gift is a bonus. The stadium is a bonus. A good on-field product is a bonus. I get to watch the team i love, that’s enough for me.

So what happens when they move the game to different location on short notice and take those tickets away from you (refunded of course)?
So what happens when they move the game to different location on short notice and take those tickets away from you (refunded of course)?
I put myself in their shoes. It’s not like they wanted to move us, it happened because of the circumstances around yankee stadium, which is still arguably the best alternative to having no franchise in the area. What they did as a result of moving us was the best they could do - refund us, provide new tickets at a discounted rate, and in the case of Hartford, provide cheap transportation to the match (which technically was free if you used the $10 for concessions). There are NY franchises that move games on a whim for their own benefit, and barely compensate ticket holders as a result. IMO NYCFC took care of us the best they could, given the circumstances
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The club does not owe us "a good or entertaining product on the field" there are teams around the world that produce absolute shit or mediocrity every single year. just because you decided to buy a season ticket for a discount price doesn't mean the team has to give you what you want to see on the field. Entertainment for the fans does not equal success on the field. nor does big money signings guarantee success or product on the field. you pay to watch NYCFC play. Whether they suck or are great is not promised in your agreement to show up to the games. this is not fifa they don't sign and play exactly how you want.
The club does not owe us "a good or entertaining product on the field" there are teams around the world that produce absolute shit or mediocrity every single year. just because you decided to buy a season ticket for a discount price doesn't mean the team has to give you what you want to see on the field. Entertainment for the fans does not equal success on the field. nor does big money signings guarantee success or product on the field. you pay to watch NYCFC play. Whether they suck or are great is not promised in your agreement to show up to the games. this is not fifa they don't sign and play exactly how you want.

They don’t “owe us”, but they need to try to win. Otherwise I’m personally done. I love my jets. But I’ll only buy aftermarket tickets at a discount these days. And I know they are ‘trying’ by losing. But they’re even bad at that! Play the young QBs and RBs and lose with them, rather than vets who can only manange mediocrity and a middling draft pick. But I digress...

Oh, and for the record; after fatso and Pirlo, I do think they’ve been doing their best to win.
They don’t “owe us”, but they need to try to win. .

two completely different concepts. which is what i'm saying. the club doesn't owe us wins, playoffs or a cup. they try to, but they dont owe it to us just because we buy season tickets. they dont owe us attractive soccer or big name players. its nice to have, but not a necessity because i got a season ticket
two completely different concepts. which is what i'm saying. the club doesn't owe us wins, playoffs or a cup. they try to, but they dont owe it to us just because we buy season tickets. they dont owe us attractive soccer or big name players. its nice to have, but not a necessity because i got a season ticket
I look at effort, not necessarily results. There are some pro sports teams that cut payroll, dont sign any players, and actively don’t give a shit about winning. All they care about is the money they make off the schmucks that pay for tickets for that crap team. I believe nycfc is trying to win, which is why I give them the benefit of the doubt.
I look at effort, not necessarily results. There are some pro sports teams that cut payroll, dont sign any players, and actively don’t give a shit about winning. All they care about is the money they make off the schmucks that pay for tickets for that crap team. I believe nycfc is trying to win, which is why I give them the benefit of the doubt.

I believe that they are trying to win as well. Everybody can understand that soccer happens. Teams lose. What is clear is that the preparation is not enough, we haven't put up anything significant in months and we have been in freefall since the international break and landed in 2nd by lightning strike.

We know that these guys are a capable individuals and a capable team. This is all PV.
If you turn up on this thread the night after a bad loss and start insisting that you're somehow owed success, you're guilty of the same kind of entitlement that kicked this thread off in the first place.
But seriously, I think it's the same implied contract as with any entertainment product; namely that the purveyor is putting in a good faith effort to entertain the audience. If you pay money for an experience and you come away with the feeling that it was sub-par due to the entertainer half-assing their product, you feel cheated even if the letter of the law is correct to say that everyone's upheld their end.

As for me, I've been thoroughly entertained by what NYCFC has done so far.
Bringing this back because it’s relevant again. I don’t get why a particular subset of fans continues to believe they are owed recognition for their voluntary efforts despite continually shitting on everything the club does off the field that doesn’t include them.

You can just follow the thread.
Despite the fact they were invited to tomorrow’s event they’re upset because the media event was held separately and their picture won’t be plastered over news/Twitter? That’s the gist of it right?