While I agree with you that there are also plenty of complaints here, I disagree in the particular complaint you highlighted as an example (and perhaps you did so just because it was the freshest in memory since it wasn't long ago).
To provide context, I really didn't care, as there was no way I was going to be able to attend this event. But to send this out, without any heads up prior to it being a first come, first served sign-up, severely limited who was going to even have a legitimate chance at responding to it. Instituting a click to sign-up and lottery system, or even a couple days prior, announcing that the sign-up will be first come, first served, starting Thursday at 10am, or whatever is a much more suitable scenario.
I don't think the complaints around that on this board were in regards to the club owing anything more. It was much more to how they bungled the availability to this event, and I think those are important to separate.
I do agree with you, though, that there are often complaints on this board that can fit into the "club owing us something".