NFL Discussion

Not disagreeing with you at all about the potential record but 8-8 beats 0-16 (or worse, 2-14). And he's still got some years in him, so the team could make itself better while he's here. Not expecting a Super Bowl, but wouldn't mind a decent performance with the chance to get better over the years.

He just seems like the obvious solution to many of the Jets' problems. He's a good quarterback, people would show up to see him play, he almost automatically gets us 6 extra wins this season we wouldn't get otherwise, and it's a chance to actually do the right thing.

He makes a few teams better this season. Absolute shame what's been done to him.
Kap would help a few teams.. I do still enjoy NFL but it does make me sort of sad that it seems a large chunk of the fan base would rather have a player on their team that's been convicted of domestic violence or sexual assault than one who won't stand for the National Anthem.
So somehow the Bills managed to play a more boring crappier game against the Panthers today (9-3 Panthers) than our match with the Crapids last night. At least I was in a bar and drunk for it .

So sorry to get overtly political but hoping as many players as possible take a Knee tomorrow
I honestly don't give a shit. I just wanna watch the Giants lose while everyone else can go bitch about if kneeing is right or wrong. Fuck I'm tired.
Kap would help a few teams.. I do still enjoy NFL but it does make me sort of sad that it seems a large chunk of the fan base would rather have a player on their team that's been convicted of domestic violence or sexual assault than one who won't stand for the National Anthem.

I’ll pass on the entire group.

So sorry to get overtly political but hoping as many players as possible take a Knee tomorrow

In the end, they can all take a knee or not. None of it will actually matter though. The majority of Americans are armchair activists whichever way you lean. Real progress happens in the communities, not on a dumb football field. Until I see people getting their hands dirty and making a difference, it's all just posturing and ego driven.
Its pretty sad to see what is happening in the USA at the moment.

Although maybe its a good thing this is being played out in the open as now you can see who the racist bigots are.

Kudos to all who protested against what the President said
The Giants are basically out of the playoff picture three games in. I guess I'm watching hockey this year.
HUGE upset win for the Bills and with the Pats being upset themselves the Bills are somehow in first place. Now the only bad thing if the Bills keep doing so well is I'll have a tough decision to make on the 22nd between watching Bills-Bucs or NYC-Crew...