Redbulls Postgame

Man Of the Match: The NYRed Bulls Fans.

They chanted and supported their team nonstop and all wore red. ( I dislike red now)
and the biggest mystery to me is, I wonder why RB formerly known as Metrostars did not play this way when I was their fan?
They never before had a coach who understood they need to play like an energy drink.
At the usmnt gamein Hartford last Fall mix played the 6 in place of beckerman and i thought he wasthe best player on the field. Its time to play him deeper in place of jcobson.

Pirlo will be like Dempsey his first half season -- good but not a team changer. I hate to say it hut wait til next year for the brilliance to come through.
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In a perfect world, Mix would be our rock:

The one who not everyone was sure about in the beginning. The one we took a chance on. The one you loved or hated. The one who stayed and rotated to the position that the team needed even when it wasn't one the one that suited him best as the big name DPs came and left.

Kind of like Milner for City. Though relative to the league as a whole he is a) better and b) more expensive. Mix is a puzzle.
Pretty good analogy, I think. Frank was not done any favors by Kreis getting shoved into basically a support striker role for a lot of the time. I think he's far better ghosting in. But he's just not going to be super effective at this point. He's had too little time, and we can't buy more of that or games. Sadly, that's what we really need.

Kreis seems utterly clueless to me. Either that, or he cannot communicate his desires or implement his tactics. Either way, a lot of blame lies at his feet. I don't see how he gets another year.
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Tonight's match was disappointing. I feel like Lampard let me down a lot, he could have easily scored right in the beginning. I thought Mix was doing well and I don't think he should have came off. In the defense, I liked Facey tonight I feel he wasn't bad. I also continue to like what Angelino brings. I don't think Saunders should have been beaten near post, but it doesn't matter because we were already down 1-0 and didn't score anyway. I think we will have to be every lucky with other teams results in order to make the playoffs.
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I'll pop in just to stick up for Mena. CBs have to be so careful when they're facing goal and trying to clear a cross that it will sometimes go through their legs. At least he was there.
Meanwhile, only reason the play got there is someone passed the ball to Grella who missed it and it went directly to Iraola behind him. Instead of collecting it or anything useful he slides into it and directs it directly to another RB player who plays it in.
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I'll pop in just to stick up for Mena. CBs have to be so careful when they're facing goal and trying to clear a cross that it will sometimes go through their legs. At least he was there.
Meanwhile, only reason the play got there is someone passed the ball to Grella who missed it and it went directly to Iraola behind him. Instead of collecting it or anything useful he slides into it and directs it directly to another RB player who plays it in.
My complaint with Mena was more with his passing which was pretty terrible at times, and of course, the between the legs thing was pretty glaring. If you're a CB, you really have to get something on that IMO. You can't let a cross right in your path get through. Even lying down in front of it would have been preferable. It was almost as bad as the one the Chicago guy gave up that inspired the Sean Johnson face a couple of weeks ago.

Speaking of between the legs, NYCFC reject Mike Grella nutmegged FF. Just thought it should be noted here for posterity.
Pretty good analogy, I think. Frank was not done any favors by Kreis getting shoved into basically a support striker role for a lot of the time. I think he's far better ghosting in. But he's just not going to be super effective at this point. He's had too little time, and we can't buy more of that or games. Sadly, that's what we really need.

Kreis seems utterly clueless to me. Either that, or he cannot communicate his desires or implement his tactics. Either way, a lot of blame lies at his feet. I don't see how he gets another year.
I could justify him getting another year, but I won't. Not because I'm lazy, but because I hate Kries as coach of this team. (Well, also because I'm lazy)
Idk, if it's that I expect more from him or the fact that he went missing for portions of this game that led me to believe he played poorly. However, just because he played poorly doesn't mean he wasn't our best player in this game.

He was winning balls all night. When the offense isn't clicking, what more can you ask of a player? You're not going to get a ridiculous offensive performance each night from our team, but the best you can hope for on the bad nights is that your team brings it defensively -- and Mix brought his A game there.
I gotta say, I'm surprised you guys aren't bitching that much. It's usually so overwhelmingly negative in here after a loss. Sucks to lose but I'm glad we played our strongest XI. Just gotta get them to blend in and get used to the league.
He was winning balls all night. When the offense isn't clicking, what more can you ask of a player? You're not going to get a ridiculous offensive performance each night from our team, but the best you can hope for on the bad nights is that your team brings it defensively -- and Mix brought his A game there.
You can't ask for much more. Regardless, I don't think this warrants me praising his overall performance. As I said before, he disappeared for portions of the game which wasn't very helpful to our cause.
My complaint with Mena was more with his passing which was pretty terrible at times, and of course, the between the legs thing was pretty glaring. If you're a CB, you really have to get something on that IMO. You can't let a cross right in your path get through. Even lying down in front of it would have been preferable. It was almost as bad as the one the Chicago guy gave up that inspired the Sean Johnson face a couple of weeks ago.

Doesn't matter. I like him and don't like Iraola. Not sure why. I blame 373.
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I gotta say, I'm surprised you guys aren't bitching that much. It's usually so overwhelmingly negative in here after a loss. Sucks to lose but I'm glad we played our strongest XI. Just gotta get them to blend in and get used to the league.

Sadly, here you go:
They are not bitching because they've given up on this season.

I thought we weren't awful the whole match. I'd maybe disagree with our strongest 11 assessment, but it was probably as close to what I think is our strongest 11 that I could expect. I think we need to ditch Jacobsen. For the life of me, I can't figure out how he decides where he positions himself. He either has no instruction or is allowed to use his own (poor) judgment. I think either is a coaching mistake.
My observations:

- Mena - Love the athleticism and aggressiveness, but he is rough on the ball. It seemed like NYRB were often letting him be on the open man. At best, he is slow to circulate it and at worst he is a disaster waiting to happen. Still like him long-term, but I remain surprised that Kreiss isn't going with Hernandez and Facey after the long successful stretch they had.

- I thought Angelino did a good job down defending on Sam. Last game in NJ, he absolutely killed us from the outset. Today, they ran down that side a lot early on, but it wasn't nearly as penetrating. As a side note, I love when Angelino takes a cross-field ball on the chest and plays it directly around the defender. He did that yet again today and it isn't a move I remember seeing elsewhere, let alone in MLS.

- Lampard didn't convert his chances to be sure, but it was great that he got several. That is more penetration than we've seen coming out of attacking central mid all year other than late game Poku from time to time.

- Seemed like the game was whizzing around Pirlo a bit given the temp NYRB play at. Big, big difference than the second half against Orlando when he defined the tempo. Need to figure that out.

- Mix was excellent on both ends. Great chance in the first half where he was in the right spot for the long ball and put the volley on target and lots of good ball recovery work in the midfield.

- I actually liked Jacobson in the beginning of the year when we had less talent in the midfield, but right now he is clearly a level below those around him and was often in the wrong place. It would probably be better if he just sat deep and destroyed, though that isn't really his game either. As has been the case for a long time, we could use a real defensive mid.

Sadly, here you go:

I thought we weren't awful the whole match. I'd maybe disagree with our strongest 11 assessment, but it was probably as close to what I think is our strongest 11 that I could expect. I think we need to ditch Jacobsen. For the life of me, I can't figure out how he decides where he positions himself. He either has no instruction or is allowed to use his own (poor) judgment. I think either is a coaching mistake.
What are you giving up on? Did you expect to win the MLS cup this year?
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I gotta say, I'm surprised you guys aren't bitching that much. It's usually so overwhelmingly negative in here after a loss. Sucks to lose but I'm glad we played our strongest XI. Just gotta get them to blend in and get used to the league.
Last week we had no shot of winning from the jump. This week we at least competed and just got beaten by a better team. As for giving up on the season? It looks bleak. mgarbowski mgarbowski thread is going to giving me nightmares tonight. As long as I think we are building towards something I can't get too mad though. Plus we can't lose to the Red Bulls again unless we make the playoffs... silver lining either way.
Anybody who thought an expansion team with two DPs coming in half way thru the season unfit as shit would win every game and beat well established and well coached teams every weekend is just plain retarded.

Add to that half our defense are young guys still in formation who last year playedwith minors in England. Add to that a Defensive back who just got off the plane two weeks ago and still hasnt adjusted to the league.

Yea they sound like excuses but the plain truth. I am not giving up and they need to F'in step it up. But chill out folks. Good night this game just f'd up my night.
Non-match comments:
- Red Bull Arena is a great arena once you're in your seat to watch soccer. HOWEVER, the concourse is incredibly small. You have all the room in the world in New Jersey, why aren't these bigger? Also, they are terrible organization with their operations. When my friend was ordering a hot dog, they ran out of buns. What's their bun to hot dog ratio? Finally, parking is absolute shit. They could pave their lots and do a better job with getting cars out of the parking lot. It took a solid 30 minutes to get out of the parking lot.
- We will never be wearing our primary kits when we play in New Jersey or at Hofstra.
- Following the game this guy was promoting the Red Membership thing. He was saying "It's never to late to change your colors." I said, "Wow." He replied, "You changed colors already." I never followed an MLS team good sir. I only had a Beckham Galaxy jersey when he first came over, but I did play with the MetroStars on Backyard Soccer.
- Two smoke bombs went off before the match. One at the end of the match that was throw just behind the video boards. I guess we're only getting 250 tickets next game.

Match comments:
- Missed early chances. An in-form Lampard makes that goal in the 3'. A karate kick instead of whatever he did with his feet by Mix scores that goal in the 5'.
- How did Saunders not make that save in the final minutes? It baffles me. That ball had no room to go in and it did. I'd give Johansen a shot or two this season to see what he can do.
- We played shit. Except Angelino.
- The ref was shit and had no control of this game. I'm watching the replay and the foul on Mix at 19:52 is absolute trash. And it was the foul which led to the Red Bull goal. Perrinelle has his arm around the neck of Mix. Perrinelle also punched Mena in the stomach later in the match. But we finally see some emotion from Kreis. Also Mena completely fucked up defensively on that goal.
- We didn't deserve to win and we don't deserve to make the playoffs. I may not like who and what I'm seeing on the field, but I will always support this club.