Redbulls Postgame

The Red Bulls sure know how to talk shit..before and after the game. Coach and players. They were just annoying before, now I hate them. Also, I never thought I'd get this passionate about this team so fast. If you asked me last year at this time...I'd figure we'd have our ups and a bunch of downs this year...and I'd shrug my shoulders and say oh well, it's our first year. But no, this loss pissed my off, not as a JK or roster a team thing. I knew I'd become emotionally invested, but not this fast. We have a very tough schedule coming up, just hope to play some good ball going forward. Progress. That's all I can ask for right now

To qoute a former redbull legend, "Revenge is coming"....I have no doubt that in the next coming years as much as this year pains us with going 0-3 vs Redbulls, trust me it isn't going to last. Once we build a true team we will start to dominate that marketing firm.
While I may think that the RBNJ fans are douchebags, I do have to give them credit. Their banners and tifos put the NYCFC ones to shame.

Having said that, the announcers kept saying that the place was sold out. I had to laugh every time I heard that, that place looks maybe 80% full. It's a shame to see a team like them have such a nice stadium.

As for the game itself, it was frustrating to watch. I think that Villa doesn't get criticized enough in games like this, he was very selfish at times, taking shots when he had none, and there were teammates that were open. I also think that some people have a bit of an unrealistic expectation of Pirlo. As someone who's watched him for a long time now, I can tell you that there will be a lot of games like today. The difference being that in lots of those games he will have that one or two brilliant pass that will lead to a goal, or that beautiful free kick that is the game winner. Reality is, he won't be the maestro in every game, and to expect him to is to have unrealistic expectations.

Oh and that ref sucked donkey balls.

He had a rough game for sure
Pirlo is only great if someone can eventually feed off on his passes and score some goals. One striker system is not working for us. We need another one to help out Villa. On the other hand, when Lamp settles down and gets sharper, i can see him contribute directly to some goals, lets just hope. There were some pass from Pirlo to Lamp that showed brilliance and promise, if only Lamp could have converted. Another thought is Pirlo needs to play a higher position, participating more in attack as he is less useful in defense (looks like he is afraid of physical confrontation and does not want to get injured or even bruised). Have to give it to Red Bulls fan, that Lamp/Pirlo retirement home thing was pretty funny - would have been funnier if we had beaten them.

Was very frustrating to watch the game. When to parents house for dinner and watched the game there. My mom, who usually doesn't watch soccer and has little understanding of the game, after watched the game for 5 min, asked me why I was a fan of the blue team. She said the red team looks a better team and she was sure it would beat the blue team. Nothing can be more frustrating than that! NYCFC, can I see some hope please?
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Dude really struggles to kick the ball straight.
I've been amazed for a while now that Kreis hasn't ordered Saunders, on pain of benching, to almost always roll the ball out rather than punting it wildly downfield. During the Montreal match Pirlo kept dropping back to help Saunders build plays out of the back, which was a good idea, but there was none of that in this match.
Other quick hits

The good
So it's really only good for the U.S. setup, and not NYC, but here goes. Miazga was really good last night, so in the words of Sir Ian Darke, "Go, go USA!" He challenged everything that came at him in a very measured and mature way. That guy has grown up so much in the last 18 months. He's not long for the MLS world. He's not far from all star level in MLS right now and looks to be a lock to start in the Olympics next year. If I'm honest with myself, Jesse Marsch looks to have made a big difference with him. Inexpert he'll stay with RB through Rio, and then make a move to a top four league.

The Decent, the Not-so-good and The Really Bad (delivered in no particular order and about as positively as I can manage)
We are so slow as a team it hurts. That's nothing new, but it was obvious to me in a way I don't usually get to see since I sit behind the goal at YS. Being close to the midfield stripe at field level last night opened my eyes to just how bad the problem is.

We need Poku on the field even more with Lampard and Pirlo. He and Mena are our most athletically gifted players (I'm not counting Angelino, as he would be right there with them, but I'm trying not to get any more attached. He's the hot chick you met at summer camp right before high school. You're completely infatuated, but you know there's an expiration date when the varsity football players start asking her out.). Poku is our only midfielder who can withstand the physicality NJ was using last night. He's super important for us to get forward because he remains calm under challenge, and he can either drive down the middle of the of the defense or quickly spray accurate balls when he receives those shorter pressure relieving passes that Pirlo has to make when he's being swarmed. Putting that onus on Frank is almost as counter-productive as playing him as a second striker.

I really think Frank has something to offer, and he could have made a massive difference in our team had he been here when originally planned. I'd conservatively say it's anywhere from a 3-9 point difference in the results from where we are now.

Irraola requires Mix to be on the field because any other option means we lose too much football intellect to allow Andoni to be anything worth talking about. My theory on AI is that I think he sees space that AJ should be occupying and drives into it quite a bit to try to balance the attack a bit better. He may have always cut inside early. I can't say because I didn't watch a lot of him at Bilbao. But doing it now hurts our shape a lot. As I said, I think it's our midfield's fault (specifically Jacobsen). A good attack needs to present attack threats from different angles. He's trying to help do that, I think. But we really need him to get down the wing a bit more, and cut inside closer to the box. Don't think he'll do it until we strengthen our play in the middle of the park. Getting Poku on and moving Mix closer to Pirlo would help that.

Jacobsen should be used to eat minutes when we're up or down a couple. Not much else he can provide now. I'm not sure Ballouchy wouldn't play the same role AJ has been give to better effect had he been the one converted at the beginning. Although, I don't think he'd be "good" there, either, so we're back to needing Mix there.

TMac is a crafty player on the ball and works extremely hard. He doesn't have great technical ball skills, but he utilizes his smarts and what ability he does have to proportionally greater effect than anyone on the team. I wish he would shoot more. All of that said, he's slow as hell, too.

Said this already, but I want to lay it out quite directly here: I don't think AJ can play in a midfield with Pirlo and Frank. He's a tactical dumbass, and that nullifies the best of what those two DPs can bring.

Finally, FUCK. We have a lot of problems, enough that I don't know if changing shape or formation or a couple of players would really matter. To me, that opens up a lot of questions regarding where our team stands with regard to leadership. We have a pricey roster with some good pieces. We should look better. We've either mis-spent or are failing on team concepts. To me, that indicates at least one weak point in the on and off field management of the team, but it could be multiple weak points, to be sure. Maybe those of us pissed at Kreis are the real optimists. If he's the one really dicking up, it's a much simpler fix than if there are deep problems of FO undermining the coach's desires by having him appear impotent to the team. That's just one take, and I probably should flesh it out a bit more. That might be a project for wasting time later in the week, or I could let my attorney, mgarbowski mgarbowski brief this case theory. Happy to read others in the meantime.
To qoute a former redbull legend, "Revenge is coming"....I have no doubt that in the next coming years as much as this year pains us with going 0-3 vs Redbulls, trust me it isn't going to last. Once we build a true team we will start to dominate that marketing firm.

Pretty much this. Let them bask in the glory of beating a first year expansion team. Long term, when we're established it should make for an awesome rivalry. But as of now, bragging about beating a first year expansion team is pretty hilarious.
I've been amazed for a while now that Kreis hasn't ordered Saunders, on pain of benching, to almost always roll the ball out rather than punting it wildly downfield. During the Montreal match Pirlo kept dropping back to help Saunders build plays out of the back, which was a good idea, but there was none of that in this match.
We were under high pressure. If we don't get Mix back there with Pirlo, Pirlo won't make himself available. He knows he can't dribble through the entire other team, and Jacobsen can't read the game well enough to get in place to help out. Even if he could, it would just be one more pass before any attacking impetus died with Andrew "6-yd pass, backwards or to the opponent" Jacobsen.
- Two smoke bombs went off before the match. One at the end of the match that was throw just behind the video boards. I guess we're only getting 250 tickets next game.

watching on tv, at the end of the match you could barely see the field with all the red smoke bombs, so i'm not convinced ours were a problem.
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Heh, that was a selective set of clips. Also the one where Jacobsen wasn't awake for the pass and got swarmed by 3 RBNJ players was a potentially field opener. I agree that in the interesting thought exercise of "if that wasn't Pirlo", his performance looks bad, but we know what he's capable of given the right context and team around him, which makes it difficult for me to be all that critical or focus on his performance on an individual basis, because...

I don't think AJ can play in a midfield with Pirlo and Frank. He's a tactical dumbass, and that nullifies the best of what those two DPs can bring.

100% this^

I'm actually feeling really optimistic after this game. It was fun watching Lamps almost play himself out of rust and link up well with Villa. I thought that we dominated most of the play, our system looked cogent and we only looked weak when we had to chase the game. We played a sensible defensive line, which I'm taking as a sign that we learnt from the Montreal game and will be more robust going forward. I thought that Iraola had his best game for us and was only forced out of position on the first goal because he was covering both his and Mix's man (due to the scuffle up the pitch that was incorrectly called by the ref). If he doesn't make that tackle he gets picked off between two on that overload anyway, he was just unfortunate that it went to Kljestan. It was great to have Facey back and I was surprised by how well he distributed. Goes to show what having better passing options (Pirlo, who is always back there) will do, as it freed him up to make a handful of useful vertical passes.

I wasn't at the game, and I don't trust my TV perspective so I can't really comment with any conviction about anything else that hasn't been posted about already, but I thought we played our best derby despite having our midfield play together for the first time. If this was against any other team than RBNJ I suspect we'd be a lot more positive about how this went. Kreis's subs and Jacobsen's presence were the only real black spots for me.

We seem to be fixing problems week to week and it's just sad that we didn't have enough games to get ourselves set before this tough run. We have fewer big problems left which makes the Jacobsen one more glaring. Mix's inability or lack of tendency to carry the ball really hampers his potential as a winger anyway, so as others have called for, we can swap him in alongside Pirlo. That means we can get Poku in there and have Pirlo playing through to Villa via Poku and Lampard. Then we'll see what problems remain after that.

The results don't show it but I think we're trending towards a really good looking team.
We were under high pressure. If we don't get Mix back there with Pirlo, Pirlo won't make himself available. He knows he can't dribble through the entire other team, and Jacobsen can't read the game well enough to get in place to help out. Even if he could, it would just be one more pass before any attacking impetus died with Andrew "6-yd pass, backwards or to the opponent" Jacobsen.

Ha if only it were the 6-yd pass. Every time I see him ignore said passes and try to carry the ball through the center circle before coughing it up, I want to strangle him.
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watching on tv, at the end of the match you could barely see the field with all the red smoke bombs, so i'm not convinced ours were a problem.

Noticed this too. The hypocrisy really stung. That said, I love the smoke bombs. Not sure why they're such an issue.
Everything has been covered several times over, so I’m just going to throw out some random stream-of-consciousness thoughts.

The game was more frustrating and stress-inducing for me than the days that preceded it of packing, moving and unpacking.

Amazingly, as bad as we were in so many aspects of the game, a few better finishes and good bounces, and we could have taken at least a point from that game (not necessarily deservedly).

The refs were atrocious. Another ref very well could have taken two of their players off for closed fist punches to the face and midsection, awarded us at least one PK, and not botched several crucial calls including one that lead to their first goal.

I get nervous every time our opponent takes a corner kick, yet I get no sense of optimism when we take a corner kick. I barely see the latter as an advantage, which is a purely tactical flaw.

The game clearly looked like a talented cohesive team vs. a team with some talented players playing a pre-season game together trying to get used to one another and showing spurts of brilliance and potential. It may be too late, but when we click, we should be able to score bundles of goals and play some beautiful soccer.

Mena has the talent to be a solid CB.

Iraola seems to factor into almost every goal against in some direct or indirect way.

I'd like to see the percentage of goals scored against us on easy tap-ins within 5 yards. Screams flaw.

There were 4 or 5 times players could have taken clear and open shots from 20ish yards out and instead tried to make another pass, often giving the ball away or pushing the ball to a less advantageous position. We have some rifles on our team, use them, maybe at worst you get a big rebound.

Mix seemed to work twice as hard as anyone on the team.

I was afraid that Pirlo was about to get tangled in a camera cord while taking a corner kick. WTF was that camera guy doing.

It bothers me that a bunch of “ultras” are repeatedly cast publicly as representative of our fan base. That street fight was embarrassing.
Has NYC scored from a corner once this year? If so I can't remember it.

Thought it was a good effort overall yesterday. Pirlo and Lampard clearly aren't up to speed yet. Maybe it's just Pirlo's typical demeanor but he doesn't look very engaged out there. I thought Lampard was working but he's obviously going to take time to get into the flow of things.

Fire Kreis is dumb as always, the best 11 were out there to start yesterday and Red Bulls just handled their business.

Defense is still an issue, Iraola and Mena are both liabilities, the young guys played well yesterday. Angelino and McNamara were probably the two most effective players.
watching on tv, at the end of the match you could barely see the field with all the red smoke bombs, so i'm not convinced ours were a problem.
The red smoke is controlled and cleared by the Red Bulls front office, I believe.

It's not something that is thrown from the stands onto the field or crowd below, which is a problem.
Has NYC scored from a corner once this year? If so I can't remember it.

Thought it was a good effort overall yesterday. Pirlo and Lampard clearly aren't up to speed yet. Maybe it's just Pirlo's typical demeanor but he doesn't look very engaged out there. I thought Lampard was working but he's obviously going to take time to get into the flow of things.

Fire Kreis is dumb as always, the best 11 were out there to start yesterday and Red Bulls just handled their business.

Defense is still an issue, Iraola and Mena are both liabilities, the young guys played well yesterday. Angelino and McNamara were probably the two most effective players.
We've scored from set pieces quite a bit, but direct corners (kicked straight to a head) are an absolute negative.
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Everything has been covered several times over, so I’m just going to throw out some random stream-of-consciousness thoughts.

The game was more frustrating and stress-inducing for me than the days that preceded it of packing, moving and unpacking.

Amazingly, as bad as we were in so many aspects of the game, a few better finishes and good bounces, and we could have taken at least a point from that game (not necessarily deservedly).

The refs were atrocious. Another ref very well could have taken two of their players off for closed fist punches to the face and midsection, awarded us at least one PK, and not botched several crucial calls including one that lead to their first goal.

I get nervous every time our opponent takes a corner kick, yet I get no sense of optimism when we take a corner kick. I barely see the latter as an advantage, which is a purely tactical flaw.

The game clearly looked like a talented cohesive team vs. a team with some talented players playing a pre-season game together trying to get used to one another and showing spurts of brilliance and potential. It may be too late, but when we click, we should be able to score bundles of goals and play some beautiful soccer.

Mena has the talent to be a solid CB.

Iraola seems to factor into almost every goal against in some direct or indirect way.

I'd like to see the percentage of goals scored against us on easy tap-ins within 5 yards. Screams flaw.

There were 4 or 5 times players could have taken clear and open shots from 20ish yards out and instead tried to make another pass, often giving the ball away or pushing the ball to a less advantageous position. We have some rifles on our team, use them, maybe at worst you get a big rebound.

Mix seemed to work twice as hard as anyone on the team.

I was afraid that Pirlo was about to get tangled in a camera cord while taking a corner kick. WTF was that camera guy doing.

It bothers me that a bunch of “ultras” are repeatedly cast publicly as representative of our fan base. That street fight was embarrassing.
Nearly 100% agreement; not worth going over the quibbles. Oh, and I didn't move this week.
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