Taty or David?


  • Castellanos

    Votes: 16 94.1%
  • Villa

    Votes: 1 5.9%

  • Total voters


Mar 20, 2014
Napoli ( Italia )
In your opinion, who was the most important player in the short history of NYCFC?

David Villa was the first player bought by the club and he scored 80 goals in 126 games. He was fundamental for the club growth, even if there were some problems off the pitch...
Taty Castellanos scored 59 goals in 134 games. He scored 22 goals in the last MLS season (in my opinion 20 goals, because 2 were own goals...) and he was ABSOLUTELY fundamental for our historical first MLS Cup (3 goals in the playoffs , one of which in the final! I also remember a rabona goal vs Philadelphia Union in the regular season...). His behavior has always been exemplary and he has always given 100% for the club and fans!

I choose, even if only slightly, Taty. Above all because he won! :)
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I agree. Villa was incredible on the field but carried substantial baggage off it and even in the locker room, there were rumors he wasn't the most beloved teammate by the end and never won anything.

Taty, on the other hand, won while being an exemplary person on and off the field. Taty is going to be the test case for years that we can develop young players and send them to Europe. His success will be the reason more players from his part of the world come to play here. He will continue to be an important player for us even now that he's gone.
Judging just on the field, I go with Villa. He was a better goal scorer and facilitator, and gave great effort on defense. Taty is obviously terrific at scoring, and he was even better at defending. Choosing between these two is a good problem to have.

I also never heard that Villa was a problem in the locker room (sexual harassment issues aside). His will to win was obvious, and at the least he led by example, providing relentless effort and energy when a player of his stature could easily have gotten away with a lot less.

How to judge him overall with the sexual harassment problem is a tough question. For the sporting side, he was as good as it gets. But his failure in how he treated the staff is a big problem that definitely taints his legacy.
Taty is awesome in that he pretty much developed here but Villa was still close enough to his prime to be at a different level for me. The fact that he scored 17 goals in the 17 matches I attended live while he was here doesn't hurt.
For me, part of the analysis of import and legacy, is how you leave and your relationship with the club and the supporters once you do. Taty will forever be loved and cherished, you will forever see supporters wearing Taty jerseys and even Girona jerseys at the stadium (even red ones), we will never forget how he helped bring us the cup and how he always fought for us even when we knew he wanted to move on, and he even mentioned in his interview about one day coming back.

Villa was all we could ask for on the pitch and was really incredible to watch. He scored, he led, he was kind to supporters, and played in MLS like he was playing in La Liga. But given the circumstances of his departure, he (rightfully) is no longer loved or respected by many of its supporters, Villa jerseys now sit in closets unworn, he no longer has and will never have an ongoing relationship with the club, and his accomplishments and recognitions have been scrubbed from our virtual history and removed from the walls of our facilities.

I probably moved the goal posts on the question posed, but if you are considering lasting import, it goes to Taty regardless of statistics and on the field accomplishments.
If you’re talking legacy I think Taty. Who contributed more I think David. Can’t discredit his goals and the amount of people he drew to the club. A lot of people wouldn’t care about this club if it wasn’t for him being here day 1.
I do think that Taty’s legacy will live on more than Villa and that’s due to the harassment claims against him and I think the club is trying to distance itself from him as well. Taty lifted the cup but Villa was instrumental in our first 2 years of filling seats and making us competitive when we had no right to be. Especially at his age he put the team on his back every week.
Taty by a mile. Villa impressed me with his level of intensity after a shaky first season, but Taty brought us a Cup, grew up before our eyes, cried when his mother surprised him and will forever be “our guy”.
Can’t wait for him to come back as a player coach on 2034.
To me, the off-field stuff just makes the gap wider.
Taty by a mile. Villa impressed me with his level of intensity after a shaky first season, but Taty brought us a Cup, grew up before our eyes, cried when his mother surprised him and will forever be “our guy”.
Can’t wait for him to come back as a player coach on 2034.
To me, the off-field stuff just makes the gap wider.
Man you made me go back and watch that video, and I teared up yet again watching it!
Now we are getting close to the Mount Rushmore conversation in spring 2020

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Now we are getting close to the Mount Rushmore conversation in spring 2020

Might be time to merge threads...