2017 Roster Discussion

I was looking at our roster page on the MLS Live app and TMac is listed at 5'9 170 pounds. Other players who are 5'9.
Villa 148
Mata 154
Jack 155

Players 5'8
Mikey 160
Ring 159

Players 5'10
Pirlo 150
Brown 178???

Those are players around his height. If he wants to keep his minutes, he need to be more athletic. He's slow and sluggish, he gets muscled off the ball easily, his physical makeup is letting his game IQ down. I've been saying this since our HISTORIC INAUGURAL SEASON, he needs to lose weight and get in better shape. The quality in the team now could reduce drastically his minutes.
It's his hair, it weighs 15lbs
Allegedly it'll happen before friday. I'm heading to Iceland later today (because I'm basic AF) so I may not be around for this which would suck, especially if there is big news coming out of it.

Biggest news story since the Frank Fiasco and your going on vacation?

Allegedly it'll happen before friday. I'm heading to Iceland later today (because I'm basic AF) so I may not be around for this which would suck, especially if there is big news coming out of it.
What's basic about Iceland?
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Blam MLS for not forcing teams to adhere to a deadline.

I feel like it's "hot right now"
My friend lives in Copenhagen and has been there several times. Pictures are always breathtaking. He spends most of his time backpacking outside of Reykjavik.
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Via MLS.com
Buyout of Guaranteed Contract

A club may buy out one player who has a Guaranteed Contract (including a DP's) during the offseason and free up the corresponding budget space. Such a buyout is at the MLS club's expense.

A club may not free up room in the salary budget with a buyout of a player's contract during the season. In the case a team buys out a player's contract during the season, the buyout amount will be charged against the club's salary budget.
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