2017 Roster Discussion

--Camargo-------------------------------Doesn't matter ---
-----------------------------DP CDM----------------

I wouldn't say no to this. Aside from a DP RW and new CDM, would also look at a more defensive RB in order to shift effectively into a 3-man backline when necessary.
As I noted in my revision of your lineup, I would change where I spent my money. But either is okay.
-----------------------------DP CDM----------------
-Matarrita------------------------------Big money RB---
Need to use that 750000 asset
If Mix has a future with this team, it's at CDM or Pirlo's backup, IMO. He's had two years to win an attacking spot and has failed.
Seems to me he's had three months alongside grabavoy and jacobsen at CM, then was pushed to the wing, and was attempted to be pushed off the team last year. To me, he's been given a lot of things: the shaft, the blame and 1.5 million bucks, but he's never been given a chance.
Seems to me he's had three months alongside grabavoy and jacobsen at CM, then was pushed to the wing, and was attempted to be pushed off the team last year. To me, he's been given a lot of things: the shaft, the blame and 1.5 million bucks, but he's never been given a chance.

You just listed multiple chances he received in your post, and said because he lost those chances he somehow never had them to begin with?

Anyway, this argument has been rehashed a bunch of times. I don't care anymore.
If Mix has a future with this team, it's at CDM or Pirlo's backup, IMO. He's had two years to win an attacking spot and has failed.
Saying he had last year is a misnomer. Nobody looked good until Iraola locked down the DMid spot, and when that happened Lampard was in the lineup and an automatic. Mix played the part with questionable players (compared to Iraola's grasp of the role) behind him in Pirlo at first, then Bravo, and maybe even Mikey (not willing to look up every pairing), but never did he have our lock-down DMid patrolling behind him.
Saying he had last year is a misnomer. Nobody looked good until Iraola locked down the DMid spot, and when that happened Lampard was in the lineup and an automatic. Mix played the part with questionable players (compared to Iraola's grasp of the role) behind him in Pirlo at first, then Bravo, and maybe even Mikey (not willing to look up every pairing), but never did he have our lock-down DMid patrolling behind him.
Shelton also lost his job while everyone looked bad and then worked to regain minutes. Some part of this may fall on management (AHABS we just don't know how much) but Mix failed to do what Khiry did and work his way back in.
Shelton also lost his job while everyone looked bad and then worked to regain minutes. Some part of this may fall on management (AHABS we just don't know how much) but Mix failed to do what Khiry did and work his way back in.
Please. Do not equate Shelton getting minutes at RW, when Harrison and others can be shifted around to make room, with Mix not being able to unseat Lampard. There was a different set of rules going on. And more importantly, Shelton getting minutes on the wing has absolutely zilch to do with Mix not getting a chance to play with Iraola in the midfield.