Using Goals Added (g+) to Assess Dollar Value — American Soccer Analysis
One of the most interesting aspects of MLS when compared to many other popular soccer leagues in the world is that MLS operates under a salary cap. From a roster-building perspective, this has a tremendous impact on how players are valued. Considering the following thought experiment. Let’s say that
Interesting article that attempts to measure the extent to which teams get value per budget dollar (using 2020 data for both salaries and play). It uses Goals+ as an overall measure of player contribution divided by salary cap charge. It breaks players into 5 groups based on pay: DP, TAM, high, medium and low. If you don't do that then the lowest paid players all appear to provide the most value based on the low denominator factor.
NYCFC measured very well on the TAM and medium salary categories. The whole article is worth reading, and to be fair recognizes several limitations of the approach, while still explaining why it is worth attempting to measure things this way.