NYCFC in the Media Thread - 2019

Thanks kvschnitzer for all you did covering NYCFC at the Post. Hopefully we get to read more of your great writing about the club at another outlet sometime soon. We need more journalists covering this team and you were/are one of the best (and sadly one of the few).

Wow, this sucks. kvschnitzer you were our only real writer at a major NYC paper. I'll miss your articles. Hope you stick around here with the rest of us on the forums.
Thanks kvschnitzer for all you did covering NYCFC at the Post. Hopefully we get to read more of your great writing about the club at another outlet sometime soon. We need more journalists covering this team and you were/are one of the best (and sadly one of the few).

It’s bad when NYCFC’s play & stadium situation is so bleak that it convinces their only beat writer to quit.
Where did he say that he quit?
Same place he said NYCFC was the reason.

[and if one leaves a job, they either quit or were let go, and one is definitely not something to allude to in a jesting comment]