Orlando Postmatch

I do appreciate the astronomical difference in tone in the post game thread between a win and loss/disappointing tie. We were just seconds away from post game thread Mardi Gras. Instead it's post game thread post mortem. No better place to celebrate or commiserate.
All of you who are talking about giving up your season tickets, I hope you have front row somewhere. Because I have tickets I want to upgrade from where they are right now. Your loss will be my gain.

There are few things I look forward to and enjoy (yes, even when we tie or lose) more than NYCFC games (yes, even in shitty YS).
All of you who are talking about giving up your season tickets, I hope you have front row somewhere. Because I have tickets I want to upgrade from where they are right now. Your loss will be my gain.

There are few things I look forward to and enjoy (yes, even when we tie or lose) more than NYCFC games (yes, even in shitty YS).
You should see my take on this thread check out the 4 and 6 blocks!
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NYFC Must Take A Stand Against Prejudiced Refs !!.....And Who Ever Hires the Groundskeepers at Yankee Stadium Must Be Fired!! They're on the same level as the TSA !! They should go before Congress and Forced to Testify for their Ignorance !!!
While I disagreed with the booing at the NJ game, I could still semi-understand the arguments for.

Yesterday I found it completely useless and nonsensical. You (the booing fans) are not sending a message to CFG (not one that's heard by them anyway). The only thing you are doing is satisfying your own anger and/or ego needs and demoralizing the TEAM. It's not just Frank who hears the boos. It's the whole team. And they seem to be one. And every time you boo you show that we (the fans) are not one. We are not one with each other. And we are not one with the team.

I'm at YS every game to cheer my team and help them win. I wish we all could get behind that purpose.

I find the communication between team and fans on this interesting, perhaps even fascinating. Note: for purposes of this post I'll use fans as shorthand for "fans angered by the Lampard situation." I fully understand there are fans who were never bothered and others who made their peace with it. I'm just trying to save typing. Substitute "angry fans" in your head if you prefer.

When the club, mostly the non-domestic leadership, decided to switch Lampard from a January 2015 start to misdummer 2015, their collective message to the fans was (1) we have nothing to apologize for, (2) mistakes were made, and (3) trust us, we know what we're doing. Few of these things were said directly. The lack of direct communication was notable. There was no official statement at all, which I think was a mistake, and has directly contributed to the festering sore. I do think this is a fair reading of their meaning. Fans OTOH, really wanted a more direct communication, acknowledgment and preferably an apology.
I think CFGG handled things the way they did because (1) their corporate culture is anti-apology, and (2) they figured winning solves everything and they were confident. As much as I think (1) is dumb, I think (2) is the more direct cause of the ongoing Lampard negativity. They had no contingency plan for what happens:
  • if the team doesn't start winning
  • if Frank doesn't play well; and
  • if Frank gets hurt
Of those 3 bullet points, the first was -- to a degree -- in their control, but it has not gone as they thought. The Home record is a particular problem. That is their most direct engagement with their most dedicated fans, and it has not gone well at all. It's not really hard to do well at home in MLS even for poor teams. Our home record is understandably something they probably never considered as a possibility, but that nevertheless was a mistake.
When Lampard joined in 2015, later than all other midsummer transfers, he was largely forgiven. Boos were soft and scattered and drowned out by the cheers. He played moderately well.
Then a new injury hit offseason 2016, and everything the club did in his regard between December 2014 through July 2015 suddenly blew up in their faces, and they have no plan for how to attack it.
From the fan side: booing is a blunt instrument. But they never gave us a public forum when it could have been put behind us. Fans have no other outlet. We can vent here, or Reddit, or Twitter. But if the club sees it they never react. The only thing fans have done that got the club -- any part of it -- to acknowledge fan frustration -- is the booing. Bizarrely, they have a uniform line that the booing is all because of the 2016 injury and they consider events of 2015-15 as that-which-must-not-be-named, which just makes the angry fans more angry.

So on one side you have an organization with the ability to address things with words, directly, and engagingly, but it chooses not to. On the other side you have fans whose only choices for communication that gets acknowledged are silence or boos, and they are choosing boos. We are at an impasse and the club's strategy seems to be to ride it out until they start winning and make it go away.
If this were a Greek tragedy and people died, we would be discussing hubris. The team never considered that the ramifications of letting Lampard stay with MCFC could be this bad. They were certain they would win, that he would be healthy, and he would contribute. And now that it all went the other direction they just keep doing what they're doing.

I predict the boos will fade. FL might start contributing, the team might start winning. Or passions will just get weaker. Unfortunately, I also predict this will be seen by management as a vindication of their approach.
Wait. Did Lampard really get booed? Sounded like he got a pretty big cheer from where I was...
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It was less than last week but noticeable and the subject of team player tweets as previously noted.

You know, a lot of the boos at the red bull game probably came from the red bull supporters. Not that there aren't plenty of NYCFC supporters eager to boo him - yesterday seemed about 50/50 to me. But if you factor in that most people are just going to do whatever those around them do, having 600 people ready to throw their full weight behind booing right away makes a big difference.
I'll be honest, at first I thought that sign was directed at Orlando City (The Lions, "Heart of a Lion").

Since I couldn't imagine our supporters would direct this sentiment to our players in this way, I took it to be a reference to Kaka not being there. I was probably wrong about what I couldn't imagine.
From where I was sitting and then watching again this morning (my kid made me) it sounded like more cheers than jeers for FF.
I thought the reaction was somewhat mixed with slightly more cheers than jeers.

All I can tell you as the substitution was being made I was silently saying to myself: "Please don't introduce him as Super Frank, please don't introduce him as Super Frank, please don't introduce him as Super Frank."
I thought the reaction was somewhat mixed with slightly more cheers than jeers.

All I can tell you as the substitution was being made I was silently saying to myself: "Please don't introduce him as Super Frank, please don't introduce him as Super Frank, please don't introduce him as Super Frank."
I did exactly the same!
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Sitting up high in 206 you had the perfect angle to see the Villa goal take place. As soon as the ball left Pirlo's foot, I screamed out such a loud "WHOA" the people around me must have thought I was a mental patient.
God Bless you Sweetie !! This is Football ! Your More than Allowed to be this way!! I'v been Screaming WHOA for My Andrea for 12 years now but as a Woman for much different reasons!!
If fans don't have a harsh reaction to BS, you'll see a repeat of everything. You can be a fan of something and be its biggest critic because you care. Otherwise the FO will say "they cheered for fat frank, it's not so bad" and they'll have some old DP sign a Manchester contract then get dumped here once he's all used up. AGAIN. The booing last week sent a message, NYC is a tough sports town. We're loyal but we're not blind followers. You can't feed us shit and expect us to say it's delicious. And the funny thing, the day of the where's your heart banner, we let ORL come back from 0-2 to tie the game at the last second. Idk how that game is being spinned into positive, they didn't have Kaka, Ramos, Higuita and Ceren and god knows who else. We still couldn't get the job done.
Wait. Did Lampard really get booed? Sounded like he got a pretty big cheer from where I was...
From 225 I heard a few boos, but mostly very loud cheering. The cheering could have been for T Mac as he exited (and some of it certainly was), but the cheering went on long enough and loud enough that I think much of it was for Lampard.

I think only a minority of fans actually feel compelled to boo, and the majority in attendance are just happy FL walks among us.
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I'm not sure who it was, but I'm pretty sure one of the players laid face down on the pitch for a good 30 seconds or so after the last goal.
I'm sure it was hard to stomach the goal when having given everything they they see some teammates go lazy on their marking and positioning.
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