Seattle Postmatch

Somehow during the first season we managed to avoid the rain at every home game. But it was also a tough season to watch. I really dislike being out in the rain but once you surrender to it, it makes the win that much more fun. Gritty good performance today
That was fun stuff today, despite the weather.

I had my kid and a couple of his friends for his birthday party. We huddled under our rain ponchos and had a great time sitting behind the goal in Sec 111. We are on the highlight reel a lot.

The conditions were ridiculous. I don't think I've ever sat through so much rain at a sporting event. Maybe once or twice as a kid in Gainesville. There isn't a field in the country that would have stood up to that. Plus, I think there was another game in MLS that had the exact same issue with puddles forming in a big sustained rain (and no, I am not referring to Orlando and their ridiculous sprinklers).

How about when Dempsey was lining up a dangerous shot at the top of the box and whiffed because of a funny bounce. And we had one when Wallace was 1 v 1 with the keeper and lost the ball on a heavy touch because it finally hit a dry patch.

The Villa penalty was directly in front of me, and it was a bad call. Of course, the no call in the first half was equally bad. Plus, the Seattle goal came after they fouled to force a turnover and Sbiga just played on.

One last fun thing was my ticket rep showing up and giving my kid a birthday present. Totally great thing to do. Only solidifies our good relationship with the Club.
That was fun stuff today, despite the weather.

I had my kid and a couple of his friends for his birthday party. We huddled under our rain ponchos and had a great time sitting behind the goal in Sec 111. We are on the highlight reel a lot.

The conditions were ridiculous. I don't think I've ever sat through so much rain at a sporting event. Maybe once or twice as a kid in Gainesville. There isn't a field in the country that would have stood up to that. Plus, I think there was another game in MLS that had the exact same issue with puddles forming in a big sustained rain (and no, I am not referring to Orlando and their ridiculous sprinklers).

How about when Dempsey was lining up a dangerous shot at the top of the box and whiffed because of a funny bounce. And we had one when Wallace was 1 v 1 with the keeper and lost the ball on a heavy touch because it finally hit a dry patch.

The Villa penalty was directly in front of me, and it was a bad call. Of course, the no call in the first half was equally bad. Plus, the Seattle goal came after they fouled to force a turnover and Sbiga just played on.

One last fun thing was my ticket rep showing up and giving my kid a birthday present. Totally great thing to do. Only solidifies our good relationship with the Club.
I thought RJ Allen looked good offensively on the right side, but there was some times where they would not run back on defense after an offensive run.
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DAVID VILLA is the only Super Hero I can Believe In !!:D:D:D:D

Now can somebody PLEASE tell me how a Player Remains on the Pay Roll when they are Not or will Never Play ??:confused::confused::confused::confused:o_Oo_Oo_Oo_O

Midas Mulligan Midas Mulligan your comment about how Yankee Stadium held was Great !! Thank you I agree . You get a Goal for that ! Give the other guy who had the problem a RED CARD !! That surface looked like one Giant slip-n-slide!:sweatdrops::sweatdrops::sweatdrops::sweatdrops:
I thought RJ was one of the 11 we played. Much like Sweat.

(This is the literal interpretation of if you can't say something nice...)

It was crazy that the most nervous I was came after the rain stopped and the field started playing a little more true. In those last 10 minutes when the ball started to move a bit, our defense did not look good at all, and it felt like the equalizer was going to come.

Reyna needs to improve the defense more than any other position during the summer window. Centerbacks are probably OK, but we need another fullback. Badly.
It was crazy that the most nervous I was came after the rain stopped and the field started playing a little more true. In those last 10 minutes when the ball started to move a bit, our defense did not look good at all, and it felt like the equalizer was going to come.

Reyna needs to improve the defense more than any other position during the summer window. Centerbacks are probably OK, but we need another fullback. Badly.
Nothing new about that. And nothing to disagree about. We need fullbacks, hands down.
Are you kidding? The field didn't drain at all. They don't play baseball in the rain. Rfk holds up better than that in the rain. That was an embarrassment today. And that wasn't even a soccer game.

I sit 200 levels row 1, and did today by myself in the rain, the first row was literally a swimming pool. You clearly were not sitting out there if you think any field was going to be in good shape.
I decided to forego my bourgie seats and go to my best seats in 215 with Nigs (Dnigly13). And This cannot be overstated. It was one of the best soccer plays I've ever seen.

Jack gets the ball and challenges his defender for a moment. He sees Villa on the edge of the 18. He deeks the defender and turns his back to the run like he's going to try to dribble him.

Then, he plays a blind cross to the back post. Some will say it was luck, but that's horseshit. He did exactly what he meant, and it was ballsy and glorious and something you only see from players who are a cut above.

The patience and professionalism to wait outside the box until the ball is played into that open space.

The feeling of watching the ball float across the field and as I turn my head seeing Villa arriving, unmarked, into that open space. It's the feeling of knowing you are watching an amazing goal before the ball has even been kicked.
Assorted follow-ups:
  • Re-watching the non-PK call, I think it is a mistake to assume that VAR would overturn it. Both announcers said it was the right call, which is not dispositive,* but video review has always upheld any arguably correct call. That the defender slipped on a sloppy pitch would give them the justification they need in their heads to uphold this call. The non-PK call didn't even make the condensed match indicating they didn't think it was that controversial. OTOH, I could also see the Villa one getting overturned.
* I also realize Twellman has "I'm totally fine with the no call in that situation" prerecorded and he just has to press a button to save his voice.
  • It rained so hard that it interfered with DirecTV satellite transmission and part of the game didn't come through, including that non-PK play, but it cleared eenough by the time they showed a replay for me to have something to review.
  • On the last goal, everything said already is correct. It was a blind cross. Okoli drew all the defenders to the middle leaving Villa unmarked. But, the other bit is Villa was nowhere near the spot where Harrison crossed to. He wasn't even in the TV shot. It was brilliant instincts from 2 smart playes who know and trust each other.
  • Sometimes I get this feeling watching a game that a team will score just as a play starts to develop and before a true chance materializes. The thought forms in my head not just that a good chance is coming, but an actual score. It seems like this feeling is never wrong although I'm sure my mind just quickly erases all the times I have been mistaken. Anyway, yesterday I got that feeling as soon as Villa dug the ball out of the corner and switched the field by passing to Harrison. BTW, this feeling can be good or bad. The previous one was in the MEXvUSA game. As soon as Ochoa corralled the ball and whipped his outlet pass I said, 'fuck they're gonna score" and they did. Does anyone else get this feeling from time to time, and it seems always to be correct?
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You shouldn't say Matarrita is worthless, which is what you just did. If you take away Lampard's goals, what was his function again? Because, to me, that's all he could offer. I do want Mata back ASAP, but mostly because Sweat is donkey balls. It's certainly in no way I can readily see analogous to Lampard.

I phrased it poorly. I do think he is very valuable. But he's played what four games? Then got injured, and then re-injured.
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Seattle fans will cry about the PK being a bad call while conveniently ignoring the foul on Jack in the first half. If it had happened outside the box, the ref would have called it. I've always hated that. A foul is a foul is a foul. So the calls even out to me. Great win. Hopefully we can fucking smash the jersey clowns with key players back in the lineup.
Does anyone else get this feeling from time to time, and it seems always to be correct?
Absolutely. The way it tends to work for me is that about five-ish to ten-ish seconds out from a goal I tend to "know" it's coming. Not every time, but quite frequently. And I'm not counting seeing a bad giveaway or huge defensive mistake; just buildup play.
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